9 years later

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Lacey's POV

I wake up to an annoying buzzing or some kind of vibrating sound on my nightstand. Peeking my head out of my white covers I look over to see my phone lighting up and slightly moving as it goes off.

Who in the hell has the audacity to wake me up at this hour? Have they lost their freaking mind?

Groaning I swing my arm out of the warm cave that I would love to be in for an eternity. I pick up my phone to see HIS name across the screen. Making a psshh sound with my mouth I throw my phone back on the stand and re-shield my eyes away from the bright sun.

After I try to ignore the constant vibrating from my phone, I realize that this person is not gonna give up until I answer. So I sit up on my bed and look to my right to see my clock which reads, 6:00am.

I groan loudly as I reach for my phone thinking 'Man! I'm gonna kill this boy.'

"What the hell do you want?! Can't a human being just get some peace and quiet for once in her life!"

Yeah I know what your thinking... need a snickers? Hell yeah if you have one. Sorry I'm just really angry. My sleep has been tampered with... you probably know the feeling.

"Woah! PMS'ing today are we?" I can hear HIM smirking. Oh how I would love to just smack that stupid smirk off his perfect face.

"Jase I swear to God that when I see you I'm going to choke the crap out of you and beat you senseless." I glare at the floor as I hear him laughing at the very serious threat I just spilled to him.

"Chill princess. I just called to tell you to get your lazy ass up. You know damn well that if I didn't call you would still be sleeping and then you would miss yet another day of school. Leaving me to wonder where my best friend is. And me being the oh so kind gentleman that I am, would come over to your house only to find you sleeping. So I would wake you up in the friendliest way... with a nice cold bucket of water spilled all over you!" Jase says as he laughs like what he said is the funniest thing in the world.

"Oh he's a comedian ladies and gentlemen!...Fuck you Jase."

"Baby I know you want to but we can't. It's not you, actually it is...I'm your brother's best friend. I don't think he'd be happy to know that you want to fuck my brains out."

"What the heck? Jase just stop talking...like forever." I laugh at his stupid response.

He thinks I want him... well kind of but I'd never tell him that. I know what you're thinking. Ew gross that's your best friend. I know but he is very nice to look at... maybe that's why I'm friends with him.

"Lace if you don't get up and get ready right now like I said I'll call Duke-"

"No don't! I'm up!" I interrupt him while I get up from my bed rushing to my bathroom.

No way am I getting woken up by Duke again. Last time that happened, a totally embarrassing picture of me in my bed cuddling with one of my stuffed animals 'accidentally' ended up on Facebook. And to top it all off, Duke actually did get a bucket of freezing cold water and dumped it on me!!

"Haha! That's what I thought!" Jase taunts me.

Yet again here I am picturing that stupid, award winning smirk. But then I see me punching him square in the face and me smiling. Haha take that jerk wad.

"I hate you." I pouted and hung up on him before he could say anything.

After many attempts, I finally got it together and brushed my teeth then took a nice steamy 10 minute long shower. Stepping out of my shower I push the glass door closed behind me. Water droplets fall down my body onto the crème colored rug. I wrap a towel around myself and turn to see my figure in the mirror.

God damn I'm hot!

I scan my body and come across the tattoo on my wrist that says forever. Two years ago, Jase really wanted to do something cool for his birthday. So me, him, and, my older twin brother, Duke went to the tattoo parlor and we got tattoos. Jase had "always" tattooed on his chest. And I had "forever". I thought it was perfect since it was a saying that he had used since we were little. Whenever I was down and upset or just having an off day he would tell me that everything was alright and everything happens for a reason but he would be there for me when I needed him forever and always. Yeah he's cute and sentimental behind the scenes.

Shaking my head to come up from the sweet memory I finish getting ready for school. I decide to wear a pink long sleeve crop top with floral print flowy skirt, gladiator sandals, and my lucky necklace.

My dad gave it to me before he died. I swear if I lost it I don't know what I would do. It means the world to me. It's sacred to me.

~ Flashback ~

Standing over my dad's hospital bed I see how weak and defeated he looks. He had yet another heart attack. He looks up at me and asks my mom and Duke to leave the room for a minute. I watch as they walk out and start to worry about why he asked them to leave. Turning back to my dad I see him smiling at me. This is the first time in a while that I have seen him look this happy and glowing. But it only lasts a second and is gone before I can even blink.


"Oh nothing honey. I'm just imagining what you're going to be like in a few years. How you're going to look. I'm thinking about what you're going to be doing in the future. What you want to be when you grow older. Who you're going to marry and start a family with."

"Daddy you're gonna be fine. This is just another-"

I take in a shaky breath and quickly wipe away a tear that fell onto my cheek, "Bump... In the road. You will be out of here and perfectly fine before you even know it. Alright?"

"Honey. What is this? Almost the 3rd heart attack. It's draining me out. I've sat here day and night and thought about what it would be like for you and Duke when I'm gone. But I'm not scared... I'm not worried. I know your mom will take care of you two. I know Duke and Jase will take care of you. And that you will take care of yourself. I've come to terms about what's happening. Its okay to let go honey-" I cover his mouth with my hand and tears start to fall.

"Don't say that Dad. You... You need to be th-there wh-when I have my prom. And when I have my heart breaks. You need to be there to say you're gonna get your shotgun and wave it around at the douche bag that gave me my first heart break. You need to be there with Duke and Jase and scare the boy for hurting your little girl. You need to be there to help me figure out what I want to do in life and be there to help pick up the pieces when something falls apart. A-and my wedding... y-you ne-ed to walk me down the aisle. Wh-at am I gonna d-do without you? I need-"

I burst out into loud sobs and my dad pulls me into a tight warm hug. Resting my head on his warm chest I hear his heart beating. Each beat slows down a little more than the one heard before.

"I know honey. I'm sorry. I'm staying as strong as I can right now. But if something does happen. Then I got you this." He says with a raspy voice.

He pulls put a long neck lace box from under the cover. He takes off the top of the lid and I see a very shiny, sparkly silver necklace. It's beautiful. It has the word 'Strong' across the middle in big words.

"Thanks Daddy."

"I love you honey. With all my heart."

"I love you too Daddy."

Just as I said those word. I didn't think they would be the last words to him. The machine starts beeping very fast. Tons of doctors and nurses storm in and escorted me out. Just as I hit the door I hear the loud deafening monotone beep. I turn around to the see the red flat line...he's gone. But I'm glad those were the last words he heard.

~ End of Flashback ~

I put my hair in a fishtail braid and put on a leather jacket. Grabbing my book bag from my bed I toss it onto my shoulder and start walking towards my door. I hear Duke calling me to telling me to hurry up. Just as my hand touches the cold knob...


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