Chapter 13 | Dates and cheating husband

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Simon is mad at me, I knew it. He has been avoiding me since today and I wouldn't blame him, ever since Caroline came back I had been so busy catching up with her. She was always confused about something and needed me by her side. I didn't get to sit with Simon today because Caroline wanted to sit with her new friend, Alicia. I tried telling her that Alicia isn't the kind of girl she would want to be friends with but she just told me I was being rude. I forgot about Simon completely, so I had to find him to apologize. I can't afford to lose him before I even have him.

School dismissed minutes ago and I rushed out quickly to wait for Simon before he escapes me and leaves for home. I was the first to come out, so I am sure Simon hasn't gone home yet. Minutes later, other students started coming out to go to their various homes, and soon, I saw Simon and Alex coming out from the school doors. They seemed to be engaged in an interesting topic, judging from how fast their mouth moved and the look of excitement on Alex's face. Simon was so interested in the conversation that he didn't notice me approaching.

Alex looked up and saw me coming over. He said something to Simon and walked away, Simon then saw me and what he did next wasn't something I was expecting.

"I don't even care anymore Alex. I'll ask my father, but if he doesn't allow me, then I'll go meet my mum. She knows how to handle him. But for now, I'll keep trying to get him to sign the form so I can go for the camp next month."

"Why doesn't he like camping anyways?" I shrugged. I suspected it had to do with an experience with this past.

"Your boyfriend is coming over, I will wait for you." Alex said quickly and walked away.


"Alex wait," I called but he didn't answer. I bet he was just using this as an excuse to go find Stiles.

It was then I noticed Damon coming over and I was about to ignore him but then, I saw Caroline behind him approaching. What to do, what to do. I rushed towards Damon, grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him down to kiss him. By the way, Damon froze and I could tell that he wasn't expecting it. I wanted to keep kissing him, but I couldn't help but imagine the view we were giving. This wasn't me, no, I didn't have to prove anything to her. Suddenly, he started to move his lips against mine, holding me by the waist and pulling me closer. At that point, I knew it wasn't just about trying to make Caroline mad, I just wanted Damon's lips on mine. It's been so long.

The way our tongues swirled around the other made fireworks to explode in my head, I know that was too cliche too say, but it really was pure bliss. He pulled me even closer, I frowned when I felt something hard poking me. I immediately pulled back from the kiss and before Damon could say anything, I looked behind him at Caroline, although all I wanted to do was look down at the hard tool.

"Hey, Caroline. Sorry we didn't notice you over there. We were busy, right Damon?" I turned to look at Damon, he looked really confused, breathing heavily. I glanced down to notice he was still hard. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself.

"Yeah, yeah, we were busy," he said quietly, nodding."

"Okay, Damon. Since your best friend is here, I have to go now. Can't keep Alex waiting." I kissed him again on the lips and walked away, sending Caroline an innocent grin, making sure no one saw that except her.  I walked away with my head held high, not caring that a quarter of the whole school had seen me kissing Damon. The look of lust on Damon's face and the look of anger and hatred on Caroline's face made me smile. It felt like a mission accomplished.

I saw Alex waiting for me with shock written all-over his face. "I can't believe you just did that, Simon," Alex said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You realize that you just came out to half of the whole school? I can't defend you now."

I didn't want to think about that or else I would start freaking out, so instead I acted nonchalant about it. "Well, believe it cause you saw it. That will teach that Caroline that Damon is interested in me and not her." I said as I grabbed Alex's hand and we began to walk home together.

"Caroline?" Alex asked, confused. "Why would she be interested in Damon when she knows he is gay?"

"She has it in her head that Damon is going through a phase and he really isn't gay. She also thinks she can turn him straight, and that he would be interested in her."

"You think so, because if she does that stupid.

"That's exactly what I said."



"Mum, I am back from school!" I shouted as I threw my school bag onto the couch. I arched my back, relaxing when I heard that crack sound. Although the pain was still there,  the sound somehow convinced my brain that it didn't matter anymore.

"In here honey, I'm trying to fry eggs." She shouted from the kitchen.

Oh no!

"Mum, what have I told you about frying, cooking in general?" I said, while rushing to the kitchen.

"Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby." I entered the kitchen to see my mum reading from a cook book. I walked close and kissed her on the cheeks.

"How was school?" She asked while reading the book.

How was school?

