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  -*Your POV*-

       Third day of school. You were walking through the hallways to English when you bumped into someone and you started falling backwards, but the person caught you, their face inches from yours. And that's when you noticed the electric green eyes.
       "Adrien?" You smiled to yourself.
     "Oh, hey y/n! Glad I caught you." You giggled a little as he pulled you up and you started kicking yourself. Why are you acting so girly?
         Just as Adrien opened his mouth to say something, that Chloe girl came up and started hugging Adrien. You wanted to scream and shove her down the stairs, but you just stood there clenching your teeth, knowing Adrien wouldn't approve if you did.
      "Hey Adriekins! My boyfriend." She said matter-of-factly.
   "Hey, Chloe." Adrien smiled, but gave me a look that was I mix. It either read I-want-to-be-with-you or sorry-for-the-interruption.
       You smiled and shrugged as if to say, it's okay.
You then turned and left.

-*Time Skip*-

       You were standing alone in the locker room when you heard the door open and shut. But you didn't see anyone.
       You pulled your Juicy sweatshirt on over your head and looked over the corner. "Hello?" You asked.
       Footsteps sounded on the tile until Chloe appeared. And she didn't look happy.
  "Chloe? Are you okay?" You asked, hating yourself for acting so concerned.
       "No, I'm not okay y/n! And want to know why?" Chloe scowled.
  "N-no?" Chloe came up and shoved you into the lockers, making you hit your head and fall to the floor. Your head hurt and your arms felt like they were made of lead. 
      "Do you really think you can just come to this school and steal my BOYFRIEND? You think that you're so cool and sly enough to do that?" She screamed at me and picked me up, throwing me into the wall, where I hit my hip and cried out in pain. That was going to leave a mark.
         "Well, YOU CANT. You're nothing, y/n! And nothing to Adrien! You're just a little slut coming to this school for the boys, aren't you? You're an idiot!" She screamed and threw me onto the floor, making me scrape my forehead.
         She came over and after calling me a B* and some other hurtful names, I started crying.
       "Aww, is the little crybaby sad because no one likes her? Everyone hates you! No one will ever like you! You're just a piece of trash that doesn't deserve to live!" She came over and grabbed my head, then hit my head on the lockers. I cried out in pain again as I felt the locker cut a line from my eyebrow, through my eye, and to the side of my nose.

............ ..........

  -*Adrien's POV*-

      Just as I was walking out class, I spotted y/n limping along the hallways and I took this as a chance to give her her design book back. As I was getting nearer, I noticed how horrible she looked.
       Y/n couldn't even hold her books well enough, her hands were shaking so bad, she had cuts and bruises on her hands.
      "Hey, y/n!" I called and I gasped when she looked up at me. There was a huge gash on her forehead and her eye had been cut, not to mention you could barely even tell her skin was a gorgeous s/c because of the thousands of bruises.
     "Y/n, what happened?" I asked, coming nearer and touching her cheek. A lone tear slipped down her cheek and what sounded like a sob slipped out of her mouth.
       "Nothing, Adrien. Hey, is that my design book? I've been looking for it." She sniffled as I handed it to her.
       "Do you need me to take you to the nurse?" I asked her.
  She shook her head no, her eyes widening in fear. "No, I'm fine. I have to go. Bye." I was about to stop her, but she just kept running and I felt a lump in my throat.
      What had happened to her?

........... ..........

     Hey guys! This is my first Cat Noir/Adrien X Reader and I hope your enjoying it! And I'm sorry that I have to do this, but I'm not publishing another chapter until I get at least three votes.
      That way I'll know if you guys like it.
Anyway, bye!

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