Chapter One Hundred And Forty Two - Names, Identities And Spouses

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As had been the first thought to enter his mind for more than ten years upon awakening, Five roused from sleep thinking that he must protect Seven. His environment had changed. The ideal had not. He slipped out of the furs upon the small cot and adorned the black clothing he was used to. The furs, he had been told, were from domesticated, soft footed goats. These animals were the natural enemies of plants, being able to stomach anything, but their meat was tough so it was supplimentary to diets as was their sour milk. Mostly, these people ate vegetables grown in the protection of the fog, just as the Kingdom fared from similar crops grown in the dark.

Warriors would sometimes hone their skills in the nearby mountains, hunting other strong, survivor beasts for meat, bone, fur and leather. Five had been invited to join them on the upcoming trip, but he had declined. One had not. He would also be taking Six with him, who could not remain still and would cause much disruption when not supervised. Five glanced over at the others still sleeping in their beds. The hall had become their makeshift dormitory, all of them, except Herebert, who had been adopted temporarily by the Record Keeper and Seven, who stayed with Leif. The girls were the first to move out and into a small dwelling that had been in the process of being built for one of the Chief's sons.

Five left the hall and followed the familiar trail to Leif's home where he knocked on the door. He used to just enter, but Leif had chastised him and had decided to take him under his wing to teach him manners not taking no for an answer. It had made the large man actually wary of the other, for he, for some reason, felt unable to fight him on this... on anything.

Leif opened the door and gave him a wide smile that made his heart beat loudly in his chest. Had he fallen sick? He wondered as he stared down at the smaller man. "Ah, you are here!" Leif greeted, clearly unaware of Five's discomfort and dragged him in. Five had to duck or bang his head against the upper segment of the door frame. "I suppose you are wanting to see Seven. He is with Elyas at the table. You are welcome to join us." A humble breakfast was spread out upon the surface of the crude table. Seven had practically crawled into Elyas' lap at some point during the meal and was nestled against his chest, the older boy feeding him sliced apple piece by piece.

Five sat down opposite them, Leif close by to his left and ate the bowl of creamed vegetables in front of him. It was quite delicious, not too strong either. None of the assassins could stomach much beyond this so used to plain flavours as they had become. His stomach purred contentedly and Leif smiled at him, knowingly. He felt shy under this scrutiny and looked down at the table. He could not direct his eyes in front of him, either, as the two boys were, as usual, being very affectionate towards the other.

Five had questioned this, for he did not know how this was possible. Seven had been evasive, simply saying that the moment that he had seen Elyas upon the volcano's surface, he knew that the apprentice was his. "I think Nine also felt this way, which is why she could not stay away from that boy she liked," he had added softly. Five could not deny that between Elyas and Leif, the boy had come out of his protective shell, somewhat and they protected him just as much as he had over the past ten years when the scars became too deep and he retreated into his mind once more. So there and then, during breakfast, Five decided to extend his personal mission to cover Elyas and Leif as well. If the Witch knew of this resolve, he would have become very happy.


Elyas and Seven left the cottage after breakfast, deciding to take a walk as had become part of their routine of late.  Five usually shadowed them from a distance, but today Leif had decided to venture outside of the village to collect some ingredients.  He had requested that Five accompany him, pouting slightly when the young man looked torn between doing as he asked and protecting Seven.  Leif eventually won him over, reminding him that it is generally safe within the village.

The teenage couple entwined hands and caught the attention of many young women, who sighed as the boys passed by. 

"Have you noticed that Leif seems to be pursuing Five?" Seven asked softly, leaning against the other boy's arm, his head barely reaching the top of Elyas' shoulder.

"Actually, I admit I was distracted by someone else," Elyas replied, causing Seven to giggle.  "But now that you mention Leif, don't you feel that he is somewhat familiar, as if we have met him before."

Seven nodded.  "And Five," he said.  "The Master did say that we would meet 'old friends.'  Could they be who he meant?  Who do you think that they are?"

Elyas allowed his memories of former lives to wash over him and he groaned as several slender forms all sporting unruly hair flashed before his eyes.  "Why did I not realise it before?!  Yang, you could have said something!"