How do one even begin. Do I tell her about my sexuality? Alicia walking in on Alex and I.


I can't say there is a day that didn't go by that I regret everything I have done to him and the fact that he forgave me so easily and is still willing to show the amount of care that he gives me just blows my mind. He is really one of a kind, I know that even more now

"Okay." I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the fridge to grab a Coke. I turned to look at her when she began muttering words to herself. I walked closer to grab what she was saying.

"Break eggs into bowl..." I heard her reading quietly from the book. "Break eggs into bowl." she repeated that line as if to make sure that she read right.

"Do you need my help? I will come down and help if you need," I offered, but she shook her head, waving her free hand.

"Oh no. I can handle it," she assured me, but she didn't look so sure herself.

"I am going upstairs to study," I said and entered the living room to grab my bag. Then, I walked upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed. I took off my shorts, throwing it to a corner in my room, while trying to pretend like I didn't see the growing pile of clothe in that area. I always hid it under my bed whenever my mum came over. Knowing she would never check there for fear of the things she may find...for example, Alicia's bra.

I went back to thinking about Alicia's words. I had ended things with her so I didn't understand why she acted that way and suggest that Alex had something over me. Alicia wasn't really that bad, she was bad, but I wouldn't have slept with her if she was that bad. I believe all she needs is someone to talk to, and some guidance.

My eyes fell to the baseball bat that sat on my wardrobe. My brother had given me that just before he left. I had always had interest in baseball because of him, but after my Dad kicked him out, I just lost it. He was the one that made me try, I wanted to see that big smile on his face whenever I caught a ball. Everything had been going well, we were once a happy family and then everything changed.

I had a nice family, that was what everyone said. A rich dad, a loving mother and a brother, who is studying medicine at one of the top universities in the country; but only half of it was true. My brother hasn't been home in three years because my father found out he was gay and forbade him from ever setting his foot into our house again. He even stopped sending money into the account he had opened for Kyle, my brother, and withdrew all the money that was there before, then shut down the account. Kyle has been surviving in college due to the money my grandparents had been sending. They are pretty rich and they have been supporting Kyle since my dad forbade my mum from helping Kyle.

He also told me never to speak to Kyle again till he has changed from his bad ways. Anyways, I have been speaking to Kyle in the night when they have all gone to sleep. He told me he has a boyfriend now, named Max. I tell him everything also. We were always really close and we won't allow our Dad's homophobic behaviour to keep us apart.

My Dad is also not the caring man he portrays to be, he is hardly ever home and when he is home, all he ever does is to create problems. If he isn't talking about how bad my mum's cooking is, he is talking about how she failed as a mother to train her child right. He is the one that always makes my mother look older than her age, because he has kept her first son away from her for three good years, and mum stays quiet because she doesn't want to provoke him. Sometimes, I just wished he would go away and not come back for many years to come.

I stood up and reached for my phone, I haven't spoken to Kyle in awhile. I scrolled through my contacts, till his name showed up on my screen. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this now, speaking to Kyle always had me in a certain mood. He makes me happy, then I am reminded why he isn't here, and I just hate everything all of a sudden. I'll call him another day.

Sighing, I stood up and reached for my bag to take out my biology book, when I remembered that I had a date with Alex today. I told him I would pick him up by six and it was already four forty-five. I didn't even know what to wear or where to take him. I had always wanted to go on a date with Alex and today is meant to be special because I plan on asking him to be my boyfriend. I jumped out of bed and rushed to my wardrobe.



I had texted Simon earlier, asking him if he wanted to come over and watch movies with me. I told him it was just movies, but it was also kind of a date. First, we would eat the food I prepared specially under candlelights because they do that in Romance movies and it is kind of sweet. Then we would stare into each other's eyes, falling in love even more and after that, we would watch a horror movie, because who doesn't love watching a good horror movie with the person they are dating? It would mean cuddling together and laughing at them whenever they jump in fright and that could later lead to good sex.

He cancelled though, saying he has to help Alex prepare for his date with Stiles. I didn't even know Stiles was gay, I have hung out with him and we had formed a good friendship but I never suspected him to be gay at all.

I had given up already, but then remembered that someone special was around.


