03pt1: Paris

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So, ummm... Since Chapter 2 is so long! I think this chapter is very long.. I think, and somebody will be here in this chapter,not one,not two,but many, so, keep reading and find out who are they.. Enjoy Chapter 3..

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Yaya went upstairs to her room, she change her clothes to pajamas and lie down on the bed and thinks about her mom..

Yaya: (in her mind) i need to help my mom! She needs help but how? I need to something...

"i hope i can do something to help my mom"


At Paris, 2:00am in the morning,

It was night in Paris, and Boboiboy still hasn't sleep yet, he kept thinking about on who to fired and to stay, it is a complicated decision since he is very close to the chefs and the waiters. He was about to sleep until..

*phone rings*

Boboiboy: huh? *took his phone and answer* hello? Who is it?

???: Boboiboy! It's me! Gopal!!

Boboiboy: Gopal! What are doing in the middle of the night?

Gopal: I'm also asking the same thing, your still awake?

Boboiboy: I was about to sleep but then, you just called!

Gopal: hehe! Sorry Boboiboy..

Boboiboy: hay.. what do u need?

Gopal: you see! It's my first time doing a job, so, what time should I go to work?

Boboiboy: oh! You need to be here at work at 7:00am.. don't be late..

Gopal: oh! Ok! Thank you buddy!

Boboiboy was about to end the call but then, Gopal start to speak..

Gopal: eh! Boboiboy? One more thing.

Boboiboy: what is it?

Gopal: have you decided yet?

Boboiboy: *sigh* no.. I haven't! It's hard! I couldn't think which is the best decisions, I want to make this business better for the future but I don't want to hurt their feelings!! Things are getting complicated here!!

Gopal: wow! Hard choice but I know you Boboiboy! You can make the right decision for you and the restaurant..

Boboiboy: ....

Gopal: you know what? Let's get some rest! *Yawn* I'm tired! We got work to do! Ok! Goodnight Boboiboy!

Boboiboy: Goodnight- Gopal! It's 2:11am, it's morning!

Gopal: oh right! Sorry! Goodbye!

Boboiboy: heh! Bye!

Both of them end their call, Gopal went to sleep (that was fast) while Boboiboy still thinking what is the best thing to do..

At 2:34am..

Boboiboy is still awake, kept thinking about his decision over and over again.. after few minutes of thinking, he finally made up his mind.

Boboiboy: (in his mind) ok! I have made my decision... I hope it turns out well..

Meanwhile at Malaysia..

It was afternoon and Yaya is at the street, selling her cookies, throughout the years, she noticed before that her cookies doesn't taste well and decided to improve herself to make the most delicious cookies that she ever made.. bcuz of that, her cookies sold out in a minute or an hour, and kept her money in a jar, the one that she give it to the House Owner, and now, her basket is only half full and there are still some packs of cookies and no one get near her or call her, she was about to leave until..

???: Yaya! Over here!

Yaya recognize that voice, when she turn around to see who's calling her and it was...

Yaya: Ochobot?

It was Ochobot, taking care of the Cocoa shop.. Yaya run towards to the Cocoa Shop and greeted Ochobot..

Yaya: hello Ochobot, how are you?

Ochobot: I'm fine! How about you?

Yaya: I'm fine as usual..

Ochobot: Can I have 4 packs of cookies please?

Yaya: *giggles* sure!

Yaya give Ochobot the pack of cookies and Ochobot gives her the payment, things are getting quiet until Yaya broke the silent...

Yaya: so, How's Tok Aba? Is he ok?

Ochobot: he's fine! Just taking some rest..

Yaya: glad to hear that..

Ochobot: so, how's you and your.... Um..... Boyfriend?

Yaya: were fine.. I guess?

Ochobot: are you sure you move on after 3 years?

Yaya: huh? Why did you ask?

Ochobot: just wondering

Yaya: Ochobot... After those years, do u think that I haven't recovered on what Boboiboy did to me??? Of course I have already move on! He wasted 5 years of our relationship and I'm starting a new life and never lock myself from heart broken and miserably life!

Ochobot: .... I know Boboiboy, he will never do such a thing like that especially you, Yaya, your his lover..

Yaya: Ex-Lover Ochobot!!! I completely forget about him and I don't want to see him again!!!

Ochobot: umm... Ok...

