Kicked Out

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The drive home was better. We talked and laughed like normal. No change. I felt so much relief and also a lot of excitement. I was finally dating my best friend. We held hands the entire drive back. When he pulled into my driveway, he leaned over the seat and gave me a sweet, slow kiss.

"Talk to you later, Miracle."

"Night, Lorde."

I had a huge smile on my face as I unlocked the front door and walked in. I shut the door and locked it then turned to hang up my coat. A blinding stinging pain hit the side of my face. I was nearly spun around by the force put behind it. I looked up through blurry eyes with my mouth open.

"Where have you been, slut!"

I looked up in confusion. "Dad?" My other cheek began to sting and I fell into the table knocking over the lamp. Tears stung my eyes as I picked myself up cutting myself on a piece of glass from the lamp that had broken. I could hear running feet and several gasps.


"Trevor!" Mom yelled.

"Stay out of it!" Dad grabbed the front of my shirt and held me up against the wall. "Where were you!?"

I was scared shitless. My dad's never hit me or been this angry towards any of us. This level of aggression was frightening. "O-out with Lorde."

He pulled me so we were less than an inch apart.  "Doing what?"

"W-we went to the b-beach."

"Dinner is at seven! You're supposed to be here!" Spit flew out of his mouth and I tried not to cringe.  Was he really this angry with me over missing a meal once my 18 years of life?

I just wanted to diffuse the situation and get as far away from him as possible.  "I'm sorry."

He started taking off his belt. My brothers grabbed him and tackled him to the ground. Collie, the third oldest, grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house. She unlocked her car and shoved me inside. I sat in the backseat bawling my eyes out.

Why was my father acting like this towards me? What had I done? Was it because I was a submissive? Or a queen? I couldn't control those things. He should know. His company made and analyzed the tests. Was being who I am really something to be disgraced over?  

As if even nature were against me, the sky decided to open up as we pulled up in front of a very familiar house. I didn't realize mom was in the car until she spoke to my sister.

"I'll go talk to his parents. Stay here a moment."

I looked at Collie through the rearview. "Why is he treating me like this? What did I do?"

She gripped the steering wheel tightly. "You didn't do anything. Not a damn thing."

"I'm sorry."

Collie turned in her seat to look at me. "For what?"

I looked up into her soft hazel eyes. "Being born this way."

Before she could reply, the back door was opened and I was pulled out. I cuddled into the familiar chest, wrapping my arms around his neck as Lorde carried me inside. I heard mom talking to his parents before we ascended the stairs to his room. He sat me on the edge of the bed then knelt down in front of me between my legs. I looked up into his dark eyes and broke some more. He held my head against his chest as I full on ugly cried.

After a while, there was a soft knock on the door. Lorde was still holding me tightly. I felt a hand stroke my head then the side of my face and I looked up into my mother's shiny blue eyes. A few tears rolled down as I nuzzled into her touch.

"I'm sorry, baby," she apologised.  "I don't know what's wrong with him."

My voice was barely a whisper. "I'm sorry I disappointed you."

She ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my cheek. "You're not a disappointment. At all. I still love you very much. Your brother is coming over with some of  your things. It might be... safer for you to stay with Lorde for a bit. I've spoken to his parents."

I snorted and pushed Lorde a little. "You trust this guy?"

"Hey!" he put his hand over his heart in a mock hurt fashion.

She giggled. "If there is anyone who can keep you in line, it's Lorde."

He smirked. Bastard.

"Take care of my baby, Lorde."

He took her hand and kissed it. "I promise."

She kissed the top of my head. "Behave."

I gave her a salute. "Aye aye, captain."

Lorde stood and walked her to the door. I took my jacket off and held it to my chest. I've lost my father and been kicked out of the house. For what? Lorde returned with a suitcase. I looked at it then at him and frowned.

"Your brother brought it while I was seeing your mother off. We'll go back to school tomorrow and get your car." He straddled the desk chair with his arms folded on the back.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I guess I'll need it to go job hunting and stuff."

"You don't have to worry about that."

My eyes met his. "Im not going to freeload."

He waved his hand dismissively.  "You're not. You're my submissive. It's my duty as your dominant to provide and care for you."

I rolled my eyes. He was so damn confident and sure of everything. "I'm going to showeer."

He stood and followed behind me. "I'll come with."

I looked him up and down skeptically.  "Just keep your hands to yourself, pervert." I yelped as he slapped me on my ass.

"Couldn't help myself."

"Uh-huh," I rolled my eyes.  

He started to undress. "Make no mistake, I will defile every inch of you."

My dick jumped in my pants.  I played off his remark and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah." No lie. I wanted him to right then and there. Neither of us were virgins. It's just so much had happened in a two week time span. I felt drained. I just wanted a bath and sleep. He stroked my cheek with the back of his hand.

"You need sleep. It's been a rough few weeks." This is one reason we're such good friends. This is why I love him. He always knows what I need. He kissed me softly and pulled me towards the tub. "Shower and bed."

I smiled.  "Yes, sir."

We showered and like a true gentleman, he kept his hands to himself. After toweling off, he loaned me some shorts and a tshirt and helped me dry my hair. His parents came to tell us goodnight and we followed going to bed after. Lorde and I have been together since pre-k so sharing a bed wasn't new to us. I liked sleeping with him because he was so warm. He used to call me ice prince because my feet were freezing. He pulled me close to him and wedged one of his legs between mine and intertwining our legs. I closed my eyes as he sifted his fingers through my hair.

"It'll be alright, Miracle. You'll see."

I rubbed my nose against his chest inhaling his soothing scent. "You think so?"

"I know so because I'll make it so." He laughed softly as I smacked his arm. This guy had way too much damn confidence. Just one more thing I loved about him.

"Thanks, Lorde."

He kissed the top of my head. "Anything for you, Miracle."

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