🌤Chapter One🌤

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⛔️Warning⛔️: This story will contain mature themes such as depression, anxiety, some hints to feeling slightly suicidal, bad language, and more. If any of these make you uncomfortable please stop reading.

It was a pretty bad day in the canyons where the Ruff Ruff Pack made their base camp. Hubcap was screaming at Gasket for a problem he caused and Dwayne has had about enough of it.

"You were the one who ruined our plans, Gasket! You and your stupid gadgets ruin everything!" Hubcap exclaimed.

Dwayne watched with a frown on his face. Should he be the voice of reason in this fight? Should he even engage? Nah. He wasn't feeling up to it. Normally he would be over the moon to help his best buddies and help encourage them to stop fighting.

Today was different. Today he had starting feeling something strange. Something he didn't like. At points he felt like he went up and then he went crashing down.

All he wanted to do was lie around and not do anything—he wasn't even lazy either. He just felt like not engaging with the world around him. Silly right?

The slightly more innocent dog decided perhaps he should interrupt—these two were more trouble than were worth if he was honest.

He sighed as he hauled his heavy body to it's feet. He almost felt like falling back onto his stomach, but he resisted the urge. His friends needed him.

He placed his huge Great Dane body in front of his friends, pleading that his distressed face would be enough to keep them from killing each other. He could feel his head writhing in futile motion to stop his movements. He wouldn't let himself succumb to them just yet.

"Please, guys. Can't you stop fighting? Maybe the gadgets aren't the problem!" Dwayne begged. He began to whimper.

He hoped Hubcap wouldn't yell this time. He sometimes liked yelling at him when he tried to intervene and protect the husky he called his closest friend—he'd even call her a sister.

Hubcap on the other paw was nowhere near as nice as Gasket. He was mean, grumpy, and bossy.

Dwayne didn't understand Hubcap.

He had friends who tried to ignore his aggressive behavior in order to be his friends, and yet he treated him like they weren't his friends. It made Dwayne sad when he thought of it.

It made him think of how good the Paw Patrol had it over him.

It wasn't his fault. He was never liked by many. They've stated it many times. But he didn't need them in his life. He had some semi-decent friends who at least understood he had capabilities.

Hubcap's throat began to rumble in a growl. Dwayne could see and hear the rumbling.

"Get out of my way." Hubcap growled lowly, trying to seem menacing. He seemed more cute than menacing though.

Dwayne shook his head.

"Each day it's the same thing: who's fault it is our plans go to waste. Maybe it's because we were never meant to win against anyone, Hubcap, Gasket. I hate this life. And I don't really hate anything! I hate how you guys fight every time we lose. I hate having to get in your way every time you fight. I just...I don't know...expected something more I suppose. More to life than just this constant struggle."

Dwayne looked away. The pain in his heart was beginning to feel overbearing.

He had to get out of here. He didn't want his friends to see him like this. He was supposed to cheer them up, stop fighting; he wasn't supposed to sound so sad.

He opened the door and fled. He didn't even stop hearing his 'friends' desperately cry out for him to come back.

He could feel tears beginning to slide down his cheeks. Why was he so sad? It wasn't because his friends were fighting. He knew he was upset at that and would cry sometimes; however this was different. It was unexplainable why he felt like crying.

Was life really that unbearable? He enjoyed his life—or at least he thought so.

And that was when he decided to change his life forever. He knew this wasn't normal, especially for someone as nice as him.

I need help.

But where can I, a member of the Ruff Ruff Pack, get help? The townsfolk in Adventure Bay don't take kindly to us thrashing their community. I don't blame them.

The great big dog continued to mentally scratch his head, almost at an endpoint. Then the invisible lightbulb finally formed above his head.

The Paw Patrol. Perhaps that nice man, that blue dog, and those other color coordinated doggos can help me. They seem nice enough to us in the past, helping us and rescuing us from that school bus.

Dwayne shivered at the memory. He thought they would die that day. Fortunately, the Paw Patrol was nice enough to them to help.

Yeah. They can help him.

Determined, Dwayne started making his way on foot to the Lookout. He tried hard to remember where it was. He remembered where the bridge was and walked the whole way there.

The traffic that was on the bridge was a bit brutal. Dwayne, however, managed it and stayed out of the cars and truck's way. Most people within the cars gave him either a look of pity or confusion—those were the people who lived in adventure bay who gave the confusing glances.

He was definitely a strange sight for sure. A sad unhappy dog droopily walking over to the Paw Patrol to see if there was a cure to their unsettling emotions.

