The Worst Way To Start

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Sofia POV

" Wait, you are the guy that I met at the airport. I took your luggage and you took mine."  He nods and says  " Yeah, I knew that someone bought this house but I didn't know that is was you."   Then I see the pizza guy come through the door. Then I run and trip on the grass, Joel starts laughing and I stand up and I give the money to the pizza guy.  He gives me the pizza and the wings

" That was so hilarious, how can you fall on grass." Joel said. " Well, the same way you came to my house." I tell him. " So, walking?" he replies.

Then I see him making an nasty look at me. After that look I felt that, I just had to run into the house. Luckily I didn't cause that would have be so embarrassing. "Mija, did the guys bring our food yet?" Then, she sees Joel and me outside. She comes near me and Joel and says " You must be our new neighbor. Would you like to come in and eat dinner with us?"

Joel looks surprised and says yes. We all got inside and I go upstairs. Then I look at one of the posters that I have on the wall of CNCO and I see at Joel. Then, I remember he is the same one that is downstairs. So, I start freaking out and can't believe that Joel Pimentel is my neighbor and that he is in my house.

"Mija, come downstairs the pizza and the wings are getting cold."I go down slowly so he wouldn't notice that I was freaking out. I just see him sitting on a chair near the counter. When he moves his head to look at me, he smiles. When he smiles, I smile back and just look away because I feel that I made a weird smile. Then my mom calls me " Sofia, can you and our neighbor go to the garage and get some plates."  Then Joel responds " Yes, I would love to help get some plates from the garage and my name is Joel by the way." My mom nods and we both walk to the garage.

I open the garage and see that two rats come out, I squeal and hug Joel. Then I look up to see him looking at me. I back away and he starts laughing non stop. I look the other direction, so he wouldn't see me. Then, he stops laughing and come towards me and touches my shoulder. That touch gave me a chill though my spine and I shiver. He  asked me if I'm alright and I just nod my head.  Then, I start looking for the plates and finally find the box.  I signal Joel to come and he grabs some plates and waits for me to get out of the garage. I look at him and I ask him " Why are you waiting for me?" He answers " I just don't want you to get scared about another rat." I laugh sarcastically and leave.

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