Luke knows

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'LAZY SONG- Bruno Mars' girl version



Lacey's POV

I put on a black Victoria's Secret sports bra and yoga shorts. Then some rhinestone t-strap sandals. I think I might take a walk around the neighborhood.

...20 seconds and 5 steps out the house later...

Nah! I'm too lazy.

I walk over to Jase's house and take the key from under the mat then step in and close the door. His house still looks the same as it did when we were little. Tons of pictures everywhere. On every wall and every space.

"Jase! I'm here!"

"Upstairs!" I walk up the stairs to the second floor and come up to Jase's room.

It has blue walls and a hardwood floor. He has tons of football and basketball player posters on his walls. I walk over to his bed and sit down. Then I look to my right and see a photo in a frame on his nightstand.

Aww! We look so cute.

It's a picture of me and Jase at the park. Not just at the park, but at our special spot.

Jase walks out of the bathroom in just a towel. Water droplets are dripping from his wet hair and chest. Then that leads me to stare at his amazingly hot 6 pack. Plus his towel is hanging a little low. Quickly, I pull out my phone and start a game of temple run.

Oh my god! He looked hot! I mean did you see his abs-

Shut up! Gross! Best friend! Remember?

Sexy best friend.

Ughh. I groan at my stupid head. Gosh I am so confused.

"Hey J." I say without looking up from my phone. I hear him shuffling across the room and finally look up. He put on basketball shorts but isn't wearing a shirt.

Really? Still no shirt?!

I'm not complaining.

Oh my god. I'm gonna kill you.

You know you were thinking it.

"Hey princess." He smiles an award winning grin.

Ding dong.

"I'll get it." I hear Jase say okay as I leave the room and skip down the stairs.

I get to the front door and open it to see Luke, Wesley, Freddy, Will, Brian, Tanner, Josh, Derek, Quinn, and River.

I hope those are most of their names. Or that would just be awkward.

Luke, Freddy, and Wesley walk in past me while saying hi. I turn around to them.

"Where's my brother?"

"Um doing something with your mom. I think." Freddy says.

"Oh mmkay. Jase is upstairs."

"Okay we're gonna go in the living room."

They walk into the living room and I notice the other guys haven't come in yet. I turn around to see them staring at me dazed.

Haha idiots!

Jases's POV

I wake up and brush my teeth, then take a quick shower. Apparently, the guys are coming over.

"Jase! I'm here!" Lacey shouts from downstairs.

"Upstairs!" I shout back.

What's Lacey doing here?

Who cares? She's here with you now.


I put a towel on my waist and step out the bathroom. I see Lacey sitting on my bed in a sports bra and shorts. Whoa. My eyes immediately go to her revealing chest then go down to that damn belly piercing.

God?! Why me?! Why does she have to be so goddamn hot and irrestisable?!

I see her staring in awe at my abs and smirk. Then she quickly takes out her phone and plays a game, pretending like she totally wasn't just staring at me.

"Hey J."

I put on boxers and basketball shorts but no shirt just to tease and annoy her. She knows she's attracted to me she's just playing hard to get. And I like a challenge.

"Hey princess."

Ding Dong.

"I'll get it." Lacey says while quickly leaving the room.

I yell back an okay and start to follow downstairs. Then I see the team outside staring at Lacey. Freddy, Luke, and Wesley walk in and tell her where her brother is. Then they leave into the living room. Lacey goes back to talking to the rest of the guys and I walk in the living room.

"Hey guys."

Luke, Wes, and Freddy all have smirks and an amused look on their faces. Then the rest of the team comes in with the same look.

"What's with the weird looks on your faces?"

"What were you and Lace doing?" Wesley asks.


"Yeah right!" Tanner says.

"Yeah you had to be doing something. I mean did you see what she was wearing?" Quinn asks.

"We're just friends guys."

"You can't be just friends with a girl like that." Derek states.

"Well I am." I shrug and turn on the TV.

Lacey's POV

(few minutes before Jase goes in the living room)

"Uh you guys can come in." I say looking at them confused.

"Are we at the right house?" River asks.

He and Tanner have brown hair. Will and Quinn have blonde hair. While Derek has black shaggy hair.

"Um yep. This," I gesture to the house. "Is indeed Jase's house."

"Oh why are you here?" Quinn asks.

"I'm always here."

"Why?" Derek asks.

What is this a game of ping-pong. My head keeps going from side to side trying to see who's talking to me.

"Because J is my friend." I say with a 'duh' tone.

"Oh well can I be your friend?" Tanner teases while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Haha. You're so funny. Well... are you guys gonna come in or what?"

I open the door wide, move to the side, and shut the door once they're all in. They walk to the living room and I go to the kitchen. I walk in and step over to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water. I see one in the way back and stick my head into the fridge further. Then I feel something brush lightly against my leg and I jump up and hit my head hard.

"Shit!" I yell and pull my head back. I rub my head and look at the suspect. Buster. Jase's dog. A Jack Russell terrier.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Buster barks. I don't think he likes me very much. "Ow that really hurt." I say to myself still rubbing my head. Jase walks into the kitchen.

"You okay?"

"No. Buster made me hit my head and it hurts."

He walks up to me and traps me inbetween him and the fridge. He kisses my forehead.


"No" He kisses my cheek.


"Nope." He smirks and kisses the corner of my mouth.

"How about now?" Oh now I get what he's doing.

"Just a little bit."

He kisses me on the lips and fireworks burst. Once again.

I like kissing him.

Okay. I can't disagree with you on that one.

The guys burst through the kitchen door and we break apart. I open the water bottle and drink some of it.

"So. What were you two doing?" Luke asks while looking amused.

"Nothing. I'll be back." I say as I walk out the kitchen. I hear the pitter patter of footsteps behind me. Or should I say paws. I turn to see Buster following me.

"Ohh. So now you wanna follow me huh?"

Luke's POV

The guys start talking and I leave the kitchen in search of Lacey. I find her in the living room watching tv, with Buster on her lap.

Huh. I thought he didn't like her.

"So." I scare her and she jumps causing Buster to run out of the room barking.

"God Luke. Don't scare me like that! How long have you been standing there?"

"Oh not long." I walk over to the couch and sit beside her. "Lace. I know what I saw in the kitchen."

She looks up at me with a shocked face.

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Jase. I know you two kissed."


"Soooo... Friends don't kiss."

"I knowwww. That's why this is so bad. I mean we kissed like more then once already and sometimes we don't even think about how we're just best friends. And I really like him. But I'm sure he doesn't like me." She rambles on fast and then realizes what she just said then quickly covers her mouth with her hands.

"What? Didn't want me to know that you like Jasey Wasey." I tease her and she groans and throws her head back in top of the couch.

"Oh god! I knew I should've kept my mouth closed."

"Haha why Lace? I mean I already knew that you liked Jase."

"What?! How?!"

"Because every girl he would kiss you would glare at like you wanted to kill them."

"Okay that's only one thing."

"Lace. I think you should tell him sooner or later."

She stands up and starts walking back to the kitchen.

"Yeah I choose later."

She disappears out the house leaving me in thought.

I knew she liked him. He likes her too. All he talks about is Lacey, Lacey, Lacey. Lace. Princess. God I swear sometimes I just wanna say 'shut up!'

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