Chapter 6

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John's POV
When I woke up, I was in a dark room and my feet were chained up, I tried to free myself but I could barely move because of how cluttered it was. "Mary I don't know what game your playing, but I refuse to play along," I couldn't see Mary but I could hear Mary's voice "Oh my darling John, how I will miss your military moments. " I heard the sound of a lid closing  and the next thing I knew it was getting harder and harder to breathe, I than realized Mary had put me underground and I only had a short time before I ran out of air. I really didn't know what to do, I searched for a way out but it was to dark to see and no chance for me to escape unless Sherlock found me. Thirty minutes later my chest burned, my throat begin to close up, my lungs begged for oxygen and it was getting harder and harder to stay awake. But I didn't close my eyes I knew if I closed my eyes I would never wake up, eventually I was coughing violently and unable to speak I knew it was over I had been underground for a full hour and even if Sherlock found me it would almost impossible to fix the damage that was being done. I closed my eyes and waited for death to claim me when all of a sudden I felt sunlight on my face and heard myself cough as oxygen returned to my lungs. I tried to open my eyes to see my rescuer but I was to week, "Breathe John I've got you, your going to be okay." I knew that voice it was the deep baritone voice that I heard every day, it was Sherlock he had found me but I couldn't even open my eyes to see his handsome face. I heard the sound of sirens and felt myself being laid down on a stretcher,  my entire vision was black and my whole body ached and burned from being underground. The only thing that kept me going was the sound of Sherlock's voice begging me to wake up, I don't know when I woke up but when I did I was in a Hospital room and felt someone grasping my hand. 

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