*hee hee hee.*

"What?" Seven asked and Elyas explained his theory.  The boy's eyes widened.  "That would mean that Five is most likely..." Elyas nodded in agreement.  "But why would the Master not release them until now?"

*The Master found them amusing and hoped they would continue developing feelings.*  Yin was totally content to tell upon it's Master without qualm.

Elyas and Seven shook their heads and laughed joyfully.  The other couple certainly had found each other several times, chasing each other, just as Elyas had chased Seven and Seven now reciprocated. 

As they continued their walk around the village borders, they noticed Two surrounded by several of her admirers, all handsome, young warriors for the Elders had been threatened dismemberment should they not let her alone. She had not bothered to seek arbitration, had simply shown all nearby her throwing technique, piercing an apple sitting upon a low stone wall with her blade.  Only the bravest, young men sought her attention now.  She seemed content that it was this way, refusing to pick one over the other, simply enjoying their attentions. 

"Two is changing her name to Fleur," Seven said as the woman acknowledged them.  "Apparently, one of her suitors likened her to a flower, beautiful but dangerous.  She liked this description.  The others have been thinking of following her lead.  We don't wish to be known by numbers anymore."

"What will you change your name to?" Elyas asked.

"I am not sure, I..."

"Ah, Seven, there you are!"  They were interrupted by Elder Calarook.  Despite the Chief's words and despite Seven's own will, the man had not given up trying to win the boy.  He was stubborn, refusing to listen to the wishes of others, even trying to stir up trouble for the Chief and have the tradition fully reinstated and the warriors suppress the newcomers.  But although some Elders moved to back him, others were too busy calming their current wives and stabilising their existing families to entertain his protests.  The warriors refused to listen to his orders. 

The arbitrators were also against him.  The three that had been appointed were a female Mage, whose husband left her widowed at the age of just twenty three, a gruff warrior, who had never been wed for lack of opportunity and one of the Chief's most talented sons, who was very fortunate to be wed twice, but that was due to his status.  Many sons had to wait until the older generation died or at least stopped adding to their harems, before being able to pick from the bride pool, which also led unknowingly to some resentment.

Despite the Elder fast becoming the most disliked man in the village, he truly believed that he would obtain Seven as his tenth wife.  Seven sighed while Elyas' hand tightened around his.  Must this man frequently disturb them?  It was Harmony all over again, but in male form and chasing Seven instead of Elyas.  Was this how his lover had felt over those lives?  Fearing that his beloved would succumb to the unwanted advances?

"Elder Calarook," Seven greeted, coldly.

"We still have not rearranged a time for you to visit by abode," the Elder said in a coaxing tone that caused Seven to shudder inwardly. 

"Elder Calarook, with all due respect..."

"Please, call me Aindreas," the man told him.

"Elder Calarook," Seven said, through clenched teeth.  "I am aware of your intentions, but I really am not interested.  I will not become your wife when I come of age.  I have accepted the suit of another.  This man in fact."  He lifted their combined hands to clear view.

The Elder frowned.  "You wish to marry a untried whelp?  What sort of protection and shelter can one so young provide you?"  Seven stepped away from Elyas, who burst into flames as demonstration of his abilities.  His fire burned hot and great, but did not touch the boy nor any of the sleeping trees about them.  The Elder was forced to step back.  Elyas tempered his fire until it simply flickered about his fingers almost playfully.  "You dare threaten me, an Elder of this village?!  I will have you incarcerated!  Guards!"  Two's warriors glanced over at them, but simply snorted and sneered, amusing the woman enough to laugh. 

Seeing no help forthcoming, the Elder began to summon his own magic, as rough as it was as it had been several years since he last practiced.  The ground shook beneath them, spikes of dry, hard earth began to pierce through the moist soil, each nearing Elyas' position, but they stopped before they could touch him.  The Elder gulped as the cold of steel was pressed against his throat, a boy upon his aging back.  Seven whispered coldly in his ear.  "You also seem to forget that I am not helpless nor in need of anyone's protection." 

He leapt down and watched as the man collapsed to his knees and there he remained as the boys walked away, ashamed by his own weakness.  It was also where his nine wives found him, before they dragged him back to their shared home, ready to demand their terms of him less he find himself completely alone in his final years.

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