Chapter 1 | Meeting Mr green eyes

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We both hurried down the street, ignoring the look we got from passersby. The air was cold, due to the rain wish had fallen the previous night. It had left the air feeling chilly and it didn't help that Alex and I were wearing light clothes, which didn't protect us. We had just left our homes for the party a few minutes ago and Alex already had clattering teeth. "Let's just focus on something else, like after our new lives once we get a girlfriend."

"Things don't work like that Simon, this isn't Hollywood."

"We'll see."

"Remind me why we are going to this party again?" Alex asked me for the fifth time, as he successfully jumped over a pothole. The rain last night earlier in the day was really heavy, and I had been sure that the party wouldn't hold, but according to the text I got a few minutes after the rain stopped, the party was going to be holding after all.

"Because we are seventeen years old and haven't had our first kiss," I replied, just like I had said the other four times he had asked.

Alex and I have been best of friends ever since we were little. His mother worked at the same hospital as my mum. One day, when I was around seven, it was bring your parents to school day and when our mums saw each other, they caught up. Alex's parents would come and visit sometimes, bringing him with them and they became friends, nothing really interesting about their back-story. We were not that different, we had an interest in almost the same thing. I was the adventurer, always trying to figure things out and Alex believed if he doesn't get involved in what he doesn't know, what he didn't know would not kill him.

I was determined that today, Alex and I must lose out lips' virginity. I knew how much it sounded crazy, but actually, I am crazy. I didn't care so much about kissing someone a week ago, but last night, my elder sister joked about me not having my first kiss. I knew she was only joking, but I took her joke seriously, which is why the next day, which is today, I did something I wouldn't normally do. I matched over to Alex's house, helped him to lie to his parents that we were going to another friend's house to work on a project overnight, and forced him to come with me to this party I heard was going on the other day.

"I don't get why it's so important. And besides, they would probably send us back, since we weren't invited," Alex said, trying to free his hand that I was held with a tightly, but I wouldn't budge because I knew the moment I let him free, he wouldn't hesitate to run back home.

I rolled my eyes, smacking the back of his head gently. "Alex, this is the twenty-first century. Who doesn't go to parties that they aren't invited to? Half of the people that will attend this party were uninvited. There is no turning back now Alex, we have arrived."

"Oh Lord," he muttered as we came to a stop.

We looked up at the mansion of a house that belongs to Damon Parker, the boy that started at our school this week. Damon Parker is this freaking handsome, stinking rich, and extremely popular guy that started at Adams High on Monday and by Wednesday was voted hottest boy in the school by no one and everybody. By Friday, his party was the talk of the school.

"Are you ready for your first party ever?" I asked Alex. I didn't know what to expect from parties like this, but I always imagined them to be like those I see on television, just with more sweat and puke.

The whole way here, no matter how determined I sounded, I still had second thoughts. Not second thoughts about kissing a girl, but about coming to this party. I have heard crazy stories, about people getting drugged and bad things happening to them, or even worse, someone brings some illegal drugs and the police would arrive.

He sighed. "Honestly?"

"Yeah?" I nodded, very excited. But his next words wiped my smile away.


"Come on, let's go." I grabbed his arm again. "We don't want to be late."


"I'm alive baby!" I screamed with the crowd. Gulping down the content from a bottle that I was given. I had no idea what it contained though. My only concern was that it was liquid and hopefully wasn't poison.

"Yeah?" Alex shouted back at me, taking the bottle from my hand and taking a swing. He squeezed his face at the taste. "This thing tastes like shit, but I'm going to keep drinking it."

I don't know how Alex and I started drinking, but I knew that we were a little bit drunk. Not that drunk that I couldn't see where I was going, or slurring in my words, but just drunk that I felt on top of the world. I didn't care about the trouble I could get into if Alex's parents found out that I lied. Not my parents though, they've always wanted me to socialize more, so were very excited when I told them about the party.

A sudden urge down the pit of my stomach had me holding my legs together. I needed to pee. "Hey, Alex. I'm gonna go look for the bathroom. Will you be fine on your own?" I asked, turning to look at a drunk Alex.

"Yeah sure, I am gonna go dance," Alex said and sauntered off to the dance floor. I watched as he squeezed himself against some group of people and started rocking them. I smiled at him before walking away. I needed to find the bathroom before I released river Jordan on my new trousers. That wouldn't just mess up my trousers, but I'll be facing humiliation at school if the news went around.

