Another A/N

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Guess what? This isn't an A/N. This is an update by your sucky Author-Chan. Enjoy, you're welcome! 😉😘😘 And I decided to post it early.

*Your POV*

"No," you snapped at your kwami. "I'm not sleeping. Not tonight," you gazed out your window. "I have to do something tonight."

Kindle narrowed her eyes from her perch on your headboard. "And just what exactly are you planning on doing tonight other than getting the sleep that you desperately need?"

Running to your closet, you slipped on your green sweatshirt, keeping your back facing Kindle. "Does it matter?" You were reluctant to tell Kindle where exactly you were going for fear that she would keep you from going.

               You felt Kindle's stare boring into your back. "If you plan on meeting up with Marinette to discuss the demon inside her head, then go." You froze, halfway done with putting your shoes on.

               "H-how do you know about that?" You stuttered, almost positive that you had not uttered a word to her about this. Kindle snorted.

               "I have ears, Y/n," she lifted herself up from your bed and flew over to you, levitating in the air. "I heard the entire conversation. Look, sweetie, I know that you're very concerned about this whole demon thing, but you're not ready to handle this. Nightmare is much more powerful than you think, and the nightmare in Marinette's head? She almost killed you, Y/n. That just proves how serious this is. And besides. Master Fu ordered for you to take it easy, that fall wasn't something to be taken so mildly. You can't handle this Y/n. I know that you want to do everything in your power to stop Nightmare and Hawk Moth, but not sleeping and sneaking off in the middle of the night isn't helping. Even Luna Moon isn't powerful enough to stop this." You stared at her. "You can't do anything to stop her." Kindle spoke slowly, as if you were a five year old.

You balled your hands into fists and shot her a cold stare. "Yes I can." You snarled.

Kindle narrowed her purple eyes. "Y/n," she spoke in a warning tone. But you didn't care. Instead, you shot your wrist out in front of her, and shouted, "Kindle; MOON OUT!"


"Marinette?" You asked, as you slowly lowered yourself down into a crouching position. You were on the top of the Eiffel Tower, where you told Marinette you would meet her.

Only it appeared that she hadn't shown up.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted her. You thought sadly, and turned around to jump back off of the tower and soar home.

"Leaving so soon?"

You froze. That voice. OH, COME ON! You shook your head in annoyance and turned around to face the demon in your head. Nightmare, dressed in her metal (and might I add, very revealing) structures and giving off a glowing appearance, was leaning against one of the railings. She was twirling her armored hand around in circles, tiny little sparks of dark blue dust swirling in her palm. "What do you want?" You asked, eyeing her hands with confusion. Had she gave herself an upgrade? What did she do, build a Evil-Powers-R-Us store inside your head?

Nightmare just tossed her head back and laughed.

"It's been a while since we've last met face to face, hasn't it?" She asked, turning her piercing eyes to bore into yours. "But of course, you've been busy trying to figure out my little friend haven't you?"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "The one in Marinette's head?"

Nightmare pushed herself off of the railing and waltzed around, chuckling. "No, fool, the one in your head." She walked behind the other side of the tower, out of your yard of vision. Straining your neck to see where she went, in a blink she was right in front of you again. You let out a startled cry, and jumped back, accidentally slamming your waist against the barring.

Breathing hard, you stared at her. "Who are you talking about?"

"Ugh, do I have to spell it out for you? The one who gave you you're gift," she smiled wickedly. "From all of us."

You stared down at your neck, eyeing the necklace as it swayed back and forth across your chest. When you looked back up at Nightmare, she was leaning against the railing again. "Who the fluff is 'us'?"

Nightmare rolled her eyes. "As in Hawk Moth, I, my little friend, Shiva, Ma-"

"Who's Shiva?"

"The name of the demon inside your friend's head." She snorted. "You should be thankful that you got me, you know." You looked at her like she was a deadly foot fungus. "Shiva is much more... Temperamental than I am." She snickered.

You smirked. "Actually, you're more manipulative aren't you?" She smiled.

"Yes, yes I am."

"And I suppose that you yourself are in charge of the entire... Um... Pendant of demons, aren't you?" You asked softly. Nightmare froze. A slow smile crept onto her lips.

"How sweet of you to say."

"Well, if you're not in charge of the Pendant of Souls then who is? Hawk Moth?" You couldn't exactly tell if you were getting warmer or if you straying farther and farther away from the truth. Nightmare looked at you and frowned.

"What makes you think I'm not in charge of them?"

"So there is a Pendant of Souls?" You asked.

"Well, duh, of course there is. If there wasn't then I wouldn't be in your head. Shiva wouldn't be in Marinette's head." You frowned.

"I thought that you were all of our bad thoughts and emotions molded into one person?" This was getting messy, but you were determined to solve this, despite what Kindle said. You were cracking Nightmare slowly.

"I lied." You stared at her again.


"Well I couldn't just waltz up to you and say, 'Hey, I'm Nightmare from the Pendant of Eleven Souls, and I'm going to slowly kill you. How's that sound?' " Pendant of Eleven Souls. You made a mental note. But why eleven? What's so special about that number?

"Right, right. But shouldn't the Pendant be kept safe if there are so many demons in it?" She only nodded.

"What does Hawk Moth have to do with all of this?" You couldn't help but ask. This equation didn't seem to add up. Nightmare and Shiva, the Pendant of Eleven Souls, Hawk Moth and his akumas, and that weird friend of Nightmare's. They were like parts of three different stories. Stories that you had to solve.

Nightmare stared at you. "You'll figure that out for yourself."

You crossed your arms across your chest. "Alright, fine. But at least answer two questions for me-"

"You seem to have a lot of them."

You pretended like you hadn't heard her. "What is the name of that messenger guy you sent in my dream? The one that gave me this?" You raised the pendant and hissed at the sudden pain it shot through your fingers.

"He doesn't have a name. He's our only messenger, and when we asked for a name, he didn't say anything. He never does. So we named him. Echo." Nightmare explained, rolling her eyes to show her annoyance in the man.

"Why does he always wear a cloak?" You asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Nightmare scoffed. "That was your second question. I think we're done here." She said, hoisting herself up standing on top of the railing as if it were a balance beam.

You slowly nodded, and turned on your heel, walking over to the other side of the railing, and jumping off, using your staff to help propel yourself off the tower and onto the nearby roofs.


Oh my dog, it's been so long since I last updated.

But, I'm getting new ideas for this story so guess what? It's not going to be ending soon. I mean, it will most likely end before 100 chapters, but there's a lot more left for you to discover.

Also, I hope you enjoyed my singing recording! 🎤🎤🎤

    Here's the Chapterly Quote:

I think about writing and singing and acting most of the time so... I CAN AND I WILL.

Random Hour 😉

     Alright. Love you,


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