Movie theaters

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Solstices pov

(A/n . Ik so unfortunate, I lowkey like Matt's pov better but whatever, her pov is required for this chapter 🙄)

When I put his hoodie on I saw his face go red, Ik I'm so fuckin' sexy. But instead of bragging about how sexy I was to him I just walked downstairs grabbed his keys and started the car and waited in the passenger seat. It took him a minute before hopping in the car and driving us to the movie theater.

We browsed what movies they had, but of course they only had scary movies. "Well shit," Matt said. We picked a movie and bought our tickets. 

The movie started and even the intro was scary. I could tell Matt was horrified by his heavy breathing. 

Halfway into the movie there was a jumpscare, I jumped and Matt placed his hands over his mouth. Soon enough he placed he hand on my thigh. I fucking turned as red as a tomato and damn was I aware. Matt smirked and looked at me, I hid in my hands, it's so embarrassing to turn red because of a simple move. "Dont hide." Matt whispered, pulling my hands away from my face, he removed his hand off my thigh and held my hand instead. I turned even redder. I could feel my heart beating inside my chest. I stopped breathing hoping to slow down my breathing.

Once the movie ended I was somewhat calm. Matt was well aware of my heavy breathing and my racing heart. I hoped he blamed it on the movie, because after all, the movie was horrifying. "Matt I don't think I can stay at my house after that fucking movie." I sputtered. "Guess you're just gonna have to sleep on the side of the street." He teased, "Matt that's even worse!" I stated, "I know. I'll let nick know you're staying over so he can clean his dirty ass room." Matt rolled his eyes, "nah it's fine I'll sleep on the couch, I think that couch is better than any bed." I said, "but first we need to finish the project." I added while he started the car, "why'd you have to remind me! I was finally at peace" Matt whined, "well I'd like to pass the class idk ab you though." I replied, "whatever, at least we're smart and it'll be done fast." He bragged.

Once we made it home I ran upstairs into his room, and locked the door so he couldn't come in, idk why, I just felt like it. I heard Matt's footsteps towards his room and when he tried to open the door he groaned and suck "solstice are you changing?" He asked, "no" I replied smiling, "then why'd- oh you little bitch!" He tried opening the door again before stopping and taking a long pause, I took this as the chance to unlock it and hide in his closet.

He finally opened the door, and yelled "You can't hide forever!" I covered my mouth thinking of the movie we just watched, I was trembling in fear and, I could tell I was pale. He walked over towards the closet and opened it suddenly, I jumped so hard, "I almost fucking pissed myself!" I yelled, while Matt was rolling on the floor from laughter, when I said that I could tell her was only laughing harder. I huffed and walked over to our spot for studying and started working on the project, listening to his laughter was my favorite thing. I used his laughter as a calming sensation, whenever I heard his laughter I felt at ease. His laughter made me feel safe. (A/n When I was writing this paragraph Careless whisper started playing, and I said, "damn.")

While I was working and he was still laughing, suddenly he stopped and I felt hands snake around my waist, butterflies started forming in my stomach. I lean my head towards the side and looked at him. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, shocking him he just stood there processing the kiss. He looked at me and kissed me again, he deepened the kiss, and kept his grip on my waist, his lips were perfect, they were soft and full. He let go of my waist with one of his hands and put his hand on my jawline, I could feel a smile forming on his lips. I pulled away to catch my breath, "solstice..." "that- that was fucking amazing" Matt smiled kissing me once more, he pulled away and admired my lips. He looked up at my eyes, and smiled, I smiled back and admired his eyes, there were perfect, a beautiful blue, I could see an ocean in them with life in them, I could see the sky in them, beautiful sunsets in them. Everything about his eyes were perfect, but so was every inch of him.

Matt's pov

Once I walked into my room "You can't hide forever!" I yelled, closing my door and searching around the room. I walked over to my closet, and took a deep breath before grabbing the door violently, she jumped so bad, I fell over from laughing, "I almost fucking pissed myself!" She screamed at me. She glared at me, clearly annoyed. She walked over towards the project and started doing her part, I was still laughing. I scared her so bad it's fucking hilarious.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She leaned her head and looked at me. I admired her. When suddenly I felt her lips on mine, she pulled back almost immediately, I just stood there and stiffened, I kissed her back, deepening the kiss. Her lips were even better than what I had thought they'd be like, they were pink, but they were soft, and when she smiled they curved so beautifully. I removed one of my hands off of her waist and put my free hand on her jaw line. I tried so hard not to smile, but i ended up smiling. She pulled away to breathe, "solstice..." "that- that was fucking amazing" I muttered. I looked at her lips, swollen and a dark pink from my kisses. I looked at her eyes, they were like a forest with beautiful trees and moss, and a perfect sun beam in them. I admired her beautiful freckles amongst her pink cheeks. She was so beautiful and perfect, there was nothing I would change about her.

A/n. I really was debating on double updating but I didn't bc again i was really feeling it. But sometimes I forget I'm the author and I surprise myself with the endings like damn, I didn't know I could do that.

1116 words.

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