All Gone

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-*Ladybug/Marinette's POV*-

            Luna Moon was gone. As was Y/n.
Nightmare had completely taken over right before my and Cat Noir's eyes. Looking at Cat, I knew he was okay. Just asleep. Watching Y/n hug him and hold him made me want to punch her in the gut. But I knew better, he was everything she's ever had. And I guess, I'm okay with that. I still have Adrien anyway.
            All I wanted to do right now, was defeat this stupid Nightmare person, go home, and cry to Tikki about my problems. But I had yet to get out of this blue encasement. I watched as Nightmare connected her temple with Y/n's temple with a bloody chain. All you could hear now were screams as a blinding light enveloped them.
           Nightmare's spell broke momentarily and I took that as a chance to free myself and wake Cat Noir. He stood up, shocked, and I tried to kiss him to prove that I still cared about him, but he held up a gloved hand in between our mouths.
          All of a sudden, he made me feel the way that I must have made him feel all this time. Like he didn't even care. My mouth fell into an O and Cat rolled his eyes. "Ladybug, I'm sorry okay? But I love Y/n more than you. I've realized that now. I tried to prove my feelings to you and you ignored them. Ever heard of the saying, 'If you truly loved the first one, you would have never fallen in love with the second one,'? Well, I'm setting you free. Sorry."
           I waited for the pain in his words. For the impact to hit my heart hard. For me to realize that he didn't love me. He loved her.
            But it didn't come.
And I don't think it ever will. I just will have to accept the fact that the one I had tried to take advantage of, just someone to love me when Adrien didn't, didn't want me.
           And I guess I'm okay with that. Maybe I'm not, but right now, I need to focus on saving Paris and not on my selfishness.
I watched as Cat Noir took out his stick and looked ahead at Luna Moon (or... Nightmare?) was lying on the ground, a hazy neon glow evaporating the air around her. Her hair was splayed everywhere, and her body was twisted in an unnatural way.
I would never admit this... But I hoped she was okay. Even though now I sort of hated her for stealing Cat Noir's heart.

............. .............

