Who's Your Knight in Shining Armour?

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-*Your POV*-

There was no way you were going to admit this but... Well, you were terrified. What was Alya going to say once you walk in there arm-in-arm with Cat Noir when you told them you were going alone? Well, that's one messed up way of going alone.
Cat Noir met you outside your house and the two of you walked to the school, where the dance took place, obviously. The school had decided to make this dance a free one since the last one had a live band and strobe lights and this one had a speaker, a DJ, and dimmers.
As you walked in, you saw that everyone else had gone way far out, like, thigh-length neon yellow and electric green pumps all out. You suddenly felt really nervous and hid behind Cat Noir, who laughed a soft laugh and grabbed your hand.
"Come on, don't tell me you're nervous?" It came out more like a statement than a question. You took a shaky breath behind him. Why were you so darn nervous? "What are you so afraid of, Goddess?" Cat Noir asked you with concern drawn in his voice. You pressed your cheek against his back and clutched his hand. For some reason, his touch gave you comfort.
"E-everyone will stare at me..." You breathed, squinting your eyes closed. "You're scared of the attention?" Cat asked you and you slowly nodded your head against his back, your throat tightening.
"Why are you so terrified of it?" You had to stop and think for a second.
"B-because if all the attention is on me then I know that I'll get nervous and do something stupid and then everyone will know about it and everyone will laugh at me and..." You kept taking shaky deep breaths but they weren't helping.
"Do you know for sure that everyone will laugh at you? Or that you'll do something stupid?" You were taken aback at how much Cat Noir was trying to get you to overcome the fear.
"Yes... It always has happened, ever since I was a little girl..." Cat Noir turned around and faced you, his green eyes fixed on you.
"I promise I won't let you do anything stupid. I promise that no one will laugh at you, I want you to have a good time here, I don't want you to look back on this memory and grieve, okay?" He asked, kneeling down besides you. You looked at him. Why on earth did he care about you so much?

Slowly, you nodded your head. You bit your lip to fight back the tears and you looked up into his eyes. Dog, stop falling, Y/n! Do you seriously want to risk having the pain of rejection again if you're able to stop it? Cat held out his hand to you and you sucked in a breath.
End this now, end this NOW! Every thought from your brain was screaming no, but something inside your heart raised your hand and encircled it around Cat's, begging you to continue. That you deserved at least one shot at happiness.
         Cat stood up and swung you around to face the crowd, putting his arm around your  waist and gently nudging you forward. You swallowed back fears as faces of people you've seen at school turned their heads and stared in wonder and astonishment. They were probably wondering what the heck was going on, why was Cat Noir here with an emotionally unstable girl?
            But you didn't want to focus on all of the complications.
  Tonight, for once, you wanted to have the perfect night, just like Cat said. And for once, you could actually go home happy with emotions.

.............. .............

-*Cat Noir/Adrien's POV*-

             All that I felt inside my heart was a very strong desire to give this lonely girl a reason to be happy. When I had gotten the chance to look into her eyes I saw nothing but a shattered mind.
             Nothing but emotions and memories. Hate and fear. Her mind was just such a mess, she was lost on the inside somewhere. All I could wonder was, how did this beautiful goddess become so...
  She deserved so much more than what she got. I had seen through her fake smiles at school when I was Adrien, I could tell how hurt she was on the inside, and the desire to fix that was becoming so strong that I could hardly handle it.
         I had been able to get her to where her friend Alya came up and started gushing until she saw me. "Wow, Y/n. When you said you were going alone I had no idea you would be brining Cat Noir with you? Are you guys dating?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.
          Y/n started stuttering and I put my hand over her mouth to silence her. "No, not yet. And I asked her if I could take her."
         Alya nodded her head, unconvinced and I sighed, pulling my hand back. After Alya told me that she wanted to get an interview from me after the dance was over, I grabbed Y/n and dragged her out to dance as Niño and Alya came close behind.
Y/n sucked in a breath and closed her eyes when I put my hands around her waist and she locked hers around my neck. She seemed so scared of something... I wish she would tell me what.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her and she opened her eyes to look at me and nodded slightly.
"J-just really n...nervous." She whispered to me and I smiled.
"How could someone as gorgeous as you be tempted by envious people?" I asked her, tightening my grip on her. Y/n took in a shaky breath and let it go, closing her eyes again.
           "It's more complicated than you think, I'm afraid, Kitty." She opened her eyes but kept her gaze set on our shoes. I could sense more scared emotions building up inside her and I moved one of my hands to lift her head up.
            "Hey," I whispered low enough so that the people closest to us who were staring, trying to catch onto some sort of clip of conversation to gossip about later. "You trust me don't you?"
           Y/n smirked at me, finally returning my gaze and pulling back slightly. I grinned, sensing her charming side flowing back through her veins. "Well, technically, Kitty, I don't recall ever meeting you except for how you arrived onto my porch tonight and stared at me like I meant the world to you or something. I honestly don't even know you."
           She pulled back slowly, but I kept my grip firm and brought her closer. She didn't fight it though.
           "Well, maybe I want to change that." I whispered in her ear, already sensing all of the complications this might cause. I still loved Luna Moon, but Y/n... But Luna... Whatever.
         I didn't want to worry about it right now. If by any chance, Y/n picked Adrien I wanted her to love both sides of me, if the time ever came that I had to show her my other side. Luna Moon still had her special vault in my heart, but right now, all attention was on the other goddess before me.
           Y/n giggled slightly, muffled against my hair. "What are you proposing Cat Noir?"
    "I want to hang out with you more."
     "Cat... I... Think I have feelings for someone else..." Her voice was a like a ghost-like whisper in my ear. Her words confused me. Maybe it was Luna Moon who I was destined to be with after  all... But I still wanted to know...
         "Who's your lucky prince?"
      "Well, you probably won't know him. His name is Adrien." Y/n pulled back to look me in the eye.
      I struggled against a gasp. So she did have feelings for me. Well, the other me.
         "I understand. But, you know, I meant it as friends." I did my best to make the lie convincible. Her eyes flew big and she opened her mouth in shock.
         "I-oh! I'm sorry, I had just assumed that-" I put a finger to her lips to silence her and smiled at her.
         "Don't worry, I have feelings for someone else, too."
      She gently removed my finger in curiosity. "Oh yeah? Who?"
   "Her name is Luna Moon."
         Either her or you.

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