Knox & Robbie - Sunshine and Rainbows

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Knox lay wide awake that night while Robbie lay pressed against his back and snoring the night away like a man without a care in the world. Gloria showing up to his office had thrown him off kilter. She hadn't just apologized for what her wife had done at the mall, she'd also apologized for their twenty year rift and suddenly abandoning him. The moment the last words left her lips, she'd whirled out of there as quickly as she'd arrived.

He'd called Robbie first and explained what happened. His dear husband merely chuckled and said, "Good. Bout time that witch owned up to her mistakes." But he acted as if he had no idea why she'd done it and accused him, Lorde, and Milton of doing anything. Knox then phoned Lorde to get his two cents worth only to find one of his best friends claiming innocence and ignorance of Gloria and her motives. Milton tended to be more forthcoming most of the time but this time he downright dodged every question Knox threw at him.

Annoyed beyond belief, he called Miracle and quickly explained Gloria storming in and out of his office and his calls to their husbands. Knox nearly hurled the phone at the wall as Miracle cackled with laughter on the other end. This was was worse than interrogations for a case. These men he considered his family and friends were being purposefully secretive and for what?

Miracle sniffed while his laughter settled into giggles and Knox got the impression he'd probably wiped tears from his eyes as well.

"Are you finished?" A testy Knox gritted out, snapping a pencil.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just our husbands are too ridiculous for their own good."

Knox exhaled heavily.  "You're telling me."

"Remember that dinner we had not too long after the mall?"

"I do."

"Well, I can't speak for Robbie and Milton but I know for a fact Lorde made some calls to a few business associates that we have in common with her company. If Robbie and Milton are like my Lorde - and on some levels the three are a lot alike- I would hazard a guess that they did the same things."

Knox sat up in his chair and frowned.  "Like?"

"I noticed the stock in her company took a dive so I would hazard to say something leaked to the board of directors or investors. The fact she mentioned desisting hostilities I'd guess someone might have threatened her for harassment and mental torment of a male dominant queen for what happened at the mall."

Knox leaned back heavily in his seat. That last one was a doozy. After his rape, Lorde, Emile, Milton, and Miracle had gotten involved in the movement to improve things and remove the stigma for male submissive queens and male dominant queens. Later when he'd gotten back on his feet, Knox himself had gone to law school to help represent male and female queens against their violent, abusive, or neglectful doms. If one of their doms chose to press charges, Gloria's spouse could face up to a year in jail.


Realizing he had been staring off into space and saying nothing, Knox shook his head and sat up. "Sorry, Tee. I'm just a little shook. They don't need to take it that far."

Miracle sucked his teeth.  "Figures you'd cover for that witch."

"I loved her at one point," Knox said softly.

"And the bitch bailed on you when you needed her."

"Que sera."

"My ass."

"Miracle - " Knox pleaded.  

He sighed heavily. "Fine. Fine. I'll talk to Lorde. Tell him reign in the hounds."

"Thank you. Can you ask Emile too?"

"I guess. But you're on your own with Robbie."

Knox chuckled softly. "Thank you and thank Lorde too."

"Yeah, yeah. Later, cupcake."


He tossed and turned later that night, lots of things turning over in his mind.  Why had it all bothered him so much? His friends were only acting on his behalf. He had been hurt by Gloria and her wife. They only acted in that way because they cared and were pissed he was hurting. No. That wasn't what bothered him.

It was Gloria herself.

She'd never explained why. Why she abandoned him? Why she cut ties with him? Why she stayed gone for twenty years? Why she approached him in the mall? Why she stood by and let her wife run all over him?

He sighed as he turned over so he was facing his husband. Brushing a strand of hair off the older man's forehead, Knox kissed the soft skin there before turning onto his back. As he shut his eyes, one thought danced around in his head.

He had to talk to her to get closure once and for all.

By lunch the next day, he was up to his eyeballs in legal briefs and investigative reports. The eraser end of the pencil tapped furiously against the desk as he read page after page, pausing every now and again to highlight or pencil in something in the margins. A knock came to his door just after one. The smell of sausage and peppers reached his nostrils as he looked up and his stomach decided to make itself known. Knox shook his head as his brother burst into laughter and took a seat across from him at the desk.

"Working yourself to death, big bro?"

"Your timing is impeccable, Kristian," Knox smiled setting aside his work. His brother handed him a foil wrapped bundle and a dish of fries. Knox unwrapped his sandwich, took a bite, and moaned as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"Easy, dude. People might get the wrong idea," Kristian muttered chewing on his chicken tenders.