I picked up my phone and called Caroline if she wanted to come over and hang out. She said she would be over in five. Since Simon wasn't coming over, I guessed Caroline and I could eat the food I prepared. It wasn't anything special, just Spaghetti and meatballs. I went to have a quick shower before Caroline would arrive, which later turned to a long bath as I stepped into the bathtub. The bathtub was big enough for two people and one day, when I have finally ask him to be my boyfriend, Simon and I would have sex in this bathtub and many other places. Just thinking of Simon naked in this bathtub with me made my dick twitch and slowly began to get hard. I closed my eyes and lowered my hand, wrapping it around my dick. I started to imagine Simon naked beneath me as I stroked myself. I imagined him chanting my name as I pound into him and keep hitting that spot that would make him go crazy, the way his eyes would roll back and his red lips would open in a silent scream as he finally reached his climax. I stroked faster and was about to cum when...

"Damon, I'm here! Where the hell are you?"

God, why did she have to come now. She could have showed up twenty minutes earlier then I wouldn't even have to begin, or one hour later, after a couple more rounds.

"Damon!" She shouted my name and by how close her voice was, I guessed she was in my room. I really do not like people entering my room, they tend to snoop. "Where are you?"

"Hold on. I am coming!" I shouted back. I stood up and grabbed a towel, tying it around my waist. I grabbed a smaller one for my hair and walked out. Caroline was laying on my bed with her eyes closed. She was wearing a tight ripped jeans and a crop top that showed her tattoo. Wait, a tattoo!

"Since when did you have a tattoo?" I asked, surprised. Caroline  wasn't the kind of girl that went for tattoos, she was more of a flower and lollipop kind of girl. "That's sick. When did you get it?"

"Last year," she said with a proud smile, sitting up and turning around to look at me. Then, she kinda froze, staring at me. "Woah, you really changed."

"You say that like I looked bad before. I know I am sexy," I said and posed for her while she giggled, a blush growing on her face. "I should be a model or something. I mean, I'm so beautiful, the whole world needs to admire me and worship at my feet." I sent her a breezy kiss.

"Yeah, they do," she agreed. 'I will leave you to change now, even though I have seen everything before." She got up and started walking towards the door, still stealing glances at me.

"Oh please, I was ten and I have grown in certain areas now. That doesn't count. Things are finer, and bigger." I winked at her.

"How big have you grown?" She asked quietly and I guessed I wasn't meant to hear it. It was like she was thinking it, but didn't know she said it out, or she was just teasing me.

"Caroline!" I said while gasping dramatically. "Are you asking me the size of my penis?"

"Maybe." She shrugged but still stayed behind like she really wanted to know.

"Well, if you were a dude, a dude that's Simon, I would have asked you to feel it yourself." She palmed her head. "But seeing you're not a dude and definitely not Simon, sorry Madame but I can't let you touch my penis."

"Honestly Damon, what do you see in him? You talk about him all the time. Like you plan on marrying him or something."

"What if I do plan on marrying him?"

She scoffed. "You're not serious right? I mean, not like I would know what your type is since we haven't been in contact for years and I had no idea you were gay, but he doesn't look like your type."

I didn't know what to make of what Caroline was saying. I just introduced her to Simon the other day and they hadn't even had a proper conversation yet. I regretted pushing the penis talk, I should just have pretended I didn't hear it. "Caroline, I don't have a type. I just like whoever catches my interest. Simon has, and I really like him. I don't know." I shrugged. "I'm not saying we are going to get married, but I do see our relationship heading somewhere."

"Are you being serious right now?"

I nodded. "Yes, I am very serious. Don't worry you'll see. Don't worry about my relationship, you should be more bothered with your single status," I teased.

She shook her head and turned away." I will be downstairs."

"Ah, come on. I didn't mean it like that..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I was laughing.

Once she left, I quickly walked towards my door and shut it. The only reason she had seen me naked when I was ten was because after she had said she was leaving, she snuck back in when I had removed my clothes.

I removed my towel and walked towards my wardrobe stark naked. I was about opening the wardrobe when my phone started ringing. I walked towards my bed and picked it up, it was Simon calling, and I answered it quickly.

"Hey, Damon. I called to make sure you weren't angry. I know you wanted us to hang out and I couldn't because of Alex."

"No, I am not angry, princess. Alex is your best friend and you're helping him prepare for his date, I understand. Caroline is here actually to keep me company."

"Caroline is there?!" He shouted through the phone. I didn't know why, but I had this feeling that Simon doesn't like Caroline that much.

