My hoodie

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I woke up to me and solstices alarms going off, both at 6am "matt why is your alarm set so earlyy" solstice whined to me, shit, she was still in my arms and instead of my head in her neck, her head was against my chest, both her hands wrapped around my waist and interlocked at my back, her legs were tangled into mine. My head was rested on-top of her head and one hand in her hair and the other wrapped around her waist bringing her closer to me. "You're alarm is going off too." I complained, getting up with solstices arms still wrapped around me. I aimlessly started searching for our phones, I looked under a pillow and found mine, I quickly turned the alarm off and threw my phone across the bed, while looking for solstices phone her head was nuzzled into my side and her arms wrapped around my hips now. I found her phone found under her legs, I quickly grabbed it and shut the alarm off. I laid back down and solstice scooted up some and put her head in my neck whilst not letting go of me once.

"Solstice, honey." I said, "What" she groaned "We have to get up." I smiled, knowing damn well she didnt wanna leave my arms, "im skipping today" she quickly responded, her breath tickling my neck, "ok. Ill see you later?" I teased, "no you're staying with me." She said, only digging her face farther into my neck, "either way I still have to drop my brothers off, and marylou would kill me if I stayed home and just laid in bed all day." I stated, "ugh, whatever." She said pulling away and starting getting up, strutting towards my hoodie on the side of her bed, she grabbed it and a pair of her jeans on the floor. Soon enough she walked into her bathroom. I took this as my opportunity and changed too. But of course I didnt have a fucking hoodie so I dug through her closet and found chris's hoodie, odd. I grabbed chris's hoodie and put it on.

When solstice came out of the bathroom she had brushed hair, a blue hoodie and dark blue jeans on with light makeup on. "Why are you wearing nicks hoodie? And where'd you find that anyway?" She asked looking towards my hoodie, "its not nicks its chris's and I found it on your closet." I corrected her, "oh, I invited nick over the other day and he wore that hoodie." She replied walking over towards me, she leant down and got awfully close to my face before snatching her phone behind me and walking away. "I get aux!" She yelled running downstairs.

When nick and chris got in the car les by childish gambino was playing and she was singing along to it. She looked gorgeous, her hair draped against her shoulders, her brown eyes looked beautiful from a sun beam, the same sun beam making her freckles gleam, I was snapped out of my trance when I heard a honk from behind me, apparently it was a green light.

When we arrived at school, solstice walked with me to math class she looked bothered, "whats wrong?" I asked, still looking down at her, she looked up at me and said "I dont wanna sound cringe or anything but this hoodie doesnt smell like you anymore." I smiled and dragged her by the wrist towards the library, we still had a couple minutes till the bell rang. We walked towards the empty little spot and stood there, I sat my bookbag down and dug through it, only to find a small bottle of my cologne, I grabbed it, "take off my hoodie." I told her, "I-uh— I cant." She said quietly, "why?" I whispered back, she leant towards my ear and quietly said "im only wearing a bra under this." She leant back and stared at me, waiting for a response. I nodded, "ok, thats fine. Close your eyes please." She did as I said and closed her eyes, I took the lid off my cologne bottle and started spraying the outside of my hoodie, once I stopped she opened her eyes, her eyes were gorgeous, a welcoming glow coming from them "thank you matt!" She smiled at me and blushed. I nodded my head and put the lid back on my cologne, I stuffed it back in my bag and started walking out of the library with solstice beside me.

We sat down in math, I noticed she wasnt talking to Connor, instead he was staring at her, not only her but her hoodie. I sprayed quite alot of sprays so the cologne must've been strong, but he knew who's cologne that was, he knew damn well who.

During english Solstice was way more focused more than normal, weird.

Towards the end of the class the teachers raspy voice called after Solstice and I "solstice, matt, please stay." I nodded and sat back down, I heard a sigh from solstice as she sat down. When everyone left the room. Me and solstice walked towards the teachers desk and she began "Solstice isnt doing well in her studies and exams, while you matt, are very good. And I was hoping you wouldnt mind to tutor her?" She finished. "Yes, of course." I smiled, "Thank you matt! You two are dismissed." She said, and smiled.

When we we're in the hallway solstice ran into some guy and instead of him snapping at her he smiled, and asked her something, she looked towards me and said "hey matt, can you grab me some perfume from my locker please?" She asked, "I dont know where it is. Come with me" I said, taking her arm and dragging her towards our locker, I could her her sigh of relief, "thank you so much matt." She thanked me, "of course sweetheart." I teased her, she rolled her eyes and continued towards our locker.

We walked to lunch and saw the group already at the table, caroline and nick seemed to be engaged in conversation. Chris was staring at a vending machine that sells pepsi, "chris do you need half a dollar?" I asked, he turned his head around and begged "yes please" I smiled and gave him two quarters and watched him scramble to get up to go to the vending machine. I sat down across from where chris was originally sitting, solstice sat next to me talking to Connor. He kept glancing at her chest, she obviously hadn't noticed, I was going to say something when some girl came up to me, she had dirty blonde hair with chunky highlights, she had brown eyes and a beauty mark on her left cheek. "Hey, im Fae, I sit close to you in english." She informed me, "hi, im matt." I said completely uninterested in the small talk, "so you're like really hot and I was wondering if I could get your snap?" She smiled, she had a nice smile, but it didnt feel right, "Sorry, im not interested in you." I smiled, she scoffed and responded "whatever." And then the rat finally scurried away to her table of friends.

When I looked back at whats-his-face and Solstice, he was no longer looking at her boobs but instead he was toying with his fork while talking. Damn was this bitch getting on my nerves, connor put his fork down and started rubbing her shoulder. I stood up abruptly and walked away, without eating anything, which chris quickly noticed, he grabbed my bread from my tray and ran after me, his pepsi in his other hand, "eat this." He handed me the bread after he caught up with me, "i actually didnt mean to not eat, I was just distracted, sorry chris." I apologized taking a mouthful of the bread, "don't apologize, anyway. Why'd you leave so sudden like that?" He questioned, I rolled my eyes and explained why I left.

A/N. *cough* i hate *cough cough* connor, anyways, I hope y'all had an amazing halloween! I wont be able to do a double update tonight because Im already past my bedtime and I cant ask to stay up any later. But I hope y'alls blood is boiling from connor! Mine aint cause ik whats happening soon (no I dont lmfao) I hope yall enjoyed the first couple paragraphs though. Chrizz is such a loving mother.

1421 words.

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