Chapter thirteen

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Dick was exhausted yet he was still forced out of his cell to train. He wasn't entirely sure why the training had to be so harsh. Slade explained his purpose was to take over but that wasn't clear. That date was so far in the future so why did he need to work so hard now. Even as Robin, he didn't train this hard. He supposed it could be worse though. He was getting decent meals, he only got a few bruises when they sparred and sometimes he'd even get some praise. Slade didn't seem all that bad considering how Damian had reacted to him. In some ways, Slade had acted like Bruce had when he appeared in this child form. Harsh but not entirely unlikeable. He obviously didn't like the fact he'd been kidnapped by this assassin and forced to train for a future he didn't want but there were small things. Slade wasn't a yeller which he was thankful for. His anger or frustration remained even-toned. Sometimes he'd give the boy treats. A small lemon sherbert although the powder tasted funny. Dick wouldn't complain though and since none of the other food had been poisoned, he took them without question. He'd just been happy to satisfy his sweet tooth. He usually got the sweet before he was sent to his room and would sleep almost as soon as he got inside. Those two were the only likeable traits he could think of. For as talkative as Dick was, he didn't say much. He'd thank his new mentor when told to, he'd mostly just say yes or no with a mandatory sir. Slade didn't talk much either. They shared very brief conversations and all of them were about accepting that this was his fate but he couldn't ever accept this was his permanent status. Someone would find him and come save him. Eventually. He just didn't know how long that would be. 

During one sparring session, he'd gotten hurt as they worked on hand to hand combat. He swung when he should've dodged and got a fist straight to the jaw. He was knocked back a few steps and tears bubbled up as pain riveted through him. He swiped his hand across his lips, finding blood was staining his hand. When he felt a tear run down his cheek, he quickly wiped it away. He didn't want to cry in front of this man. As fair as he had been, Slade wasn't someone he wanted to be that vulnerable in front of. The action made the older chuckle. "Some things never change," he commented. "You did the same when we trained together. I put you through a lot and yet you always refused to cry. It was admirable." Dick didn't like that. He'd hurt him in the future or was it the past? Whatever it was, he didn't like it. "There's a first aid kit over there." He nodded and went to fetch it. As he picked it up, a man ran in and said something to Slade that Dick couldn't quite hear.  The older nodded with a serious look then sent him off. "Fix yourself up and stay here." 

"Yes sir." He wondered what was going on but thought it best not to ask. Questions usually brought about answers he didn't like. For his sake, he could only hope the news didn't anger his new mentor. 


Damian couldn't believe his father. He also couldn't believe how hungry and thirsty he was but that was taking a back seat to how angry he was. It was no secret what happened to Dick the last time he was under the care of Slade yet that seemed to not affect the speed at which they did things. He angrily packed things for the mission even if it wasn't going to happen as soon as he liked. He just needed to do something to keep himself busy. "Hey, fancy pissing off Bats?" Jason asked from the doorway. Damian turned to him, hiding his excitement at the suggestion. "We were talking and since he's pissing off for a few hours, we have enough time to pin where Dick is and pick him up. Might be a tough fight but we'll get something from it." Given that Damian was already antsy, he nodded. "C'mon, Replacement is doing his dumb hacky shit so we may as well get you fed. You've been gone for like three days and I doubt you got much."

"Three days?" he exclaimed. That would explain the hunger.

"Yeah, the plate on the car was hard to find and they blocked trackers coming out of the base. You've been gone for three days," Jason explained. That meant at most, Dick had been with Slade for three days. That was three days too many. He didn't like not knowing what went on in that block of time. What if something horrible was happening? Well, he already knew there was something horrible going on. "Hey, we're gonna get Goldie. He'll be annoying you before you know it," the older reassured him. "Then you'll be wishing he was missing again."

"He's with Wilson. You can't expect me not to harbour some sort of worry about that," he replied glumly.

"You're right but we're doing what we can." He nodded and followed the older to the Manor. 

After devouring half the fridge and drinking more water than he thought was possible, Damian felt ready to take on the challenges they faced. Jason and him went back down to the Cave where Tim looked very smug. "Find something?" Jason asked, already knowing they had some good news. It was exactly what they needed too. Pleasing his family wasn't very high up on his list of priorities but it was a damn downer when they were all gloomy. Granted that was their whole thing. 

"You betcha," the younger responded. He pulled up a satellite view of an island that was so tiny it wouldn't appear on many if not all maps. On the said island was a building that was akin to the military bases they linked with Slade. It was smaller compared to what they'd seen before but that wasn't a problem. That just meant they had to be a little more overt than they'd previously planned. Not a problem. "This is where the area code leads to. There's an entrance point here," he began, pointing to the south side of the building. "We can use that because the main traffic seems to focus on the north side. On the blueprints," he paused to pull said blueprints, "there's a whole level dedicated to sleeping areas. This is where everyone sleeps including Slade. Where's the best place to put your captive? Right next to you." 

"That's the lowest floor," Jason pointed out.

"Which means we need a fast track. Already figured it out. There's a vent that goes from the cliff face into the domestic area. The domestic area is at the end of the hall of sleeping areas. That's our way in but there's only one of us who can fit in that." Tim looked to Damian who had his eyes trained on the screen. It would be a tight fit but if Dick as a full-grown adult could fit in vents that size, he certainly could.

"I'm willing to crawl through grime," Damian stated.

"Great. We're working with a limited time frame here so it has to be quick in and out. If something is wrong, you come back. Don't go on a one-man mission to save the day." He nodded. "With that said, we better get going."


Eventually, Slade returned to the room with a sigh and Dick stood to attention as he was told to. He didn't like being so obedient but he didn't want to risk not following instructions. "I'm sure you'll be glad to know your cockroach of a sibling has been picked up," the older announced. Dick let himself smile but it dropped when he was sent a glare. "That doesn't mean you're saved. I've covered by basis so don't expect this experience to be over. Just for smiling, I want a hundred push-ups now." Dick nodded and got on the floor. He'd never done a hundred push-ups before but he wasn't going to say that. He focused his mind on what the man meant by covering his basis. That couldn't mean anything good. That could only mean prolonging everything. He hoped that it was just a bluff to keep him compliant and to make him lose hope. Nothing would make him lose hope. Bruce was his dad and he'd move heaven and earth to find him...right? Things had changed and what if Bruce didn't want to play that game? Instead, what if he decided there was nothing he could do and let his ward stay with this new mentor? Dick squeezed his eyes closed. If Bruce didn't come for him then someone else would. It wasn't just him and Bruce anymore. He had siblings and they'd find him. They'd have to.

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