Chapter Eighty One - Love in Many Forms

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The baby, who Keung Ai had tried to claim as her own, was not wanted by his prostitute mother so came to the Temple and became the child of everyone.  However, he was named Lian Luo Yun and considered the adopted brother of the twin priests.  The priests were especially fond of him as they gave up their rights to have families in order to serve, while the Temple maids were free to leave and find husbands. 

Two years after Zhao Zhen Yi became Empress, she gave birth to First Prince Wáng Jie Gong.  This was considered an auspicious moment of fortune after so many generations of struggles.  Six months later, his sister Wáng Liling was born to the Imperial Concubine.  Wáng Jie Long would wed several in the name of politics, but these two women were both loved by him and actually became a united force that maintained harmony within the Palace.  Wáng Jie Gong would not become Crown Prince, this was his choice, instead his mother's second son Wáng Yu Ling would become heir.

The Emperor, enjoying fatherhood more than he could say, pitied that his brother would not have children of his own, but he only need to look at the man and his husband to know that Yu Long would not have made another choice.  Their love and relationship had become famous even within the Empire that once knew little about the culture of the Holy Land.  And then, the position of the Living God was not one handed from father to son like his own place; Xiang Ah Liû would remain so until his death and the next vessel would be found.

Three years after the birth of First Prince, Yu Long came to learn something great and invited his brother to visit a small village in the south of the Holy Lands with him.  "What is this about, brother?"  The Emperor came incognito, but his stance and bearing proved he was not so simple.  He met with Yu Long at the Summer Temple, bringing only Wu Chang with him.  Yu Long was with his husband and a few Temple Guards, included Chen Xue Min. 

"I found something interesting in this village I wished to share with you," Yu Long smiled, but did not elaborate.  The small party travelled by horse to the village, but only the two brothers entered it.  A small farmhouse beside an orchard of apple trees sat upon the hill, a weathered man attending the trees beneath the hot sun. 

"Ah, you came," the man of middle years said.  "She's tending the garden, you'll find her there."  Jie Long glanced questioningly at Yu Long, who simply smiled and lead the way.

In the garden, surrounded by small vegetable plants such as carrots and eggplants, crouched a woman with greying hair.  Her wide brim hat kept the sun from colouring greatly her skin, but it was still more golden than when they had last seen her.  As she stood and began to turn towards them, Jie Long felt his knees buckle and he sank to the ground.  She gasped aloud, her hands flying to her lips to cover the sobs that began to erupt.  Of course she recognised them!  How could she ever forget her beautiful Yu Er and handsome Jie Er.  She took a step towards them before her body refused to move and she collapsed in front of them, crying.

"My sons, my sons," she cried, her tears falling openly.  They rushed to her side and engulfed her in their arms, no longer wanting to be apart.

"Mother," Jie Long wept, the ache left in her absence unsealed.  Yu Long cried silently and all three remained that way for sometime.  And then they spoke of many things that had happened in the last sixteen years, though both boys spared some of the crueler times from their mother's ears.  Still, although she knew that Jie Long had become Emperor, she was surprised to learn that her other son was the Guardian.  She loved hearing about her many grandchildren and promised to visit, but she would not move back to the Palace, even though she could be raised to Empress Dowager.

"I have a husband here, who accepted me for me and who I love," she said softly.  "We have two children, my son wishes to be a Temple Guard and my daughter is just twelve.  I will introduce you, though it will be hard to explain!"

"If our brother wishes to be a Temple Guard, have him sent to the Capital Temple," Yu Long offered, "I will see he is treated well."

"And if our sister wishes to marry well," Jie Long added, "we will ensure to find her the best husband she could wish for."

Lian Li Ling laughed joyfully and guided her sons into her small home to serve them tea.


As they waited upon the outskirts of the village, the restless Wu Chang chose to patrol a little, though he kept looking back towards where the Living God waited with his Temple Guards. 

Xiang Ah Liû smiled wickedly and turned to Chen Xue Min beside him.  "So have you two made clouds and rain as yet?"

The Temple Guard choked on his own spit.  "Y-your Holiness!" His eyes bulged within his head.

The Living God tilted his head and gave a look of extreme innocence. "Really? You two have not? How boring."

"Th-there's really n-nothing between me and Wu Chang!" Chen Xue Min denied.

"Oh," Ah Liû smiled, widely. "Who said I was speaking of Wu Chang?"

The curly haired Temple Guard blushed furiously. "I..I.. there really is nothing..." he said, weakly. Xiang Ah Liû looked over at the broad chested man, who peered once more their way before continuing his patrol.

"Hmmm," Ah Liû said, non-commitedly. The Emperor often sent missives and gifts to his beloved Second Brother and it was more often than not Wu Chang who volunteered to bring them. Chen Xue Min usually hovered close by during these visits and was crestfallen when Wu Chang was not the one to come. The two men had hovered upon this thin line for several years, neither quite willing to cross it.

Chen Xue Min peeked over at the Imperial soldier. There really was nothing. It was just that when his mother mentioned a wife, it was Wu Chang's lopsided grin that would come to mind and when it was mentioned that the Emperor had sent more gifts, it was Wu Chang he expected to see and when his eyes finally fell upon the muscular man, it was his heart that leapt and danced in his chest. Nothing at all really.

"Ah, my husband returns," Xiang Ah Liû said gleefully, before composing himself and calmly walking down the village path toward the two men coming towards them. Wu Chang quickly returned from his patrol and waited beside the Temple Guards.

"He really does love him, doesn't he," Chen Xue Min sighed.

"Was there anything to doubt?" Wu Chang asked, although he was not looking at the two husbands. Chen Xue Min shook his head.

"You.. you have not found yourself a wife since you last came to the Holy Lands?" Chen Xue Min asked, he could not look at the man beside him as he asked this.

"I have found a wife," Wu Chang replied, with a slight shrug.

"O-oh," Chen Xue Min murmured, his chest aching slightly. "W-well.. congratulations I guess..."

"I have found a wife," Wu Chang said, his gaze becoming intense, "but that does not mean that person has agreed to marry me, yet."

"R-really?" The Guard could not quite keep the hope from his voice. "They must be stupid then!" He said, his heart cheering as he continued to stare at anything but the soldier.

"Yes," Wu Chang grabbed the other man's chin, forcing him to look at him. "Very stupid."


Emperor Wáng Jie Long brought much prosperity and wealth to his Empire and despite the ruthlessness he portrayed when he was pushed too far, he was a much loved man. When he died of illness at the age of sixty five, the entire Capital wore white for three days and many people wept openly in the streets. Elsewhere, others gathered in mourning, even though they had likely never met the man or seen him in person. His funeral procession was grand, but he did not insist on his wives following him to his grave. Still, two elderly Generals, including General Jun as well as his beloved Imperial Concubine followed him to the Spring out of love. The Empress chose to remain only to aid her son as he was crowned, but after two years, she left this world to follow her husband and sister wife.

In the Holy Lands, Wáng Yu Long and Xiang Ah Liû lay down one night together and did not awaken the next day. They left the world aged seventy and seventy one.  Poems are still written about their love for one another.

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