Chapter 24: Missing

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(1402 words) 

Regina's POV 

Leaving my office I went to find Gold's little courier that he recently rekindled with. Walking around before finding her going into her apartment at night, smirking while getting an idea, one that I could have Sydney put into motion while I sit back and watch. 

Heading back towards my office calling him as I made my down the street. "I have an idea, meet me back to my office in an hour, we can discuss." 

"Yes, Madame Mayor." 

Hanging up after a moment, I got back to my office and sat down in my chair. Looking out the window for a moment I thought about the plans. Once Sydney was back into my office I turn in my chair. 

"What was the plan?" 

"you're going to kidnap the precious courier that take her somewhere no one will suspect to look for her." 

He nods gently. "I can take her to your family mausoleum. I don't think anyone would follow her there." Smiling at the thought of her being there and possibly being buried, I smirk and dismiss him, telling him the rest of the plan before he leaves. 

Your POV 

Laying on my bed, out of breath from running home, debating if I should shower and go to bed, or just call Rumple before hand. Glancing at the clock and remembering what he told me I stand up. Grabbing the phone, going to call the number for the shop. 

Before i could dial the last number, someone's arms wrap around me, covering my mouth as I try to see who it is. My muffled screams aren't heard as I get dragged out of the apartment, the dial tone on the phone being heard as the phone falls to the floor.  Watching the door close to my apartment and the light leaving the hallway, I get thrown into the back of a car and try to claw at the locks in the car, only for them to have been taken out of the door since they were on. hearing the door behind me open again, I tried to crawl away from whoever was taking me from my own home. 

Whoever it was was wearing a mask and gloves so I couldn't see their face. They grab me and cover my mouth tape, tie my hands and put a pillowcase over my head as I listen to the car start and start driving away. 

~the next morning~

Rumple's POV 

Looking at the phone as I furrow my brows, (y/n) said she would call when she got home safe, but she never called, and now she's late to see me. Hobbling over towards the phone, without the cane that I was told to use while walking. Grabbing the phone I dial the number and listen to the phone ring, the answering machine picking up after a few rings. 

Redialing the number and trying again, sure she just couldn't get to the phone, only being met with the same answering machine. Gritting my teeth before throwing the phone down, grabbing my cane and making my way to her apartment. 

Getting up the steps to her floor, and heading to the door, seeing that it was slightly open. Feeling my heart in my stomach, I push the door open with the end of my cane, seeing the lights on, phone on the floor, and no one home. Walking around for a few seconds while calling for her. 

"(y/n)!" With no response and her not being in the small apartment, leaving the apartment, closing the door behind me while heading to the police station. Finding Emma in her small office, I clear my throat and watch her look up at me. 

"I need to file a missing persons report" 

She nods gently as I gain her full attention. "Who's missing?" she asks as she looks at me. Thinking on my feet I sigh gently. 


"The courier? Why would you care if she's missing?" she stops for a moment as she leans back in her chair. "Is this got something to do with what I saw yesterday, about you two in your shop?" 

"No, there's nothing between us, she was picking up something I dropped. I was expecting her to drop off some important packages this morning, but she never showed." 

Crossing her arms for a moment, she blinks at me. "I'm pretty sure there are more couriers in town that can-" 

I cut her off before clearing my throat. "She's the only courier I allow to handle the things that come to my shop. No one else can bring me them." 

Watching her stand, she grabs her coat and nods. "I'll head over to her apartment and see what I can find, for now go back to your shop and I'll update you with anything that comes up"

Nodding before heading back to my shop, my hand gripping my cane as I grit my teeth. Making my way inside, I slam the door before throwing my cane down. Locking the door behind me I put my hands in my hair. I just got her back, and now she's gone!

Stopping before grabbing my cane I made my way outside to the Cadillac, I had a mayor to see. She had to be behind this, there's no one else in town that would do something like this, that wouldn't be scared of me to do this. 

Getting back onto the familiar front stoop of the largest house on the block, glaring at the door knocker while I stood there. Seeing her open the door her face fell. "Oh, I thought you were pizza." 

"Sorry to disappoint, dearie. I came for other reasons." leaning on the door frame slightly she rose a brow at me. 

"What do you want?" she squints slightly at me as I step closer to her. "(y/n) is missing. She was supposed to call last night, and then she didn't bring me my deliveries today." 

"And you think that I had something to do with it?" she comes outside to talk to me easier, free from any small ears that might hear. 

"You're the only one in town that has a problem with me- or anyone else for that matter, being happy in this world. Now what did you do with her? Or better yet, what did you have Sydney do with her?" 

She shakes her head as she turns back to her door. "I didn't do anything to her, maybe she just left." 

"You know as well as I do she can't do that!" Watching her close the door in my face, I turned to go find Sydney. If Regina wouldn't tell me, then I knew he would, with a little persuasion at least. Heading to the harold office, I walk into Sydney's office.

"What did you do with her?" 

Furrowing his brows at me he puts on his best confused face. "What did I do with whom?" 

"(y/n)! She's gone missing, you're the only one that would do anything like this to get on Regina's good side like always." 

He frowns as he looks up at me, shaking his head. Walking around his desk, I hold my cane up and smack him with it. He gasps from the hit and holds the side of his face. 

"Ow! I didn't do anything to her!" 

"Don't you lie to me! You did this!" Hitting him again and again, before he finally grabbed my cane and wiped the blood from his face. 

"Fine, I was told to by Regina, I got pictures of you two meeting up early in the morning and you being a little more, touchy feely with her than others. When I took them to Regina and told her what was going on and how it changed after you gave her that necklace, she told me to hide her." 

"Where?!" he hesitated, making me raise my cane again to hit him. Watching him flinch starts spilling more secrets. 

"She's in the Hills' Mausoleum. Regina said to put her somewhere no one would look for her, so I stashed her there! Just don't hit me anymore!" 

Lowering my cane I turned to walk out. "If anyone asks why you have bruises on your face, tell them you tripped after a long night at Granny's." He nods quickly before I left, heading to the cemetery to go find her. 

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