Chapter 27: Your Safety

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(1226 words) 

Your POV 

"You know as well as I do, there wont be a way for her to live to be an adult with her illness. We have to summon him

"Shhh, she's trying to sleep." hearing my mother sigh gently before sniffling. My Father doing what he could to comfort her. 

Opening my eyes while I was awake in my bed, holding my doll tightly. What was wrong with me? What are they so scared of? 

Hearing a loud buzzing making me jump slightly. 

Turning over and seeing the alarm, I bit my lip gently while sitting up. Was that a dream or a memory? Getting out of bed, I made my way down to Rumple's office. Sneaking up behind him as he was looking at his inventory, wrapping my arms around him. His hands rest on my arms as I put my head on his shoulder. 

"What's the matter, Dearie?" 

"I'm not sure, I don't know if what I just woke up from was a dream or a memory." 

Standing up as he turns in his chair he looks up at me. "What was it about?" 

Sitting next to him I sigh gently and shrug. "Just my parents talking while I was asleep, something about how I wouldn't make it to adulthood, and they needed to summon him." 

His face falls as he sighs gently, scratching his head slightly before standing. Taking my hand and walking me over to the couch that wasn't far. 

"That was most likely a memory, since that might have been the night that they came to me for your cure." Nodding slowly I look at him, trying to do me best to understand. 

"There's a reason I knew you would be in my mansion, or where you'd be with that bucking horse." 

"Because of you having the powers from the Seer." 

He chuckles gently as he pauses. "Well, yes. But there's a bit more to it than that." 

Raising my brow he starts speaking again. "Part of their deal was that I would keep an eye on you and make sure you were safe. What better way to do that than to have you as my maid." 

"If you know about everything, then why did you let the drunk guys at the bazaar beat me after I left your estate?" he sighs gently as he looks down at the floor for a moment. 


"I did settle that later, after you were asleep that night, I found them and those huntsmen that were after you." 

Looking at him for a moment, pulling on his hands slightly and getting his attention. "What did you do to them?" 

He tries to stand, only for me to pull him down again. "Tell me what you did." 

He sighs gently before he nods slightly. "I may or may not have killed them." 


"What? They pissed me off, and that was the best way of dealing with it." 

Sighing heavily I look at him before standing and pacing slightly. "You killed them, because I stole from them?! That doesn't fix anything. You-you can't just keep killing people that you don't like, you're just going to end up alone." 

He stands as he walks over to hug me. "I won't hurt you. Just others that try to hurt you." 

Stepping away from him, my arms wrapped around myself as I look at him sadly. "Don't, I need to go for a walk. I just found out you've been killing people because of me." 

His face wrinkles as if he's about to cry. "(y/n) don't leave, I'm sorry." 

Shaking my head I turn to walk out of the house, "Just give me time." 

Turning to leave the shop, I get outside and sigh shakily. Turning I made my way to Emma and Mary Margaret's, or I guess she's Snow again. Walking across the town, ignoring the people that were looking at me as I was in my pajamas still. I probably should have gotten dressed before leaving, but that's not as dramatic as just walking out without getting anything. 

Walking up the steps of the apartment building to their apartment, knocking on the old door with it's peeling paint. Waiting for a second, footsteps moving around the apartment before hearing the large lock open on the door. The door squeaking open as Snow stands there. 

Looking at me surprised she blinks slightly, glancing around for Rumple. "(y/n)? What is it?" 

Feeling the tears come out as I was holding them in for the whole walk over, I covered my face. Hearing her gasp for a second before she pulls me into the apartment, leading me to the couch. 

"I-I just found out that Rumple, has been killing people that have been a threat to me. The huntsmen I stole from the day we met, then the drunk guys in the bazaar that beat me that same day. I bet there's more I just didn't want to ask!" 

Crying into my hands for a second as I felt her move closer to me on the couch, hearing Emma come down the steps. Looking up for a moment, releasing a breath. 

"What's going on?" she asks as she walks over to us slightly, crossing her arms. "Gold- uh Rumplestiltskin has been killing people that have been a threat to (y/n) and she just found out about it." 

"Oh, well, damn." she pauses for a moment as I look at the floor. "What are you going to do? Are you going to leave him?" 

Shaking my head gently. "I don't know. I would talk to Jiminy like I used to in the Enchanted Forest, I just don't know if he's here." 

"Jiminy? You mean Archie?" 

Looking up at the two, I look at her in shock. "Archie? Is Jiminy here?" Standing quickly while looking at the two. "Was he carried over here in the curse?" 

Snow nods gently as they look at me. "He has an office that's not far from the Library in town. He's been here the whole time. He's the town therapist." 

Nodding I went to walk to the door. "Thank you, I'm going to go see him. Then maybe get a room at Granny's." 

"Wait, you can stay here on the couch for a little while. Gold will just show up at Granny's to get her to kick you out." 

Nodding gently as that didn't sound as unlikely than other's would believe. "Thank you. I should be back soon." Leaving the building, I ran to the other side of town, it was time to see an old friend. 

Gold's POV 

Watching the mirror that I enchanted to be able to see through (y/n)'s necklace. I could hear her talk about Jiminy. Why was she so excited to see him? Was there something I didn't know? Damn I wish my Seer abilities would show smaller things! 

Was she having an affair with the cricket? Growling as I turn, the mirror returning back to normal, swinging my cane to the display cases and smashing the glass. Throwing the cane down, I leaned on the top of the counters. 

"I'm going to smash that cricket!" 

Snapping my fingers to fix the display cases, I start walking out of the shop. Heading for his office. I had a bone to pick, and a cricket's legs to break. 

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