Chapter 19: Emma

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Hearing the oh-so-familiar sound of the bell above the front door to my shop, I sighed gently. Turning my head as I heard my name, doing my best not to glare a while through the wall.


"Ah, Madame Mayor. What brings you here this fine morning?"

Turning to look at her for a second, her same blood-red lipstick on, daggers in her gaze as always. It was too early for this.

"I need a favor."

"When do you not?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Careful dearie, you keep rolling them like that, they're gonna roll out of your skull."

Narrowing her brows at me I sighed. "What do you want?"

"Henry took off with one of my credit cards. Now I cant find him."

"This is my problem, how?"

"Gold, I don't have time for this, did he come in here looking for anything?"

"No, the only one I've seen today is you, besides, the store is still technically closed."

She huffed gently before turning and walking out of the shop. Henry is a smart one, he got away from his evil mother. I wonder what he's up to this time.

Going back to the inventory for the day, dusting off a few things before spotting a chipped teacup. Picking it up and looking at it for a second, this cup is familiar, but I'm unsure as to why.

Placing it down again and shrugging. It's probably been here for years, I've walked by it a thousand times. Walking out of my shop, I looked down the road for a bit. Looking at the same frozen clock tower as always.

Heading down the street to Granny's diner. Something to eat would be good before going go collect the rent for a few of the buildings I own. Hearing the bell for the front door as I walked inside. The patrons in the diner stop as they look at me. Some avoid eye contact, others scowled.

My shoes and cane tapped on the floor as I made my way to the barstool. Sitting down for a moment, I watched Granny come over.

"What'll it be?"

"The usual"

She nodded before she went to get me my food, watching Ruby come over and pour me my cup of coffee for the day.

Eating after I got my food, and thinking about last night's dreams. They've been getting more frequent. Something that's uncommon. I should go see Archie again. Maybe he could help tell me what's going on with these dreams.

Paying for the food and leaving the diner, I watched a yellow 1963 Volkswagen beetle drive down the street. It turned down the Mayor's street. Walking along the path of the sidewalk, stopping at the owner shop and a few other buildings before heading to the inn.

The same beetle as before was out front. Raising a brow for a second before going in. Seeing Granny hand a blonde the 'Swan' key for one of the rooms.

"What was your name again dear?"

"It's Emma."

My heart pounded, everything came back to me at once. The dreams, the teacup, everything.


She turned to look at me. "What a lovely name."

Granny leaned over to hand me the money for the rent. "That's all of it."

Leaving and stepping outside for a moment. Rubbing a hand on my chin for a bit before going back to my shop. Once I was inside I dropped the cane and went around to the back of my shop. Kicking a few things, knocking some over.

Where is she? What did Regina do with her?

Going through some documents that I had, everyone was here and accounted for. Everyone that was brought over from the Enchanted Forest, with my curse. The only one not here on the list was her.

Getting up and grabbing my cane I went to the Mayor's house. Noticing Henry walking with Emma. Shaking my head gently. I had things to do, people to find.

Once I was out back of Regina's seeing her picking up apples from a cut tree limb. Smirking to myself. "I saw your boy in town, walking around with Emma Swan. Thick as thieves they looked."

"So you remember."

"I do, I just have one question for you, Regina."

She rose a brow at me. "Where's (y/n)? What did you do with her?"

Smiling slowly at me, she shrugged. "I don't know, must have slipped my mind. It has been a long 28 years. I don't remember what I did with that little girlfriend of yours, or if she even made it over with the curse."

Growling gently at her for a moment. She smiled before grabbing her basket of apples. She knew damn well where she was, but she was going to use her as leverage over me. Damnit, Regina.

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