"Yeah, we are gonna watch a horror movie."

"Hey, I thought you wanted to watch a horror movie with me." He said, sounding offended.

"Yeah, since you're busy—"

"Yeah yeah, since I am busy, I suppose you want to hang out with Caroline. Maybe if I am busy too, you would want to date Caroline and marry her and have children with her, all because I am busy!" He shouted and hung up.

Okay, what was that?



It has been hours since I last spoke to Damon. Alex has gone on his date with Stiles, my parents went out on a date, the twins were spending the night at my uncle's house, Sylvia was at her friend's house and they were all preparing to go to a party later. And here I was alone, sulking.

I regretted shouting at Damon. I was the one that turned him down that I couldn't come and I am sure he just sees Caroline as his best friend and nothing else. But Caroline likes Damon and only God knows what she is doing to him right now.

Gritting my teeth in anger, I stood up. I am Simon and I do not sulk, I take action. Grabbing a jacket, I marched downstairs, I am gonna take my bike and ride all the way to Damon's house and kick Caroline away. Just as I reached downstairs, I heard the doorbell ring. I approached the door and opened it, and Damon's face stared back at me.

"Damon, w-what are you doing here?"

"You know if one of us should be angry, it should be me. I mean, you did get me hard in front of the whole school and left me to fend for myself." The look in his eyes sent a chill running down my spine. "I think you should be punished for that."




"Where are we going?" I asked as I saw a sign stating we had left our town.

"You will see when we get there." He said, sending me a smile and I blushed looking away. If anyone had told me that one day I would be sitting here beside Stiles and we would be going on our first date, I would have punched them in the face for toying with my feelings. But here we are, together, alone, going on our first date. I squealed excitedly in my head. Suddenly, I noticed that Stiles was parking his car.

We got out and walked together, holding hands towards an expensive looking restaurant. Thank God I had taken Simon's advice to call Stiles and ask him how I should dress. As we reached the door, some guys approached us.

"Sorry, you can't get in here without a reservation." The guy didn't look like he was sorry.

"We do have a reservation under the name of Evans," Stiles said as he stared at the guy with a look of disdain. I didn't like the guy that much also, he addressed us like we shouldn't be allowed in the restaurant.

He went through the book he was holding and a look of surprise came over his features. "Oh, Iam really sorry. Right this way, sirs." He led us to a table for two. "A waiter will attend to you shortly," he said and turned around to leave.

"Wow! Stiles, how did you get reservations to this place so fast?" I asked in amazement.

"I worked my charms." He said, shrugging and I raised an eyebrow "Money also helped," he added.

"Never will I have imagined that I would be here." I was going to add with you, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Well you're with me now, so expect to go to many other places and..." He stopped suddenly and looked at something behind me. "What the hell!"

"Stiles, what's wrong?" I asked and turned around but all I saw was a couple being led to their seat.

"That's my Dad," he said as he stared at the couple that just took their seat two tables away from where we sat.

"Oh, and is that your mum?" I said, talking about the lady who was with the man. She had too much makeup on and her dress was too tight.

"No, that's my Dad's secretary and my Dad is meant to be in Indonesia," Stiles said staring at his Dad angrily.

"Oh." I turned back to stare at Stiles' Dad and the too much makeup lady. "Are you gonna go talk to him?"

He looked at me and then his Dad. "No, not now."

"We should probably leave before your Dad sees us." I said, standing up.

"Wait, I brought you here so I can ask you to be my boyfriend. Alex, when I first met you—"

"Yes, Stiles. I will be your boyfriend."

"You didn't even let me say the speech I planned out."

"Speech later. Let's get out of here before your Dad sees us and realize that we are on a date." I grabbed his arm and we walked out of the restaurant. As we got in the car, Silas started to drive back to town. "What are you going to do about your Dad?" I asked and turned to look at him.

"Tell my Mum and prays she finally divorces him."

"Maybe you should wait." I spoke out and he glanced at me.

"Why do you say that?"

"We just saw your Dad having dinner with another woman. No matter how it looked to us, your Dad can deny it, even if he is meant to be in Indonesia he can think of something fast and deny it. All you would have to bring to the table would be that you saw him on a date with another woman and he can just say it is a business date. If you wanna pin your Dad, we need more evidence and..." I noticed he already parked the car beside another restaurant and he cut in right in the middle of my sentence.

