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Hope's Father above

River above

Hope's POV

I wake up and go downstairs to see my parents sitting, waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Hi guys you're back." I say and get ready to hug them.

"Yes we are. What is that?!" My mom says stepping away from me while pointing at my stomach.

"Hope don't tell me you're pregnant! I knew you slept around but I thought you had enough sense to be careful! Apparently not. Apparently we raised an idiot who can't take care or herself!" My father yells at me.

"I'm not an idiot. And you didn't raise me... you didn't take care of me! I take care of myself. You guys are never home. I'm always alone and suffering by myself. You guys don't even care for me! The only thing or person that seems to be there for me is-"

I don't finish the sentence because I'm slapped. My cheek burns and tears fall down my face as I look at my father.

"Never talk to us like that again. We are your parents! The only reason you're alive is because of us and our money. You have no one but us." He says.

"Sir I don't think that's true. And just because you're her father doesn't mean I won't call the police for what I just saw but not before I kick your ass." The boy says looking angry at my father.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!" My mother yells.

"I'm your daughters boyfriend and like I just said you both have five seconds to get out or else."

"When that baby is born you better get rid of it if you still want to be known as our daughter. If not then bye bye money. You'll be out on the streets like the whore you are." My mother says.

They leave quickly and the boy runs up to my and pulls me into a tight hug. I sob as I replay every word my parents just said.

I know I play a whore and slut but in real life I'm just a teenage girl who wants to have a life but she can't do that because of her parents. I never wanted to hurt my friends. And when I say friends I mean Lacey, Lendell, and Lance. Lacey was my best friend. But my mother said if I didn't want to be kicked out the house I had to ruin Lacey's life.

I don't even understand why.

Hillary {Hope's Mother}

I can't believe my own child is trying to go against me. And now she's pregnant! No I don't think so. I remember why this all started... it started back when I was pregnant but not with Hope.


Oh my god. Is the only thing that repeats in my head over and over again.

I look at the pregnancy test and see the pink plus sign.

I can't be.

This has to be a mistake.

I'm only 16.

I call my best friend who always supports me but she doesn't answer. I call my boyfriend but be doesn't answer.

I decide to just go to my best friends house. I walk down the street to her house as knock on the door. Her mom opens the door and let's me in then leaves to go to the kitchen and I walk upstairs to Samantha's room.

My breath is knocked out my lungs for a second as I see my boyfriend and my best friend kissing. They notice me and pull away while standing far apart from each other.

"Hillary oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen. But I love him!" Samantha says.

I shake my head but keep saying what.

"Hillary I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I love Samantha too" Robb says.

"I hate you Robb Robertson!" I run out her house ignoring their yells to me.

It's getting darker outside so I hurry to my house. On the way home I walk past an alley. Someone pulls my arm and slams me into the brick wall. I'm surrounded by 4 men. I scream and kick but no one hears me or comes to my rescue. As I lay on the ground I hear them all laughing. Hearing people call my name, I pass out and see the men run away.

I wake up in a hospital. Samantha and Robb are sitting by me. I yell at them to get out. After ten minutes of yelling back and forth they leave. The doctor comes in and tells me that I was indeed pregnant but I lost the baby.

Over the next weeks I get depressed and watch Robb and Samantha act all coupley at school.

During senior year I found out Robb proposed to Samantha.

During college Robb and Samantha got married.

But I was still miserable. And it was all their fault.

After college Samantha got pregnant. So did I. During college I found a guy that helped me with my depression. His name was Robert. Which helped me, because I never got over Samantha and Robb being together.

Samantha had twins and I had a baby girl. Our girls became best friends but Samantha didn't know I was Hope's mother. Hope and Lacey were inseparable. But all good things have to come to an end. And I am going to ruin Lacey's life if I can't ruin Samantha's.

~Flashback over~

Hope's POV

I lay on the boys chest as he is asleep. He kept telling me that I'm beautiful and that no one sees the real me. Which they don't. This is all my mothers fault. After I have the baby I have to act rude and let Jase get custody. Of course I'm going to be sad and miss the baby... it's my child. But I know I'm not going to be a good mother. I'm too damaged.

The boy hugs me tighter and I snuggle into his side. He has always been here for me. When I was new I flirted with him and acted like a slut but he didn't buy it. I apologized to him when I had sex with Jase and he forgave me.

I look at his adorable sleeping face. And at that moment I realized that I am in love with River.


Just a little chapter that explains why Hope is why she is. Now you know who the mystery guy was. And yes River is Lacey and Jase's friend. He is the guy she was with on the chapter 'Something Missing' or whatever I named it! Double update! Love you guys! 😘

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