The asphalt rubbed against his pads as he walked. It was such a nice day to feel gloomy, now wasn't it?

Dwayne sighed. Could he ever go back to his friends again after leaving them in such a manor. It was a little odd for him. He didn't want to be questioned or attacked for how he felt. But he needed answers and quick.

He found himself gazing up at a tall skyscraper of a building. It stuck out like a popped tire as he slowed down. He could see them. The pups were outside and they were playing and having fun. They were running around and chasing each other.

He saw the pink pup giggling and laughing maniacally like a crazy dog as she chased after another white-black pup who was the one who dressed in red. The two were laughing and having a grand old time.

That sure looks fun. Dwayne thought.

Dwayne watched as the lime colored pup walked out only to get splashed when the red pup tripped and fell in a puddle; the green pup was a gray mix with a spot on his face just like the pink pup.

The gray pup's face contorted in slight disgust as he tried to shield his face before the three began laughing like it was natural to get splashed by the black spotted pup.

"Whoops, sorry, Rocky." Marshall apologies with a wide sparkling smile that almost made Dwayne step forward in that minute. He knew this red pup could help him.

The mood was ruined when a rowdy pup came barreling into the pink pup who in turn got thrown nearby with shock on her face. It was the yellow pup. He had a look of pure horror and surprise on his face when his friend landed with a loud thud.

The yellow pup slowly ran over to his friend in intense worry and concern on his face. The yellow pup immediately apologized and began to stammer a bit.

The pink pup had kindness and an unimaginable amount of forgiveness in her magenta eyes as she smiled at him gently. "Aww, it's alright, Rubble. You got excited to play with us. It happens."

The line green pup nodded. "Yeah, Rubble. Accidents can happen sometimes. Especially if you're friends with hose canons over here." The green pup indicated to the Dalmatian shaking out his fur. "Hey! Watch where you fire the deadly water drops, Marsh. Some of us are trying to stay dry." The green pup had his whole gray-and-white paw pointing at the spotted dog.

The other pups giggled and the lime green pup giggled along. They all seemed to be forgiving and nicer than his friends.

He sighed. Why couldn't his friends be like them? He could feel his chest tightening at the scene, his body wanting to curl up and never wake up.

It was a good thing those Patrol puppies didn't notice him because he was shaking and on the verge of tears. He wanted to speak before everything around him fell apart.

Unfortunately, another two pups walked outside. One was a calm and lax orange pup while the other was a more serious pup—the blue puppy.

Dwayne gazed in curiosity at the encounter. The brown dog approached the tan cockapoo—the pink pup, and starting talking to her casually.

Aww they have such a cute friendship! Why can't I have something that normal? Dwayne wondered in longing. His paws were planted like roots in the ground, unable to budge.

His soft brown eyes continued to watch the cockapoo and Labrador talk. "So, what's going on here, dudes? Catching any waves?" The orange puppy joked as his calm gaze found itself on Rocky. He had an almost shit-eating grin.

This was a turning point. Up until now, Dwayne had seen the goodness of friendship. Now?

He could see the lime green color coordinated pup's orange-brown eyes glare at the golden-eyed chocolate lab—it seemed almost hateful.

The gray pup growled lowly as he responded. "Don't look at me!" He then stomped back inside. Dwayne was majorly confused at the situation. Weren't those two friends? Why did the green pup walk away like that?

Dwayne swallowed a breath to steel his courage. Well, now was probably the best time to give them his quest.

He waltzed to the pup's side, regretting as he stumbled a bit. The pups turned to him.

"Hello there, Dwayne!" Skye chirped at him. Zuma was staring at the broken puddle. "Hello, pink pup!" He exclaimed, forcing as much a smile as he could.

If he was going to get their help he would have to make it seem like nothing was wrong. If he expressed his feelings now, they'd might be weirded out or even reject him as so.

"It's Skye." The pink pup corrected him. "Skye, right." Dwayne responded with an sheepish grin.

"Why are you here at the Lookout? Didn't we stop your crazy trashing schemes more than enough times already?" Zuma asked him. He didn't seem angry or bitter, just confused.

Dwayne nodded. "Yes, but this is...a personal emergency of mine. Where's your man friend?" The Great Dane searched around the yard. Their friend wasn't there it seems.

"Oh, him? He went out with some friends. He should be back any minute. Would you like to come inside and have some lemonade?" Skye offered with a sweet smile.

Dwayne smiled back with his buck teeth showing. "Sure! Although, I do truly need help. I'd rather not get Gasket or Hubcap involved with this. I kind of ran away from them suddenly." Dwayne revealed skittishly.

