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Lacey's POV

Three Months Later

























I sit on my bed as I read every single baby name in a book Hope bought me. Last week I had a baby shower and got tons of onesies, diapers, clothes for Ivy (thank you Catherine), and tons of other stuff.

I put the book down and look at my belly. It's only four months and I look like I have a beach ball that's about to burst as my stomach.

These three months have been absolutely perfect. Jase is definitely the one. I never stop thinking about him. Ivy is already starting to walk with a little help. I couldn't ask for anything else.

Well except one tiny thing. I want Jase to be mine forever and always. But I'm fine with waiting if he's not ready.

Jase bursts into the room scaring the pee outta me. Seriously I peed myself.

"Jase! You scared me and made me pee myself. Douchebag." I glare at him as I walk over to my dresser and get new underwear and some sweatpants.

He follows me to the bathroom but waits outside the door. I finish and put my stuff in the washing machine alone then go back to the bathroom and wash my hands. Jase finally comes into the bathroom ad stands behind me with his arms around my waist and his hands stroking my pregnant belly.

"You're so beautiful." He kisses my scar on my cheek then gets down on his knees and lifts up my shirt over my belly to kiss my other scar.

My eyes start to water. He's so sweet. I had a horrible feeling he would be disgusted by me but he said the scars make me even more beautiful than I was before.

He stands up and takes my face into his large warm hands. Then he pecks my lips and leaves our foreheads touching.

"Come on we're going somewhere."He starts to pull me out the room but I struggle against him.

"Wait I'm wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants can I at least change into something more decent?" he looks at my pouting face then nods.

A huge smile covers my face... I have him wrapped around my finger.

"Thanks babe." I kiss him on the cheek them hurry and change into yoga pants and his old high school football jersey.

What? When I said more decent I meant comfortable not cute.

We leave the apartment and get into Jase's truck. As he drives, I notice we're missing one little thing.

"Jase did we forget Ivy?"

"No she's with our parents." He looks over and me and smiles.

"Why?" I ask confused and interested.

"You'll see princess. You'll see." He takes my hand and kisses the tattoo on my wrist then puts our hands that are linked together on the gear shift.

He stops the car and I see we're at the park. He gets out and opens my door for me then opens the trunk and takes out a picnic blanket and basket.

Aww that's so sweet and romantic.

We get to our special spot by the pond and he sets the blanket on the ground. He pulls out food from Sam's diner.

Yep like I said, perfect.

Jase's POV

I finish my food then sit and watch Lacey finish. She's so beautiful and smart. I just want her to be mine and no one else's. Which is why I came up with the decision that the right time is right now.

I take out the cupcake that I got from a bakery. I asked them to put the ring inside and they did then said good luck.

I sit the cupcake in front of her. Her eyes had hunger in them she said thanks then she picking up the cupcake and took a bite.

I blink my eyes twice then rub them. What the hell just happened?

I look at Lacey's hand and half the cupcake is gone. As well as the ring. I look up and see Lacey moaning and still chewing the cupcake.

Did she just eat the ring?

"Spit it out!" I grab her cheeks and squish them together so she will stop chewing.

"What?" Her voice is muffled from the cupcake.

"Spit the cupcake out now." I hold my hand out under her chin.

"But I'm hungry and isn't that kind of gross... I mean it's your hand." She looks so cute when she's all ruffled and embarrassed.

"I don't care just spit it out."

She groans then spits out the mushed cake into my hand.

I let go of her face then walk over to the pond and let all the mushed cake wash away until the ring is the only thing let in my hand.

I see her shadow behind me. So I get on one knee and turn towards her with the ring shining in my hand.

I look at her shocked red face. Tears start to run down her cheeks.

"Lacey I know all throughout high school I made bad mistakes. But right now this isn't one. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don't care that Ivy isn't yours or that you have scars. You are an amazing, beautiful, smart, and independent women that I want to call mine. I'm sorry if this isn't the best proposal but you know I'm not the best with words. But will you, Lacey Bree Robertson, marry me?" She bends down and gets on her knees then hugs me tightly.

"So that's a yes?!" I ask excitingly.

"Yes! Jase it's a yes!" She grabs my face and kisses me. We both kiss so passionately like the other person will float away.

We hear a crowd clapping and whistling. Many people who were just at the park stopped and watched. Women are crying with smiles on their faces and men are giving me thumbs up.

But then we look over and see the loudest part of the park. Our friends and family.

They all get closer to us ad then hug and congratulate us. The guys pull me away then start talking about a bachelor party as the girls pull Lacey away and squeal about the ring and the wedding.

We both look at each other and smile. I know I made the right decision.

Lacey's POV

It has been very hectic this morning but it's definitely worth it.

Today is the day I will become Lacey Bree Rodreguiz.

I stand in the dressing room in front of a mirror and look at myself.

I look very happy. I rub my hands on my stomach and think 'I can't wait for you to come into the world.'

Someone knocks on the door and in walks my mom and Duke.