Ochobot was afraid that Yaya just raise her voice, so, he stop talking about Boboiboy and quickly change the topic..

Ochobot: so, Yaya, have any news about your friends?

Yaya: *calm down* hmmm... Well, Ying is back from China, Bunny is staying here in Malaysia for a month,same with Kylie and Kiki, but I don't know about Bunny's friends, Gopal and Fang..

Ochobot: oh ok..

Yaya: *checks the time* oh! I need to go! Bye Ochobot! Nice chatting with u!! *Leaves*

Ochobot: bye Yaya! See you later! *Waves*

When Yaya left the shop, Ochobot start to think about what she said about Boboiboy..

"Ex-Lover Ochobot!!! I completely forget about him and I don't want to see him again!!!"

Ochobot: when will she realized that it was an accidental and it's not Boboiboy who started.. *sigh* *continue working*

Back In Paris,

It was 7:23am, and Boboiboy is inside his office with Gopal doing some works, everything was silent, until..

Gopal: hey Boboiboy!

Boboiboy: huh? *Stop writing* what is it Gopal? I'm writing something..

Gopal: have you decided yet on your decision?

Boboiboy just remember the decision last night that he made the final choice! He completely forgot to do it! Good thing Gopal remind him or else, he will completely forget about for a whole day.

Boboiboy: oh ya!! Your right! Thanks for reminding me! I have made my choice!

Gopal: really? Finally! You already made up your mind! So, what is it?

A few minutes later..

At the kitchen..

Since the restaurant opens at 8:15am, the chefs and the waiters are waiting to do their work..

Sera: *checking Instagram*

Winter: *watching Pokemon series*

Veronixs: *washing the leftover dishes*

Sera,Winter, and Veronica are from the Philippines who works as a chefs, they are one of Bunny's friends..

Sera: *gasp* Girls! I recommend you to watch My Hero Academia and Bungo Stray Dogs! It's a great anime!

Winter: ok! I'll try..

Veronixs: sure.. maybe.. if I have time..

Just then, Boboiboy exit his office and arrives at the kitchen.

Marvin: everyone! Sir is here!

Veronixs: huh? *Stop washing* *rinse her hands and dry it*

Sera: *quickly hide her phone*

Winter: oh my!! *Turn off her phone immediately*

All the chefs and waiters went in their position..

Boboiboy: good morning everyone..

Chefs and waiters: Good morning!

Boboiboy: *sad face*

Waiter#1: is there anything wrong sir?

Boboiboy: look! I got some bad news..

Veronixs: what kind about bad news sir *worried tone*

Boboiboy: .............. *Sigh*......... I'm going to fired one of you...

Everyone was shocked, upon on what Boboiboy said, everyone have mixed emotions, panic, crying, scared.. they don't want to be fired, they want to do this for their future and their families back in their hometown..

Winter: Holy Shirt!!! I dont want to be fired!! I have work so hard!!!


Veronixs: *hugs Winter and Sera* me too!!

Few hours pass by.. and the chefs and waiters were all scared and nervous bcuz they will be gone from work.. including Sera, Winter and Veronixs, they seems scared as well.. the other chefs and waiters has been called by Boboiboy few hours ago.. and the rest are scared that they might be next..

At 10am...

Boboiboy decided to close the restaurant for this.. bcuz of course, they can't keep doing on this when so many costumers are in the way.. but then, some chefs and some waiters, who are called by Boboiboy, are crying, looks like something's wrong..

Winter: *notice some chefs and waiters crying* um.. girls! Why are they crying?

Veronixs: huh? *Notice too* I wonder why? Is there something wrong?

Sera: I'll go talk to them... *Ran towards them...

Sera decided to talk to one of them..

Sera: excuse me miss! Why are u crying?

Chef #1: bcuz the ones that called by Sir, are the ones who are fired...

Sera: *gasp*

Chef #1: *leaves*

Sera was shocked, the reason why their crying bcuz they are the ones who are fired.. she ran back to Winter and Veronixs,and spread the news..

Veronixs: No way!! Seriously??

Winter: oh my gosh!!!

Sera: only 15 employees are fired, 20 are left..

Winter: I'm nervous.. maybe we should talk to Boboiboy?

Veronixs: I agree, I need to know, what's going on..

Sera: *nod*

So, the girls decided to go the office to talk to Boboiboy..

