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-*Your POV*-

You collapsed on your bed in a heap and let out a strange sound. It was a half sob, cry and half animal-crying-in-pain sound. It was inhumane, but it was all you could let out right now.
Kindle flew out and rested on your back. "Y/n, I know things are getting tough right now but..." Kindle drew circles on your back with her hoof and you sighed, a tear slipping down your cheek.
"Kindle. I don't know what to do. I feel so... Lost inside. I don't know if I like Cat Noir or Adrien and- I don't want to love either of them! I just want to die sometimes!" You cried out and sat up. Kindle flew in front of you, her eyes big with worry.
"Don't you ever say you want to die."
"Well, it's the truth! I just want to get out of here sometimes! I don't want to be me! I don't want to be Luna Moon!"
Tears strolled down your cheeks like a windowpane when it's a thunderstorm, the thunder roaring from your throat as sobs escaped.
"Y/n L/n. You are stronger than this. I know you are. You do remember that you were picked for a reason, right?"
"What reason? I'm nothing. Just a swimming pool of messed up emotions and a shattered mind. That's all I am anymore." You lay back down and shut your eyes, trying to prevent the tears from rolling out.
"If you were nothing, then why do Cat Noir and Adrien love you? Why do you love them? Do you even remember the first time you tried out Luna Moon? The first time you met me?"
The memories were flooding back.

Two years ago.
You were being dragged along by your crush, Jacob Saverns, as he pulled you through the throng of kids. "Jake, where are you taking me?" You laughed, assuming that he had finally noticed the little geek girl who spent most of her time learning about mythology than the latest outfits released from Teen Vogue.
         But you were way wrong.
   "Just wait, Y/n. Come in here." He dragged you inside a storage closet and shoved you against the wall. You hit your head, and you heard ringing in your ears. The lights were off and you didn't see Jessica until you felt her burning hands grip your wrist and twist you around as Jacob switched the light on.
         "Jessica? What are you doing here?" You asked and noticed Jacob lock the door, and slip the key into his pocket. Jessica snickered and pulled Jacob closer to her, her lips brushing his.
         "I'm here to make out with my boyfriend. Don't know what you're doing here though." She then smashed her lips against his and you caught him returning it to your displeasure.
        You gasped in horror as tears started down your cheeks. You turned to the door, but Jessica hiked up her skirt and kicked you in the leg and you cried out in pain, as you slid against the wall, never taking your eyes off their lips.
         "Stop!" You cried out to them, but they ignored you and Jessica kicked you again, this time in the rib. The wind got knocked out of you and you sobbed harder, your cries eventually making their way into the halls.
        Jessica looked down at you, her brown eyes flashing with anger. She pulled away from Jacob and crouched down next to you, grabbing your hair and tugging. The pain was unbearable.
         "Shut up you idiot! Jacob doesn't like you, no one likes you. You're just a stupid ugly piece of trash! You should be more considerate, every day I have to look at your ugly face along with everyone else. Why are you even here? Huh, Y/n?"
         She beat you up good, Jacob just standing there laughing.
  He broke your heart.
       But it didn't matter. You couldn't feel anything right now. Jessica and Jacob left arm-in-arm, leaving you in the closet, bawling your eyes out.
       You knew that you would never forget that faithful day as you dragged yourself out onto the sidewalk, your tears staining the sidewalk.
        All of a sudden, you heard a man groaning and you turned your head towards the sound. You gasped even though your lungs burned. There was a poor old man in a red Chinese shirt laying on the sidewalk, trying to reach his cane, and everyone passed by not even noticing him.