"Hey sis. You look beautiful." Duke kisses my forehead then hugs me.

"Thank you! I love you D."

"Love you too Lace."

He kisses my forehead once more before leaving.

My mom looks at me with tears glistening in her eyes. She casts her eyes down to the necklace that I hang onto so dearly.

"He would have loved to see you right now. I know he is very proud of you. You look absolutely gorgeous. Jase is a very lucky man."

We laugh and hug each other tightly.

"I love you mommy."

"And I love you sweetheart."

Someone knocks on the door again and in walks John.

"Uh oh. Did I come in at the wrong time? I'm sorry I really don't know how to handle tears."

"You have before remember at the hospital?" I tell him while wiping my eyes being careful of my makeup.

"Oh yes I remember." He looks at me and his eyes gleam with pride.

My mom steps out and says good luck.

"You are a very beautiful bride. I am lucky to call you my daughter very soon."

He kisses my forehead then starts to walk out.

"John." he stops walking and turns around. "I was supposed to walk down the aisle with my dad and he's not here. But he is watching over us and that's okay with me. So I made the decision to walk alone but I would really appreciate it if you walked me down the aisle." I smile at him.

His eyes gleam with excitement and even more pride.

"It would be an honor."

Jase's POV

Duke walks into the room and says, "She looks beautiful as always. You're a lucky guy. I'm uh proud to call you my brother soon."

"Thanks D. Me too." We bro hug then start walking to the ceremony.

I stand at the altar with Duke as my best man. Behind him is Luke then Wes and Freddy.

In the crowd I see Lance and his girlfriend, Carliegh. I also see my mom and Sam. My grandparents and aunts and uncles. Lacey's grandparents and aunts and uncles. Don't forget our cousins. Last but not least I see River.

The door opens and the girls start walking down the aisle one by one.





Then Taylor walks down the aisle throwing white and red rose petals on the ground. Beside her is Adam who's carrying our rings on a small white pillow. They both are pulling a shiny red wagon that has a giggling and smiling Ivy sitting in it.

At first Taylor wasn't too sure about being the flower girl. She said she was too old. But then once she found out she would be walking down the aisle with her eye candy then she quickly agreed.

Now getting Ivy to wake up early and put her in a cute little dress and shoes was painful. She was a grumpy little baby today. But that all ended when she saw the red wagon then she was smiles and giggles.

The song, "Here comes the bride" starts to play and everyone stands up.

Lacey walks down the aisle with my father. Of course she's not wearing heels no matter how much she wanted to. I told her nope that's not happening I'm not going to let you fall flat on your face and hurt yourself or the baby. She pouted for a few minutes then said fine.

So she walks down the aisle glowing, looking like a million bucks. I am a lucky man. Very lucky indeed.

Lacey's POV

I slow dance with Jase in the middle of the room. After we both said our vows and I Do's we kissed but not a makeout. I mean come on we were in a church.

Now we're at the reception. I lay my head on Jase's chest as I watch everyone. My grandparents sit together with Jase's grandparents while ogling over Ivy.

Hope and River slow dance near us. They are so cute together. They've been together for almost two years now.

Chasity and Wes are at the food table. I watch her stuff her face with food. Chasity is now two months pregnant with a little baby bump. Those two are pros they've been together as high school sweethearts for about three to four years. Oh and did I mention that last week Wes proposed. Ahh so cute!!

Luke finally said yes to Farrah who never stopped asking him out on a date. They've been together for four months now.

Freddy and Lendell are even together! I literally love them both. They have actually been together for almost 2 years now.

Duke and Kaylee have been together for almost a year now. I'm surprised. Duke must really love Kaylee. I think that's good. He needs to be tied down to one girl and she's the perfect girl for him.

John and Catherine slow dance or at least try. It's funny watching them. When one of them steps on the others foot they blame each other then they hug. They're so cute.

My mom dances with Thomas. Thomas and my mom met a few months ago maybe six. And they have been great together. I think she deserves happiness after losing my dad.

Ivy comes running up to me and Jase. Jase picks her up and kisses her cheek.

"Hey sweetie."

"Daddy I wan cake!"

Hold your applause. It seems as though Cat and my mom have been teaching her how to talk for a few months now every time they keep her.

Now as for someone keeping Ivy during the honeymoon. Well... I think the honeymoon can wait. I told Jase that I wanted us three to go to Disneyland. He thought that was a perfect idea.

"Yeah me too sweetie. Let's go get some now." Jase pulls me along to the desert table.

I watch Ivy and Jase's eyes glaze over with excitement and hunger. I love my two fat pigs and maybe even another one to come soon. I pat my round belly as I watch the two stuff their faces with cake.

Love is Complicated... but it was all worth it. Because now Jase is mine and I'm his. Forever and Always.


The end finally. Sorry it took me so long but I had no idea what to write and school started so I was a busy bee. Now I'm done sadly BUT I'm thinking about writing a new book sorry no sequel. Tell me what you think!!

{Here's Lendell and Freddy}

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