Chapter sixteen

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As soon as the call ended, Batman got his ass in gear. He ordered everyone to get ready whilst he sent the location to the jet then he got ready himself. They all over packed since they were entering a live base now with little to no plan other than rescuing their youngest. Who knows how hard it would be but seeing that he had been hurt was the boost they needed to find him. He'd risked a lot by contacting them and they wouldn't let his efforts be done in vain. Alfred made sure the medical supplies on the jet were fully stocked just in case but he hoped that it wouldn't be used. He gave them all the once over to make sure they definitely had everything because they couldn't afford to forget anything. With the checks done, Alfred sent them on his way and began busying himself with chores to take his mind off things. 

The flight had been silent, mirroring the flight the three siblings had taken before in their attempt at a rescue mission. They were all anxious to get in and get out as fast as possible. It had already been too long. The location this time wasn't an Island but in the middle of woodland. That threw out the idea to reuse the previous plan but that wouldn't deter them. Batman manoeuvred the jet so they could land out of sight of the base. They didn't doubt that Slade's guard was up so they may have already been spotted but the woodland would still prove helpful. They were masters at disappearing and with the many trees, that would make their job easier if they needed to fade into the shadows. Red Robin had been going over plans as they flew over, trying to formulate one that would be quick and easy but it seemed whatever he came up with inevitably ended with some sort of fight. He decided to choose the one with the least conflict. This meant they had to go through the storage room on the ground floor then make their way down to the bottom floor, checking signs and knocking out anyone they needed until they found Dick. With Dick, they could either go through the same path or they could take the expressway. It would have to flush out once they got in but it was better than not having any plan. He relayed the plan to the others and they agreed. "I swear when I get my hands on that guy," Red Hood began angrily, unable to continue because he was so pissed. He wanted to unload at least half of his ammo on Slade.

"No murder in front of Dick," Red Robin insisted.

"We're not spending long enough there for murder," Batman responded.

"Exactly. We'll only have time for maiming," Robin added. "Hence why I brought my sharpest katana."

"No murder."

"Maiming allowed?" There was a long pause. 

"If we have time." They nodded, quite happy with that possibility, and followed Batman out of the jet and into the woodland.

They eventually came across the walls that surrounded the base and looked around for a guard. There were three too close for comfort and there were a few in a watchtower. Red Robin took an infrared scan and found that there was no one outside within the walls. Taking this into account, Red Hood picked up a rock and threw it as far as he could in the opposite direction to their entry point. It made a loud thud and twigs crunched underneath its weight. This gained the attention of the guards and the people in the watchtower. They waited until the ground guards had begun walking towards the woodland before sprinting over to the wall and scaling it. Once inside the walls, they swiftly found the window to the storage room and climbed in one by one. The storage room was filled with guns, knives, explosives and for some reason food. That really wasn't the correct way to store things as Red Robin noted but they didn't have time to play impromptu health inspector although that really should be a role more villains should welcome. They manoeuvred around the high shelves, peaking in between before moving so they weren't caught off guard. This would be the worst place to get caught considering it was packed full of weapons. "They don't even have Cheezits, Slade really is a monster," Red Hood commented.

"It's all just soup. Who needs this much soup," Red Robin added. "Oh wait no, they have pasta."

"Why are you commenting on their food storage?" Batman asked, already regretting asking.

"Villains deserve nutrition too." He shook his head and they continued to creep through storage before coming across two men. He put his hand up to stop everyone and pointed to the men. Red Hood pulled out his gun but the older shook his head. It was too loud and could alert others to their location. They needed something quick so the men wouldn't radio and something quiet to not cause suspicion. Red Robin pulled out a few pellets with knock out gas, gaining the nod to go ahead. He knelt down and tossed the pellets by their feet. The gas escaped the pellets and soon the men's eyes rolled to the back of their heads and they collapsed to the floor. He walked over to collect the evidence of his pellets when the radio of his victim's hip blared to life. "This is Slade coming in. Nobody is to disturb me in Room 13 no matter what you hear. Over." The group looked to one another because they all heard the crackle of someone crying in the background and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together. Slade had found Dick after he made the phone call and if they didn't get their asses down to Room 13, he'd pay the price for it.

Covert was out the window as they stormed their way downstairs, flooring anyone who got in their way. Gunshots echoed throughout the stairwell with Red Hood returning the fire and Robin slashing at the gunmen. Of course, neither was allowed to murder but a few near-death hits were worth the risk. Red Robin jammed signals and took out security cameras so they could keep the hoards of henchmen manageable. They didn't need any setbacks from becoming overwhelmed. Batman led the charge, breaking bones and splitting skin without a second thought. He was a man on a mission and those around them were fools to think they could stop him. They left a trail of unconscious men in their wake as they left the stairwell, finding themselves in a hallway of doors. They counted the numbers. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. They could hear muffled cries. Nine. Ten. There was a call for help. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. As soon as Batman saw the door, he broke it down without thinking to reveal Slade standing over Dick with a bat in his hand. Blood dripped down the boy's face, forcing him to squeeze his left eye close. He looked terrified as he pressed his back against the wall and did his best to protect himself. Hearing the door had opened, Slade turned to see who it was and glared at the family. He was outnumbered so leverage was needed. He grabbed onto Dick's black locks and pulled him up before putting a knife on his neck. "Hey Batman, I didn't authorize a visit."

"Get your hands off him," the man hissed.

"I have the upper hand so I wouldn't go demanding anything." They were in some truly deep shit.

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