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"So, what's up?"

"Nothin' much really. I just don't, like, feel very good..."

"Why not? Are you sick?"

"No. I'm not sick. I just had a suck-ass day is all."

"So, do you want to talk about it?"

"...hey, Danny, are you going to the teen hangout on Friday?"

"Um...I'm not sure..."

"You need to come."

"But I can't even dance."

"Oh, come on, everyone can dance. Even if they don't have much rhythm."

"Do you have rhythm?"

"If you care to know I used to take rhythmic gymnastics."

"Still, that doesn't give me a clear indication that you do."

"Ha-ha. Whatever. If you come to the teen hangout next Friday. I'll show you some moves. How 'bout it?"

"I can't make any promises. But, yeah."


"So, why did you have a suck ass day today?"

"Because of my friends. We went to the mall today."

"You went shopping? Walked around the mall? Shit like that?"

"Yeah. Typical shit."

"Yeah, I get it. Sometimes I just want to step out of my comfort zone. Live a life less ordinary..."

"Yeah...I don' even want to go to homecoming this year. I'd rather skip. And go get drunk off of my ass, or just chill at home. Listening to Helen Reddy and turning it to TCM."

"Who the hell is Helen Reddy?"

"She's a singer I listen to. Y'know, she sings that one song? I Am Woman."

"Honestly, I don't think I've ever listened to that song. I mean, I'm a guy."

"So? Pffft, here it goes, Oh yes, I am wise, but it's wisdom born of pain. Yes, I've paid the price, but look how much I gained. If I have to, I can do anything. I am strong! I am invincible! I am woman!"


"Hey, Danny are you still there?"


"Well, fuck. Did I really sound that shitty to you? My bad."

"No, no, Abi. That was shock taking over."

"So, I'm that shockingly horrible?...is that it?"

"No no no! You sounded pretty nice. Your eagerness and nice voice is what shocked me."

"Danny, thanks. But that's probably the only song I can sing some-what decently."


"Are you laughing?"

"Yeah, I'm laughing at your dorkiness."

"Hello, I'm not the one that likes to do impressions. Like seriously, you've got to be hella bored to find time to practice them."

"You know, my life is pretty boring."

"How is it boring? You're Danny Sanderson."

"Yeah, and I Danny Sanderson, lead a frickin' dull life."

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