Forgive and Forget Part 1

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Hope's POV

River rubs my back as I slowly start to calm down. My monster of a mother came home again. Not to mention my horrible father.


River and I sit on the couch downstairs watching tv until we hear a loud thump coming from the garage. River walks over to the door and slowly opens it to see my worst nightmare.

My parents.

They walk past River as if they don't see him and throw their suitcases down by the couch.

"Hope be a dear and get me and your father a glass of water." She looks at me with a scowl while my father glares at River. I don't move because I am still shocked they're here.

"Did you not hear your mother?! Now you incompetent piece of shit!" My father yells at me just as I feel a sting on my cheek. I snap out of it and instantly know my father hit me. This wouldn't be the first or second time either.

He's about to say something else until he's punched in the face. He staggers back then looks surprised at River.

"Don't ever touch her again or I will fucking kill you!" River yells at my father while pushing me behind him.

My mother gasps and starts crying. Over dramatic attention seeking bitch.

"Hope go pack your stuff and let's go." River says gently to me.

I hurry up the stairs and to my room then pack my things. Grabbing my three duffel bags I fill them with clothes, shoes, and personal items then toss it on my bed. I turn around to see my mother standing right behind me. Gasping while holding my chest as I try to recover from a heart attack.

"What do you want?" I ask angrily looking at the ground.

"You listen and you listen good! I should've aborted you when I found out I was pregnant with you! But no I kept you because I was still recovering from loosing your dead brother or sister. And oh I forgot to tell you that when you began high school the popular girl who talked to you was your cousin."

"Scarlett was my cousin?" I asked sadly. I remember she killed herself and I never even knew she was my family.

"Yep and now she's dead. Because of you! And sam! And Robb! And that stupid stupid girl! What's her name? Oh yes Lacey!"

"It's none of our faults! It's yours! You're obsessed with getting back at Lacey's mom for falling in love with Robb. They were probably very sad that they did fall in love and hurt you but they did love each other and it's your fault you lost your first child! Everything is your fault! It always was!"

She slaps me then glares at me. "I wish you were never born! You are no child of mine! When you pass that door you leave and never come back! Just wait until your dear River dumps your whorish ass onto the streets. And don't even think about coming back here because I will laugh in your face then slam the door before you can say I'm sorry!" She leaves then slams my door.

Tears flood down my face as I take a deep breath. I'm actually a little bit proud of myself for actually talking back to her for the first time in my life. But I'm nothing. I am a piece of shit like my father said. I don't deserve River. He's too good for me. I should just give up on life.

"Don't even think about it." I hear a deep voice say as I snap out of my thoughts.

River leans against my doorway staring intensely at me.

"Think about what?" I ask looking at him as he walks over to me. He pulls my hand and we sit on the edge of my bed as he holds my hand.

"You know what. I saw that face. And you are not a piece of shit. You're beautiful, smart, caring... You just don't let anyone else see it. I'm sure that if you did then everyone would love you."

I nod. "You know when me and Lacey were best friends we were just alike. Maybe not in style or confidence. She was way more confident than me but I had the best style." I laugh quietly. "I was just like her. She was just like me. We were sisters. Until my mom made me have sex with Lance. Believe me I didn't want to because I knew how much Lacey was in love with him. But it didn't want to end up on the streets selling my body for money just to eat."

I start to cry but continue to talk as River rubs my back. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"And I couldn't go to Sam either. She had enough to deal with.. Lacey, Duke, and not to mention her husband, the love of her life died. I couldn't be a burden to her and the others. I thought I was protecting everyone and myself but I hurt everyone and myself." I stand up and pull River to the bathroom. I take a wash cloth and wet it then wipe off the makeup from both my wrists.

A tear falls down his face but he hurriedly wipes it away. "Why? Why would you hurt yourself?"

"I did it... hoping and praying that I would stop hurting the people I loved by dying. But it never happened and I had to continue to do what my parents said. I miss Lacey so much but she'll never believe me. I don't deserve friends or you. I didn't deserve a baby! That's why she's gone! I held her in my arms and instantly knew she was mine. But she wasn't. I didn't deserve her! I couldn't give her a good home or be a good parent. Because I'm not even a good person. How do I expect to take care a baby when I can't even take care of myself?! Lacey and Jase can easily take care of her and better than I ever could've. I just...miss her, Lacey, Duke, Sam, Lance, and Lendell. But none of them will forgive me."

River pulls me into a tight hug and I start to sob. I pass out in his warm arms thinking 'Maybe things will work out. I miss everyone enough that I will try and never stop trying.'

River's POV

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard everything Hope said. I knew she wasn't a whore or a slut like everyone thought she was.

After she passed out I took her things and put them in my car then took her to my house.

I laid her on my bed and sat beside her looking at how beautiful she truly was. She stopped dying her hair blonde and took out her blue contacts. So now she shows her actual beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. She is...amazing. I just hope everything goes her way and at least have Lacey back by her side.

Lacey's POV

I look in the rear view mirror at Ivy who is looking at me smiling. Is there ever a time when she is cranky mean baby?

"Mama!" She giggles looking at me.

"Yeah I know baby!" I say to her.

"We're going to see mama now." Whispering to myself I stop the car and walk to Ivy's side.

After getting her out her car seat I walk up to the small house that I haven't been to in a long time. I ring the doorbell after sitting Ivy on my hip. She plays with my hair then chews on it. Great baby slobber on my hair.

The door opens and I gasp in suprise.

"Hi Hillary. Is Hope here?"

I was surprised because Hope's parents were never home.

Hillary glares at me for a second. Weird. Then she looks at Ivy with disgust.

"Yours?" she asks with disgust clear in her voice.

"Um no... Actually your daughters but um I'm still kinda waiting on my question to be answered... No offense."

"She's probably with her boyfriend or her hook up. You know because she's a whore. But I wouldn't know where she is. And I don't care."

For some strange reason I was pissed.

"First of all your kind of... no actually you are a horrible mother for calling your daughter a whore. Second of all you are a horrible mother in general. Third only I can call Hope a whore! And you should care about your daughter and where she is. You are a nasty and disgusting person and I feel so sorry for Hope to have you as her mother."

Hillary looks at me with surprise. I storm off then hurry to River's house.


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