-*Cat Noir/Adrien's POV*-

The one thing on my mind was very simple to say, yet harder than it sounds.
I had to save Luna Moon (or Y/n). Letting her go like this, I would never forgive myself if I let her do this. I didn't even know exactly what she was going to do, now that Nightmare was in the wheel, but I knew that I had to get My Star back. There was no way in heck that I was going to let her go.
I inched closer to her body, which was still splayed everywhere, while that glow was starting to fade... I watched as she slowly pushed herself up, standing up with an arched back. Her hair reminded me of a weeping willow tree as it hanged around her face, her dark mask blending in with the mystical shades of her shadowed skin.
              Slowly, she raised her hands to her face, they were shaking so much I could practically see them moving up and down.
           "C-cat...." I heard her whisper my name. Ladybug tried to grab me before I ran to Y/n, but I couldn't help it. I ran up to her and crouched down to her eye level, gently brushing her hair behind her ear. I gasped aloud.
           One of her eyes was e/c, but the other one was a paranormal electric blue. Her eyes slowly lifted to meet mine, and I nearly fell over from the impact of her eyes. They were so lost, so confused. The emotions were there, but I couldn't make anything out like I used to be able to. I grasped her arms, trying to stop her from shaking, but she started sobbing.
"Cat, get away from me-" sob. "You're not safe around me." She yanked her arms away and shoved me, trying to be gentle, but instead hitting me in the chest and throwing me into the air until I landed hard of the pavement on my back. I groaned at the pain.
I heard cries of pain and when I looked up, I couldn't believe what I saw. Y/n's mask had disappeared, and her other eye turned to the paranormal blue, matching her other eye. Her beautiful black suit with the little sparkle cape around her neck evaporated into a cloud of darkness leaving behind a suit of metal surrounding her chest, waist, arms, hands, and her shins. Her black boots turned into reflective silver metal boots. Her hair turned from the glorious h/c to a swirling cloud of dust surrounding her head. And finally, her miraculous turned ten times larger than it was before, the turquoise bracelet looking more like a weight on her wrist than a bracelet. A silver staff appeared next to her, replacing Luna Moon's powerful staff.
She closed her eyes and let out a small breath. She stayed that way for a couple of seconds before letting out a evil laugh that petrified me.
"You two are soooooo stupid. I've always hated you both." She sneered, opening her eyes to look up at me and Ladybug. Ladybug took out her yo-yo.
"Who are you? The Y/n we know would never say that." Ladybug cried out. I took out my staff, praying that Y/n was still in there somewhere.
"HA! You don't know who I am? That just proves that you know nothing about magic Marinette. You could call me Y/n's evil twin," Nightmare started walking around us, ever so slowly. "I have ten times the power Y/n had though, all of that negative energy inside that poor soul reflected and transformed itself into, well, me." She stopped and tenderly touched her chest. "I have the ability to tell you all of Y/n's deepest secrets, but by the looks of it, she doesn't like either of you so I'll be nice and keep her secrets between us. Because we're soo close, the two of us? Closer than you could even imagine."
Nightmare cackled slowly, and started twirling her staff like a baton. "The emotions contained inside of me consist of sadness, depression, anger, and fear. Of course, depression is the biggest. This girl is so depressing isn't she, huh, Cat Noir?" Nightmare stooped towards me and glared into my eyes. They were so cold...
"I love Y/n, not you." I growled. Nightmare smiled sarcastically and moved on. "Now, I could go on and on about what I am, how Y/n truly feels and all of that feely stuff, but right now, I don't think we should do any of that. What Y/n needs is very simple. She needs to fight. She needs to let all of her anger out through physical exposition. But, she's too weak for that so I had to take over. You see, Y/n is a mess. No one is caring to help her so... I will. So I'm sorry that I have to do this, but, I have to terminate you two."
               Ladybug nearly screamed and I lunged backwards as Nightmare shot her staff down onto the pavement, creating creases and cracks all around her.
            I held my staff out in front of me. "The only way to get her back is to bring her back. We have to get Y/n in control somehow..." I whispered to Ladybug. She nodded.
          "Maybe- RUN!" Ladybug screamed as a blue and purple fire ball shot past us, inches from my shoulder. I zoomed towards Nightmare, and swiped my staff under her legs, hoping to get her to fall over, but she jumped up into the air.
            "Y/N! I know you're in there somewhere! Fight the fear!" I screamed as loud as I could to her. I tried to picture her in front of me.
             "She's not here you- yo- FOOL!" Nightmare let out a hollow scream and a cloud of purple and blue electricity encircled around her, her arms outstretched. She tossed one hand over her shoulder and some of the magic zoomed out and ran towards Ladybug. She tried to jump away, but got tied to the building behind her. Nightmare turned to me and smiled.
               "Y/n would thank me for this." She whispered and shot more electricity at me, and luckily, I was able to dodge it until hit me in the chest, and I fell to the ground. I looked up at her and knew that this was most likely my last chance.
            Nightmare straddled me, sitting on top of me, and held her hand above her head as a cloud of darkness enclosed it. It evaporated as quickly as it appeared and she smiled at  her hand, for now the armor shone with a dark sheer color. She looked down at me and smiled sincerely. "So sorry to do this to you, honey." Nightmare was about to strike her hand against my heart when she stopped abruptly. I took this as my chance.
             It was now or never.

............ ...............

-*Your POV*-

Nightmare wasn't looking, so you took this as your chance. She was about to kill Adrien, there was no way in heck you were going to let her do that. You got up slowly, and ran behind her, gripping her neck as hard as you could until you heard strangling noises.
"You really are just a stupid girl aren't you?" Nightmare pulled free and whip-turned to face you, slapping you across the cheek. You gasped and grabbed at her wispy hair, surprised that when you tugged on it, Nightmare cried out in pain.
           "Let go of me you fool!" She screamed, punching you in the leg.
           "No way you BEEYOTCH!"
And you kept fighting.

............. ...............

-*Cat Noir/Adrien's POV*-

           Nightmare suddenly pulled back, still sitting on top of me, and cried out in pain. I grabbed onto her arms, and threw her off of me, watching as she rolled onto the pavement, and held herself up on her elbows.
           "You idiot! I'm more powerful than you will ever be!" I watched as one eye turned back to Y/n's normal eye color and I sighed with relief, she was coming back! But I could see she was struggling... A lot.
           The eye kept glitching, as did her costume. Nightmare/Y/n stood up and held out her hand, which still shimmered with darkness, the poison hadn't been used yet. Which means...
           "Y/N! No! She's going to kill you! Her hand, don't-" I ran over and yanked Nightmare's hand as far away from her as I could, but she kept fighting. More screams of agony escaped from her mouth as she hit herself in the legs, the eye, and tried ripping her hair out before, she finally collapsed on the ground, the darkness shimmering away from her metal hand.
              Her costume slowly returned to normal and her breathing slowed down to its normal pace. Her hair was in her eyes so I couldn't see them but I could tell that... She was okay.
            She was going to be okay.
            That's all that mattered at that moment.

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