At the office, Boboiboy was sitting there thinking what happen to the employees.. he felt guilty on what he did... He just stay silent until..

*Knock knock*

Boboiboy: huh? Come in! The door is open!

The door open and it reveals Sera, Winter and Veronixs..

Veronixs: Boboiboy?

Boboiboy: girls! What are you doing here?

The girls entered the office..

Veronixs: we want to talk to u in a minute..

Boboiboy: sure! What is it?

Sera: about the employees that you fired, why did you do that? You know how hard working they are!!

Boboiboy: well, you see, My Dad told me to make a decision on which I should gave them another chance or fired them immediately, I have been thinking all day, all night, until I made up my mind and decided to follow my father's choice.. but somehow, I felt guilty on what I did before.. *sigh* *pout*

Winter: look! I know you felt guilty! But what should we do now? We're lacking of cookers and services.. were only 20 and it's not enough to take care of so many costumers..

Boboiboy: I have been thinking that maybe we should hired new workers to take their place, so, we can take care of the costumers fast and give them the right services!

Sera: that is a great idea!

Veronixs: we need to spread everyone the news, we will put posters, send it on Social Media and more!

Boboiboy: Good idea girls! Spread the news! We need this! The interview will start in 3 days! So, let's do this!!

Back in Malaysia...

Yaya is at home, eating dinner with his little brother, and also taking care of him, they were about to finish their food until Yaya's mother arrive from her work..

Yaya: mom! *Hug and kiss her* how's your work?

Mrs. Yah: it's fine!

Yaya: pls! Seat down!

Mrs. Yah sit on her chair, Yaya gets a plate, spoon and fork and give it to her mother..

Mrs. Yah: thanks Yaya.. *sad*

Yaya: mom! *Notice her face* *worry* are you ok?

Mrs. Yah: I'm fine dear! Don't worry!

Yaya: Mom! Don't lie to me! I know your hiding something, please tell me!

Mrs. Yah: *heavily sigh* ok.. my boss decided to let me retire from my work..

Yaya: what? Why?

Mrs. Yah: I don't know but, he give me a very big amount of salary for our everyday needs..

Yaya: oh! That's good news!

Mrs. Yah: but...

Yaya: but what mom?

Mrs. Yah: when I was going home, a snatcher snatch my bag with the money in it, I was about to get it while defending myself but I can't, he ended up push me and took the bag with it.. and now.... It's all gone *tear up a little*

Yaya: oh my!

Yaya was surprised about what happen to her mom! She felt so worry, she should have fetch her mom and the incident will never happen but it's too late..

Yaya: I'm so sorry mom! I should be there for you! I am so sorry!!!

Mrs. Yah: dear! It's not your fault, none of us didn't want this to happen, but it does, don't blame yourself ok?

Yaya: ok! I need to sleep now, Goodnight Totoitoy!

Totoitoy: Goodnight sis!

Yaya: Goodnight Mom! *Hug*

Mrs. Yah: goodnight sweetie!

Yaya went upstairs and go inside her room and took her laptop that her mom gave it last 4 years ago..

Yaya: *sits on her bed* (in her mind) I need to find a job fast! My mom is losing hope and she needs money now!!

Yaya kept searching on the website to find jobs that she can enter but sadly, none of them fits her well, she stop searching and go to Facebook and see some recent post until she saw a post about hiring chefs/waiters

Yaya: oh! This looks interesting! *reads the requirements* finally! I find the perfect job for me, now, where is that restaurant?

Yaya check the location of the restaurant that she found, and she was shocked by the location..

Yaya: WHAT?? Paris, France???!! That's to far!!

But she look on how much the salary is, it's quite big and it's perfect for her needs and her family but the only problem is, the location is far..

Yaya: *close the laptop* the job and salary is perfect but it's too far away! What should I do now... *Lays down*

After minutes of thinking, she jump off her bed, and open her drawer, and sees 17 jars full of her saving from her cookies, do you think she has only one jar, the one that she gives it to the House Owner, no! She has 17,before it was 46, but it was used for everything needs, only 17 left, but she needs more money for their everyday living, she thinks about it and made her decision!

"I'm going to Paris! For my family and my future!"


Part 2 coming soon!

seraphinalakmana as Sera

WinterStorm16 as Winter Storm


VeronixsEspina as Veronica "Veronixs" Espina

More of them at the next chapter!

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