You trusted your reflexes and ran to him.
You scooped up his cane and handed it to him, offering your hand, even though every move you made had a bad impact on your body. You felt yourself grimace in pain as he put weight on your hand.
"Thank you, young girl. Are you alright?" He seemed to have somehow noticed your tear streaked face but you smiled and nodded yes.
You turned and ran away not even realizing that the person you just helped had been the person who Adrien Agreste had also helped, was about to give you something that would change both of your lives forever. Only, you didn't know who Adrien was.
You ran the rest of the way home and fell to your bed in a heap of pain and tears.
As you sobbed, you felt something pressing against your stomach and you reached inside your sweatshirt pocket, feeling something round and big.
After wiping your eyes, you sat up on your bed and looked at the box. It was a dark purple shade and had a certain glow to it. Out of curiosity, you opened it and a ball of light flashed before your eyes and you shrieked, falling off the bed, the box flying across your room.
All of a sudden, there was a tiny half pony, half mermaid... Thing, floating in your room. You sat up as fast as lighting and grabbed a glass jar off your table.
You didn't have any idea what this thing was, or what was happening, you just wanted it out so you could have your daily sob-sesh in peace.
The purple flying thing quickly whipped around before you caught it and tapped you right in between the eyes before flying to the corner once you screamed.
"It's a ghost... Thing! Mom! Help!"
"No no no! Be a good Y/n and be quiet please! Trust me, I'll explain in a minute!" The little purple thing cried out, her blue eyes flaming.
You slowly lowered the bottle you were holding and stepped closer. "How do you know my name?"
"My name is Kindle. I'm your kwami, I'm here to give you your double life which you get to keep on one condition, you have to defeat Hawk Moth."
This was all going so fast. You quickly snatched up the box which held a small turquoise bracelet in it.
"What's this? And what the heck is going on, why are you here?"
"That's your miraculous. Put it on. And I'm here because your the chosen one for the power of the moon," you slipped the bracelet onto your naturally small wrist, feeling power surge through your veins. You liked it. "You have two special powers, so you're pretty special here. Thanks to yours truly!" The little purple mermaid pony pointed to herself.
"What is your name?" I asked her, touching her mane. It was so soft.
"Kindle. Anyways, your two special powers are you can channel into your inner moon goddess, Desirae, who can be a pain. And you can also lock people in the moon, but there is a deal you have to make to send them away-"
"Who cares about the deal with my power? That power is awesome! But..." You looked at the bracelet. Were you really worthy of this power? You had just gotten your heart broken and now you were supposed to save the world from this Hawk Moth?
"Just say, transform."
"' Transform?' "
You cried out as Kindle flew into your bracelet and it turned purple. A black suit with sparkles that covered everything up to your neck appeared out of nowhere, as did a small cape made of stars appeared behind you and black boots appeared. A dark purple mask appeared over your face and a staff with a moon and stars symbol that appeared to be made out of stardust appeared.
You just stood there, unsure of what to do.
"Kindle? Where did you go? I don't want to do this anymore."
But the little fairy was gone.
You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had to admit, you looked pretty... Beautiful.
NO Y/N! You aren't beautiful!
Your mind screamed at you until you heard an actual scream from outside. Looking out your window, you saw that there was a girl making a tornado outside. You had a strong feeling that this was what you needed to fight against, so you jumped out your window and landed in the Cul-de-sac where this was happening.
You were too scared to get involved so you just stood there and watched the girl destroy everything in sight.
After a couple failed attempts of arguing with yourself, you channeled into your inner goddess hoping she could help. She must have because by the time you snapped back, there was a black akuma flying away and you smiled.
        "Well, my work is done."
You ran back inside your window and suddenly, your bracelet beeped and you de-transformed. Your eyes greeted a smirking Kindle.
"Not bad, for a rookie."
"This isn't so hard."
  And it wasn't. All you had to do was shout out something, and then it just... Happened. Only...
       "But you have to be careful." Kindle warned.
       "Because no one can know who you are. You have to be very careful when you use your powers. They take up a lot of energy from me. If your miraculous starts beeping and you aren't even halfway done with the akuma, you have to hide and fast. No one must know."
         You grinned to yourself. "Are there any other holders like me?"
      "In Italy, no. In other countries, possibly. But, Y/n, you have to listen to me-"
      "Yeah yeah, watch my powers. I think I've got this in the bag. What do you think?" You asked, turning towards Kindle who sighed.
         "Well, I guess since I'm stuck with you for a while, you're not as bad as the other Luna Moon's."

After that flashback you grabbed Kindle and hugged her close. You wept and she smushed her adorable pony face against your forehead.
"You went through all of that trouble for some stupid, ugly girl who doesn't know why she's even here." You whispered.
"Y/n, the only one who doesn't think you're beautiful and worth everything you say you aren't is, well, you."
Suddenly, there was a tap on your window. You saw a silhouette of a black cat and smiled. You didn't know why, but you were happy he was there.

.......... ...........

  Hey you guys, I just wanted to tell you guys an observation about Cat's transformation. Okay, so you know how Ladybug says Spots on and Spots off? Well. From all I've seen, Cat has only said Claws out, so what does he say when he wants to de transform?
     Claws... In?
Comment what you think!

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