Part 1

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"The investigation of the sudden disappearance of Thomas Lee is still underway. The notorious serial killer was last seen 6 days ago." The lady hosting today's news says. "The signal revealed the murderer's location, but who sent it, is yet a puzzle to solve. Police have been trying to get any evidence as to where the teenager vanished to. Please contact your local police if you have any information that might help with the ongoing investigations."

My mind diverted from the television playing in the background while I focused on washing the dirty knives. It's been nearly 3 days since I moved in, and everything seems to be going smoothly. The neighbourhood isn't as bad as I expected since everyone usually manages to keep to themselves and out of my business. I knew if I stayed back there any longer, I would've gotten caught. I wiped my hands on the towel and allowed the television to grasp my attention once again.

"Some believe he killed himself, and others believe he fled to another country." The news continued.

I smirked at the mechanical box. I wish I had the money to flee to another country altogether, but sadly I managed to relocate to a tiny town only a couple of hours away from where I was before. The nerve to think that I would kill myself? Who would kill themselves when they know that hundreds of people around the country fear them?

"He was last seen 6 days ago, at the location of his last murder, John Williams, a cashier at a local supermarket. The witnesses managed to capture a photograph of the killer. If he is seen, please stay away and contact the New York authorities immediately."

It's almost hilarious. I was seen aeons ago, there's no way they can find me now. They're utterly useless. Contacting the authorities won't do much. They take approximately 7 minutes to get to the scene, but by then, the murder has already been committed. Staying away won't do any good either. Once someone catches my eye, they're as good as dead.

A picture of John Williams was on the screen, while a picture of my old self was displayed adjacent to it. Black hair, green eyes, a permanent scowl and a neck tattoo sticking from the collar of the shirt. Thomas Lee. I looked hideous. They could've had the decency to take a better picture of me. My eyes were directed at the middle-aged man, John Williams. I feel bad about killing him, I do. He'd just caught me at my worst, pestering me about how to live my life. That's why I hate adults, they always think they know better about some stranger's life.

The doorbell rang a total of 3 times, and I tore my eyes away from the bright screen. I swung the brown door open only to be greeted by my smiling albino 'friend.' An individual around my age, has white hair, pale skin, blue eyes and a shaggy way of presenting himself. Jayden Harris. He looked around 2 inches taller than the last time I met him, and unconsciously my eyes darted towards his shoes. Bingo! He was wearing thick boots which could be mistaken as heels for men.

"Ready to go, Sean?" He beamed at me. What was there to be so happy about? We were only going out for lunch.

I forced myself to smile up at him before going to grab my glasses and checking myself in the mirror. Brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, glasses and decent clothes. Sean Walker. That was my name now. I switched off the television and marched out the door, pocketing my keys right after. Our walk was silent until he perked up. It was disgusting at times, but I was loyal to my disguise.

"What kind of food did you like in Canada?"

The country I supposedly lived in before. Smiling I responded bluntly and generally. The quiet once again welcomed us as I stared at the pebbles on the ground, rubbing beneath our feet. The air whistled around us, making the trees rustle. I liked it. Jayden spoke up again, and I tried not to roll my eyes.

"Don't worry too much about that serial killer." My ears perked up. "I saw you watching the news, but he's probably dead so I wouldn't worry too much about him."

This insolent fool.

"It wouldn't hurt to be careful." I smiled once again and took a couple of steps forward. " If anything, he might have a reason to kill all those people."

"All those people..."

I hummed in response. "Who knows what he has been through."

"The guy killed dozens of people, if you meet him, you're as good as dead," Jayden argued. "Who wouldn't want someone like him dead?"

I sighed. He was starting to get on my nerves, but I lightly shook my head and smiled at him. "Because someone like him is also human."

Our walk fell into silence once again, not that I cared. It had been roughly around 10 minutes since we left my place, so the cafeteria must be somewhere around the corner now.

"He's a monster," Jayden spoke under his breath, but it was loud enough for me to hear. My eye twitched but I decided not to say anything. A slight chuckle escaped my lips, and I could feel Jayden staring at me.

"How do you know he's killed a lot of people?" he asked. "This is the first time they mentioned the killer since you've been here." My eyes and hands twitched in anticipation as Jayden continued. "And that chuckle just now..."

He stopped behind me, forcing me to come to a halt and meet his confused look. "Why do you act as if you know him?"


Dropping a cliffhanger and then just leaving at that is just amusing at times.

Well, tune in for next week to see how 'Sean' gets out of this mess.

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