Bye, Bye, Butterfly

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-*Your POV*-

              Today was your birthday. You were turning 17.
Wow... That's a big number. Technically, a legal adult now... As you were walking to Adrien's house, you thought about everything that had happened since you moved here...
            14; first day. Saw Adrien for the first time...
            15; became a team with Ladybug and Cat. Also starting liking Cat and Adrien...
            16; became a couple with Cat/Adrien. Also when Nightmare took over... You fell off the tower... Well, Ladybug pushed you.
            Still, so much had happened in the past couple years. You suddenly couldn't bear thinking about how fast you grew up and started running until you reached Adrien's house. You pressed the doorbell, and you caught Adrien as he opened up the doors, grinned once he saw you, and ran to you, enveloping you in a bear hug. He lifted your chin up and planted his lips on yours, a sweet taste filling your mouth.
You kissed back, feeling glad and so lucky that you had him. Everything was finally perfect, for once Nightmare hadn't shown up, the sky hadn't been grey, your relationships weren't failing, mom wasn't drunk.
            Maybe you were wrong about the moon.


Still Your POV

            After school, you were heading back home, Adrien hadn't been able to drop you off due to a stupid photo shoot, when you heard glass shattering.
            Swirling around, for once unconcerned about what was going on, saw that there was a young girl (around 14) with short, blonde hair, and electric pink eyes. Her suit was golden brown with yellow rims and the suit flowed freely around her waist. She had an enlarged mallet in the other hand, but the staff attached to it was longer than usual. She used this to swing it back and destroy the nearby stores.
            "I am Felony and I will destroy anyone who dares to lie in court!" You rolled your eyes at her purpose, but ducked once a giant shard of glass almost took your head off and ran into a nearby alley.
             Awesome birthday, you thought glumly as Kindle flew out of your hair. She smiled at you, ready for action. "Ready to go?"
            You nodded and fiercely held up your bracelet. "Kindle; MOON OUT!" Kindle giggled with excitement as she flew into the bracelet, turning it to a dark purple as music notes flew out to create your black sparkly bodysuit. A small cape twirled around, a crystal blue, attached to your neck as your black GoGo boots appeared and with a flick of your finger, your silver goddess mask appeared. Finally, you held out your hand and your staff appeared, the metal cold against your skin.
             Once you were fully transformed, you did a handspring, tossing your staff up into the air, glad that you were back. You were Luna Moon. You without the invisible mask. You landed on a nearby roof and searched around for your staff, your eyes catching Cat Noir, who was holding your staff, standing on the building next to you. He smirked once he saw you looking at him.
            "Give it back!" 
           "Too little, too late. Sorry, but this kitty has a shiny new toy." Cat grinned and after a short game of chase, you finally got your staff back. When you rejoined the mission, you saw Ladybug desperately trying get close enough to Felony to cure her akuma. You watched with Cat as Ladybug got struck with the mallet and flew into a nearby store, collapsing unconscious onto the store floor.
             You turned back to Felony and grimaced as she looked up at you, sensing your stare. A plan was slowly forming in your mind.
           "Cat, go help Ladybug. I've got Felony."
           "Be careful, this is the first time you've helped cure an akuma here..." Cat seemed hesitant to leave you, but you shoved him off the roof to the store. You jumped off the roof and landed standing on your staff in front of Felony. Spreading your arms open wide, you allowed yourself to flow freely, your plan churning in your head, unnoticed. Hawk Moth must have not given Felony mind reading powers. Score!
            "It's just you and me, Felony." You whispered and Felony grinned, chuckling evilly.
             She raised her mallet to strike, playing right along. You waited, waiting until there was only a split second left to save yourself. The mallet went closer, closer... Until... Bang!
              You jumped up at record speed and grabbed your staff, using it's powers to slice the mallet in half. It crumpled to the floor, turning a hazy purple. That was where the akuma was... Felony cried out in horror as she dropped to her knees and the mallet shrunk back to its regular size.
             Stomping your staff on the ground, you channeled into Desirae, knowing it was the only way that you could cure it. (I'm gonna skip the channeling part but it will be back in future chapters)
                Opening your eyes, you let out a low growl and twirled around your staff, creating a swirl of stars and sparkles that seemed to fly.
              After it grew to a healthy size, you let go of the power, adrenaline surging through your veins and shot it straight at the akuma which got caught in a bubble of stars and darkness.
             You walked up slowly, taking the time to watch as the powers of the galaxy soaked into the butterfly and cured it, turning it back into its normal, milky color. Pressing the bubble with your finger, the bubble popped and out popped the fully cured butterfly.
              "Bye, bye, butterfly." You called out, and grinned at Cat who had left Ladybug limping to kiss you again.
              Bye, bye, butterfly.... Those three words seemed so small yet so important and welcoming.
               Little did you know that this was the last time you were going to get to say it.


GUYS! (Also, I'm sorry this may be late, I was sick like really sick)
I have to announce something. It's just some stupid idea but I want to share it.
I have a feeling that one day, Ladybug is going to realize how awful her life is as Marinette who suffers from a lot of humiliation and social anxiety that she becomes depressed and needs a shoulder to cry on. She tries Alya, of course, but she would be gone for some unnamed vacation thing.
So finally, she tries Cat, but since he's been in love with Ladybug for so long and tries to show his affection for her, but gets turned down by her, he gives her the cold shoulder and tells her that he's given up on her. Because she is such a blind ASH HOLE she doesn't even realize all the damage she's done and breaks down in front of him.
Depressing way for a reveal, but I don't like Ladybug so...
Comment what you think.

Also, this book may be ending soon... I'd say 7 more chapters at most.

Enjoy it while it lasts!!!


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