"Hey," I called, tapping a guy who was midway into shoving his tongue down a blonde girl's throat. His hand was already inside her blouse, groping her breasts. "Sorry to disturb your session, but do you know where I can find the bathroom?"

"Check upstairs, down the hall." The dude said. Before I could say thank you, the girl had forced his mouth back on her. I recognized the dude to be Stiles Evans, who happened to be my best friend, Alex's crush.

Yes, Alex is gay.

I was happy that Alex wasn't around to see this, he would be heartbroken. It also didn't help that Stiles didn't treat Alex nicely, always taunting him, especially for his feminine looks. Alex had one of the most beautiful hair I have ever seen, and his baby blue eyes made him look just adorable. Lately, he has been spotting muscles and I was seeing the abs were coming, but he swears he hasn't been working out.

I rushed upstairs quickly and finally found the bathroom after squeezing myself between drunk boys and girls. I opened the door and stared around the bathroom in amazement. This bathroom is bigger than all the bathrooms in my house, combined. I didn't have time to admire the bathroom any further as I quickly ran to one of the urinary stalls and got down to my business. Well, I didn't get down cause I was standing up. When I was done, I came out of the bathroom and went in search of Alex.

I first searched where we both were before I left, but he wasn't dancing around there anymore. I then remembered that he had gone with the crowd. I went round to look for him, but no. "Maybe he went upstairs in search of me." I thought to myself as I climbed up the stairs again. I stood on my toes to look for the blonde-haired boy in blue jackets. I saw one but he was too tall to be Alex. I saw a girl approaching me, smiling seductively and I recognized her as the girl who was with Stiles Evans minutes ago.

I didn't know why she was looking at me like that, but one thing I knew was I didn't want her lips on mine. I gave her a small smile and turned to walk away, but she stopped me by grabbing my arm, making me come to a stop and turn to face her.

"Well, hello, handsome," She said in what she probably assumed was a sensual tone while twirling a strand of her hair around one slender finger.

"Hello, yourself," I said, taking a look at her from her head to toes. Although she wasn't bad looking from her style of dressing and behavior and from what I had seen earlier with Stiles Evans...I didn't want to get someone pregnant and I was definitely not having my first kiss with her. Asides from that, she had too much lip gloss on. I suppose she went to the toilet to redo her make-up.

"Wanna go hang out?" She said, moving her hand up to my shoulder. I was pretty sure she meant more than just to hang out. I hope I was wrong though, but I didn't plan on waiting to find out.

"Not really. I am looking for someone," I said and tried to walk away but she kept a firm grip on my shoulder, stating that she wasn't done talking. "Do you need something else?"

"Come on, I'm sure the 'someone' you're looking for is having a nice time wherever they are. Don't you want me to make you feel good?" She said as she took my hand and placed it on her breasts.

I could swear that anyone who found themselves in this position wouldn't hesitate to accept her offer, but good thing that I wasn't just anyone. "No, thank you but I am not in the mood. Now if you would please excuse me, I have a friend to find-" I said, snatching my hand from her grip on her breasts.

"Please, I need a guy right now, if you know what I mean." She said and started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Stop with the buttons...No, don't do that," I said as I concurrently tried to stop her. Seriously, I thought we guys were the desperate ones, I never knew girls had theirs in them too.

"He said no, now leave him alone." A rich-almost hypnotic voice behind me said calmly, but one could sense the seriousness in them.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" The girl said, looking up at the person behind me. Once she saw the person, I saw her eyes widen with recognition, and then, she hissed and walked away quickly, muttering words under her breath.

I sighed in relief, turning around to thank whoever saved me from the blonde girl, and the first thing I noticed was green eyes. They pierced right into my soul in a way I couldn't yet describe with words. What caught my attention next was the long black hair, I have always envied guys with long hair. His were very full and dark. I wondered about the hair product he used. Then, my eyes moved to his lips, those lips, so pink, so kissable. I came to my senses immediately I saw his lips move and they transformed into a smirk.

"Like what you see?" Damon Parker asked.

I looked up at his eyes. I mean, I heard he was hot, but not this hot that it could burn my heart. I had never seen him this close or fully before because he was always at the back of the class and we had never crossed paths-till now. I realized I was still staring, and I cleared my throat. "No, I don't. Thanks for your help, didn't need it though. I could have handled her myself," I said, not wanting to look like a weakling, then walked away quickly before he could stop me. I could still feel his eyes following me and I shoved down the feeling of excitement that arose from his eyes on me. I brought out my phone and texted Alex.