Knox rolled his eyes.  "Whatever. This hit the spot."

"Whatcha workin' on?"

"Just a few cases. I wanted to get them as far along as possible."

"What's the rush?"

Knox shrugged absently.  "No rush. Just got things to deal with and it's easier when I'm not thinking about work."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Dealing with some old stuff."

Kristian gave his brother a quizzical look.

"It's Gloria," Knox admitted with a sigh.

Kristian's face ran the myriad of emotions before he stood from his seat, face red with rage.  "Gloria!? That back stabbing, two faced bitch?!"

"Shh! Kris, keep your voice down."  Knox looked up to see a few people looking in the direction of his office.  His secretary stood and closed his door.  He had to remember to get her something special for Christmas.

Kristian lowered his voice.  "I can't help it. She abandoned you when you needed her."

"She's not the only one," Knox replied giving him a blank stare.

Kris's anger deflated and he sank back into his seat. "Yeah. I know. I'll never forgive myself."

Knox shrugged and wiped his hands.  "What could you do? You were only thirteen."

"I could have hit him with the bat. Grabbed the gun. Made dai stop him. Something."

"Dai was an abused self-hating queen. He was taught that's what we deserved."

"I know. But still."

"Water under the bridge. We've all resolved our differences since then."

"Yeah but look how long it took," Kristian persisted.  "Eight years. Eight before that controlling, abusive son-of-a-bitch died before we all stopped being so goddamned afraid, got some sense, and reached out to you."

Knox sighed and got up from his seat. He rounded the desk and stood in front of his youngest brother. Even though he'd reconciled with all of his siblings, they were all still easily upset by the eight year estrangement imposed on them after Knox had been beaten and thrown out of the house after his results came out. Knox hugged his brother tightly

Kyle Keller Kingston was a ruthless self-made business man with suspected mob ties. He'd come from generations of dominants who felt subs and queens were simply for warming the bed, cooking, cleaning, and putting out babies. He ruled his family with an iron fist. His bondmate, Kai, was a self-hating male submissive queen from a family with the same thought process as Kyle. Kyle's word was law and he controlled everything from how his mate dressed and acted to the naming of the children. He didn't hesitate to use words, fist, or belt to achieve order and compliance in his home.

"We could have done something," Kristian muttered.

Knox huffed at his brother's stubbornness.  "There was nothing to do. Remember what happened to Kent? When he found out he was a submissive he didn't even bother to come home. He hid out with cousin Andrew and joined the navy."

"Yeah. I cried hard that time."

Knox chuckled. "You were only seven. A baby."

Kristian stuck his tongue out at his older brother and wiped his eyes.

"And when Kayvon tried to help me after Gloria," Knox sat back down and picked up his abandoned meal.

Kristian trembled.

"You can't tell me it was a coincidence he was fired and evicted less than a month later."

The younger sighed and picked up his abandoned tenders. "I couldn't help thinking how useless dai was. We were his babies. How could he let that monster do that to us?"

Knox shrugged. "His father was as bad as ours. Plus he was from a time where queens and subs were used like bargaining chips between companies and families. He was probably depressed beyond any help."

"Maybe. Then KJ started meddling."

"Are you mad with our oldest brother?" Knox was tickled.  

"Hell yeah!"

"Do you know why he did what he did?"

Krisitian frowned and shook his head.

Polishing off his meal, Knox put his arms on the desk and leaned forward.  "I told him to keep you all out of it and to watch over you and Kacy. Between us oldest, we agreed to set something aside in case one of you were submissive or queen and needed to get out."

"Really? How come Kacy and I didn't know?"

A smirk lifted the corner of Knox's lips.  "You weren't supposed to."

There was a long pause as Kristian digested his words.  Knox could see the guilt still in his brother's eyes and broke the silence.

"It wasn't all bad. I had Miracle and Lorde. Emile and Milton. The club. Robbie."

Kristian nodded solemnly and tossed his food in the trash.  "Yeah."

"And we're all closer than we were back then. It worked out well if you ask me."

"Yeah, okay."  Kristian smoothed his shirt and smiled.  "Whatever you say Mister sunshine and rainbows."

Knox stood and did jazz hands.  "That's me!"

Kristian stood and gathered his belongings.  "Do you need back up when you speak with Gloria?"

"Nah. After what's she's been through, I have no doubt she'll be more civil at our next meeting."

"Alright, bro."  He pulled Knox into a hug.  "If she doesn't, you call us up. We'll handle business."

Knox pushed him towards the door.  "Get outta here, thug wannabe."

Kristian dipped out of the office.  "Later!"

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