Chap 1 - Creature

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"Hey, imma need you to take something off my hands" Xiuhcoatl laughed from where he was sitting. He and Leviathan were out on one of their typical drinking nights since they did quite enjoy each other's company. "Eh, sure, what is it?" Leviathan grunted, glancing up from a glass of freshly served whiskey. Xiuhcoatl gave a smile, the kind he only ever showed when he was unsure about something or knew it was wrong "Xiuh... This won't get me into trouble, will it?" Leviathan squinted a bit, his mouth becoming a flat line.

"Of course not!" Xiuhcoatl exclaimed, a little too loudly. He was quick to lower his voice again. "Well, actually I'm not sure... It's still in the egg..."

"You want to give me a creature?" Leviathan stopped squinting, now intrigued "And what do you mean 'I'm not sure'? You know quite a lot about eggs, after all." He questioned, cocking his head to the side.

"Well, I know what it isn't. I've never seen an egg like this one before" Xiuh tried to explain "The shell is much stronger than a typical dragon's egg, but the platings the same, but again it's much smoother and-" "Yeah, I get it" Leviathan interrupted, raising a hand as a signal for his friend to stop talking. "So, we know that this isn't a dragon, demon or any kind of spirit." Upon getting a nod from Xiuhcoatl, he continued "What if it's something intelligent? I could get in trouble for that. You know, the slave trafficking laws?"

"Well, if it's intelligent, just raise it as your child! Problem solved!" Xiuhcoatl grinned "So will you take the egg or not?" He asked, arching a brow.

Leviathan just sighed "Fine..."


That was a few years ago. And now Leviathan was stuck with a 'son' of sorts. A son that was no demon or hellspawn, but just as intelligent none the less, maybe even more than your average demon. He was a quick learner, that was no lie, but he was also incredibly... Violent, per se. Leviathan dreaded coming home every day, he swore the creature would murder him one of these days.

He sighed to himself as he opened the door, only to feel thick muscle wrap around his exposed neck and squeeze. He struggled before realizing who exactly it was. The creature he had adopted, of course. He had hidden above the doorframe again, waiting for any intruders to strangle with his long, serpentine tail. Leviathan sighed and patted the tail calmly, feeling it unwrap from around his throat. The creature never went for him on purpose, so he had taught him a few signals to show it wasn't some intruder that had entered the house.

Speaking of the creature... He really needed to name the blind and mute thing.

"Hey, get down from there!" Leviathan shouted when he noticed the almost 5-foot thing crawl around on the ceiling as if searching. He snapped his fingers, running towards him to get his attention "Get down from there, now! Right now!" He hissed. This creature got on his nerves sometimes, but oh well... At least it considered him family.

As the skies outside began to darken, the creature finally crawled down from the ceiling, curling up on the couch in his usual spot. He insisted on sleeping there for whatever reason, even when Leviathan had offered him a bed of his own. Leviathan let out a small breath he didn't realize he had been holding and sat down on the couch beside the creature. The creature seemed to notice that he was there - either by heat signature or because he felt the couch dip - because he moved over and hugged Leviathan around the waist, resting his head on his thigh. His breath soon evened out into sleep.

Leviathan just sighed and leaned back, placing a hand on the creature's back "Ozul..." He mumbled as he drifted off "That will be your name..."  

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