"You're right. If I wanna expose my Dad, I need more evidence. But right now we are gonna go for that date I said I would take you to, and I must finish my speech for you."




"Yes, princess. Now you would finish what you started in school." He said and approached me like a hunter stalking his prey. I had never seen this side of Damon before, but I liked it.

He reached my side and grabbed my by the back of my neck and for a moment, we just stared at each other, blue eyes meeting green ones. Suddenly, he leaned down and kissed me. I let out a moan from the feel of his sinful lips on mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and our tongues swirled around together. His tongue tasted like strawberries and that was a good thing, because I loved strawberries. He moaned into my mouth, sending a chill down my spine and making me harder than ever.

He lowered his hand and unbuckled my trouser, pulling it down along with my briefs and taking my erection in hand, making me whimper against his lips. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me up against him. I jumped and wrapped my legs and arms around him and the next thing I knew was that we were in my room and he was shutting the door. He laid me gently and crawled up to me. Reaching my side, he leaned down and kissed me again. He pulled back and unbuttoned my shirt, removing it from my body entirely and tossing it aside. He removed his shirt quickly and I admired his abs while he went to his jeans and took them off by himself. And finally, he removed his briefs. Now it was skin touching skin and the feeling felt too good to be true.

I pressed myself up against him, our erection touching. The contact surprised the both of us. His hands went to my back and slid down gripping my ass cheeks, the feeling of our erection rubbing against each other was pure bliss. He slid his tongue into my mouth again kissing, then he pulled out and started kissing my neck, sucking at one spot and moving to another. One of his hands slid down and started rubbing our erection together at the same time. He found my sweet spot and by the gasp I let out, he knew the area he was, and kept sucking while still rubbing our erection together.

Suddenly, he pulled out, leaving a kiss on my lips as he gradually went down on me. He sucked my navel before he moved down to grip my dick. He glanced up at me and then licked the slit which was already wet with pre-cum.

"Fuck, Damon!"

"Princesses don't swear, Simon." He said with a small smile on his face, before engulfing me, talking all of me in his mouth.

"Holy...Damon..." I stuttered words I didn't even understand. The feeling of Damon's mouth around me was driving me crazy. It reminded me of that time in the empty classroom. Damon kept sucking me and one of his hands that was gripping my waist went down and started massaging my balls. Damn! My balls were really sensitive.

"Damon, I am about to c...cum," I managed to speak out breathlessly. I was reaching the point of my climax when I felt Damon's hands grip my dick at the tip, stopping me from getting that release.


"That's for leaving mine hanging earlier on."

"Damon, please." I begged. I needed that release and I needed Damon to give it to me specially.

"Please what, princess?" He asked, smirking at me mischievously.

"Please, I want you Damon. I need you in me right now." I stared up at him, my eyes tearing up in sexual frustration.

"You don't need to ask twice, princess." He said and grabbed his trouser bringing out a lube and condom. I grabbed the condom, tearing it open and slid it into his nine inch dick. I wondered how that was gonna fit in my virgin ass, but I trusted Damon. He opened the lube, putting some on his fingers. He opened my legs wider to get a better view of my ass, then, he grabbed a pillow and placed it underneath my butt, lifting me higher a bit. He rubbed the lube around my ass, it felt cold. Slowly, he inserted one finger and looked up to see my reaction. "Tell me if it hurts."

I nodded and he continued. Soon, another finger was in and I was starting to get comfortable with it when he pulled out. He grabbed the lube again and poured a large amount on his dick, he rubbed it all over and directed his dick at my entrance. Slowly, he started to push in. It was painful but I knew it was like this because I was a virgin and Damon was packed. When he was all the way in, he waited for a while and the pain subsided. I nodded to him to continue. And suddenly, he pulled back and slammed in again, hitting me directly at that spot again and again, sending me to a world of orgasmic euphoria.

"Damon...yes...yes! Right there, holy shit!" My eyes rolled back into my head and my mouth opened in silent scream. Damon kept pounding into me, I had never felt anything like this before. I was nearing my high again. I was about to cum and Damon wasn't even touching my dick.

"Damon, I am about to cum." I managed to cry out. He nodded his head at me and went even faster than before.

"Yes, yes, Damon." I reached my climax in a loud scream, my dick releasing spurts and spurts of cum. I heard Damon groan as he came deep in me, then everything blacked out.

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