Me: Wherever you are, don't go home without me.

Minutes later he replied

Alex: Yeah, don't leave me either. Simon, your idea of coming to this party is the best. I mean, see all the hot guys here, I can almost forget about Stiles. Anyway, you will tell me all the dirty deeds you did tomorrow ;-)

Okay, that was a drunk Alex but I was happy he was at least having fun. Suddenly, I bumped into someone accidentally and looked up to see a tall ginger-haired boy with blue eyes looking at me.

"Hey there," He said, checking me out with this look of lust in his eyes, and suddenly, he pinned me to the wall and leaned closer to my face.

Not again. I didn't know what was going on with everybody. They must have taken some sort of drugs with the way they were acting. The number of people I have seen tearing at clothes as they made out was starting to make me believe I was amid sex-starved zombie teenagers. "What are you doing?" I struggled to push him back to no avail. He was nearly two times bigger than me and I didn't exactly have the best muscle strength.

"Trying to kiss you, dummy." He said, looking at me with an eyebrow raised in confusion. "You don't know what a kiss is?" I noticed how wild his eyes look, he was high.

"Well, I am not gay, and would not like to kiss you," I said, and tried again in pushing him away. He staggered back a bit but before I could react, he was back again, blocking my way.

"Oh honey, everyone is a little bit gay." I couldn't help but cringe at that line. It was like he wasn't even thinking again, and had his brain being controlled by some sex demon. "They just need someone to help them in bringing out that gayness in them."

Is this dude crazy?

"He said to move away. If he needs someone to help him bring out that gayness in him, it definitely wouldn't be you." I turned my head to the side to see an angry Damon ripping Mr ginger-haired boy away from me.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Mr ginger-haired boy said, turning around to see who ripped him off.

"Doesn't matter who is talking. Just step away from the kid." Damon said in a calm voice. "You should go home also," he told him. "Before you do something that will land you in jail."

Kid? Did he just call me a kid? I'm seventeen for heaven's sake and this dude just called me a kid. I may be drunk but, Simon William Styles is not a kid.

"Uhm. Excuse me, Mr green eyes, but I am seventeen." I said, poking him in the chest to prove my point, but he paid little attention to me. His whole attention was on the ginger-haired boy.

"And if I don't step away from him, what will you do." He took a threatening step forward to Damon.

"Well then, I guess I would have to beat you, then throw you myself out of my house," Damon said, looking at the ginger-haired boy straight in the eye. Immediately Mr ginger-haired boy heard those words, he raised his hands in defeat and walked away.

"Thank you for sending him away but just so you know, I don't have any form of gayness that needs to be brought out by anybody, because I am not gay," I said, looking him in the eyes, which I regretted. Once I looked him in the eyes, I couldn't look away. He held me in a trance and I couldn't say I hated the trance I was being held in. I could look in those eyes forever. It wasn't like I am gay or anything, I just admire the eyes of an incredibly hot guy and that is not being gay.

"Yeah, I can see you're very straight. Even a ruler can't be compared to you." I thought he was joking with that statement, but he had a straight face. "What's your name?" He asked.

I ignored his question and instead said, "I'm not telling you, and drop the sarcasm."

He raised an eyebrow, feigning an innocent face. At the moment he wasn't even looking at me, his eyes were on my lips. "Was it that obvious?"

"Yes, yes it was. Now, stop looking at my lips like that," I said, feeling a blush rising. "You're making me feel uncomfortable."

"If you were as straight as you claimed, then me staring at your lips shouldn't be a problem." He said and started leaning closer.

"Or maybe I am just uncomfortable because you are way past my comfort zone...c-can you move back a bit?" I said, still being held by the beauty of his eyes.

Was he even human?

There was something about him that just wanted to make me keep reminding myself that I'm straight. It was probably the alcohol, but even as I told him to stay away, I could feel myself moving closer. It was like my brain commanded, but my body itched to feel his touch. It was definitely the alcohol, I don't find men attractive. "Please move back," I whispered.

"Okay." He softly but leaned in closer, our nose almost brushing.

"That is not how to move back," I said, trembling slightly.

"I know." Then, he slammed his lips on mine.

God, his lips were soft...soft, it felt good, really good. Most times in movies I had seen people kiss and I had always wondered what was so special about two lips touching. But now, I have had an experience. I guess I could finally say bye-bye, virgin lips.

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