The blue pup walked closer to him and analyzed him.

"Help with what? Is someone in trouble?" Marshall inquired with a gasp.

"Yeah," the blue pup barked as he went face to face with Dwayne.

Dwayne was taller than him, yet the smaller male was still intimidating to him. He felt his back legs quiver slightly. He glanced back at his legs before looking in front of him with a nervous smile.

He could feel some slight heat rising in his cheeks. The blue pup was kind of close to him right now.

"What kind of services do you need, Ruff Ruff Pack member?" The blue pup asked him.

Dwayne shudder slightly. "It's, uh, personal, blue puppy. I can't understand it myself. There's something wrong with me." Dwayne admits as he shies his brown eyes away from the German Shepard's.

The German Shepard huffed. "Well, I suppose I can wait until Ryder sir comes back. Are you willing to wait for him here?" The blue puppy asked.

Dwayne nodded. "Of course I am, blue puppy." Dwayne barked as his tail wagged. It was odd because earlier it wouldn't move. Perhaps being around the blue dog and his friends was good for him. He didn't know. He just felt as if there was hope.

"Okay, then. Follow me, Dwayne. By the way, my name is Chase. Call me that instead." The German Shepard informed him with a straight face.

"Sure thing, Chase." Dwayne barked. "I'll go get the lemonade." Skye yipped as she ran past Chase and Dwayne.

And that was when Dwayne heard the familiar voice. "Dwayne! What are you doing here with the Paw Patrol? Come back home."

Dwayne turned around and saw Hubcap. He looked both confused and mad at the same time. Gasket was shying behind him as if she was pretending she didn't know Hubcap.

The blue—Chase placed himself in front of Hubcap. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to see him right now. He needs to speak with Ryder." The German Shepard informed as he placed a paw in front of himself, sitting down as he did so.

"Why? There's no emergency that I can see. Dwayne, stop messing around and come back this instant! You can't just leave the team like this! You agreed to be a part of this team and then ran away...it's really confusing me." Hubcap barked with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Well, he can't come back in the state he's in. Haven't you noticed how distant he's seemed? I think it would be better for this to be put in the paws of the Paw Patrol. We can see what's up with him more than you can." the red pup barked.

As soon as all eyes were on him, the dally gulped and backed away nervously. "That is, if his emergency is physical of course."

"Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed now! The Ruff Ruff Pack isn't a pack without three members and I'm not going to that shit faced white terrier again!" Hubcap screeched as Dwayne shied away from the hurtful small dark gray French Bulldog.

Dwayne's ears angled up as he heard footsteps. Who was it now?

"What is going on? Why is the Ruff Ruff Pack here? Do you guys need help?" A soft-yet-familiar voice broke out.

Dwayne and the others turned. There was Ryder. Right as Skye came out with some lemonade perfectly balanced on her nose somehow.

Dwayne gulped as he took a step toward. "I'm the one who needs help, uh, Ryder sir." Dwayne began as he tried to make himself taller than he already was.

Skye began to hand out the drinks, purposefully ignoring Zuma in doing so. Dwayne wondered why the green pup hated the orange one and why Skye didn't give him a drink. It was a little odd.

However, right now it wasn't any of his business. Right now he had to figure out what was wrong with him and in order to do that he said, "I need your help with figuring something out. You see I have these complicated feelings." Dwayne vaguely began.

Both Chase and Ryder expressed the same curious interest. "Come inside," Ryder began in a serious tone. "We can speak there."

Dwayne followed both the brown haired man and his blue puppy sidekick.

I hope I can get this figured out soon. He thought, almost beginning to whimper. I don't want to be a burden on them or my pack.


Author's Note: Before anything else, I would like to address to you as the author that I am not the best at describing or writing about Depression. I hope I did okay. I know depression and all that is more than being sad, so I'm trying my best to make it be as accurate as possible.

I will try to research it later so I can make it more believable in future chapters.

Anyways, this is my new Dwase/Chwayne fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

I know not everyone's going to be the biggest fan of this ship, but I think it's got one of the most potential in regards to how nice Dwayne is.

Anyways let me know your thoughts on this chapter please. I enjoy the comments.

Anyways I will have a useless reading goal that's just there so I can regret it later. Possibly.

Here it is: 20 reads.

Don't ask me why it's "high" in a sense. I just like ChasexDwayne too much, so that's why....🙃😅

Anyways thanks for reading! Btw this story is on hold/paused so I can do other things...so yeah. Thanks so much!

Hoping to come back to this cute little story eventually.

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