Chapter Seventy Seven - Pride of a Man

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The first court held by the new, young Emperor, Wáng Jie Long was ruthless and decisive. Many of the older Ministers had first began duties as officials and Ministers during the young man's grandfather's time and were uncertain how to deal with this youth. Those who were more used to his father's lax ways thought the youth would be the same, leaving the running of the Empire in their hands; in fact they were looking forward to it. Others waiting in breathless anticipation, having a whisper of experience with the First Prince and his brother.

"Your reports," the young Emperor demanded. They looked at him with blank stares as Feng Chun, who had been assigned to assist him stepped forward in expectation. 

"Your Imperial Majesty," Minister Wen bowed low and offered explanation. "Your predecessor preferred to leave state affairs in our hands, only wished to hear if he need approve important requests."

"Oh?" Wáng Jie Long straightened within the dragon throne.  "How is Zhen meant to assess the state of the Empire without details?  Never mind, yesterday was yesterday, now is today.  Tomorrow Zhen expects full reports.  Zhen wishes to understand the situation in each county, how our people are faring, which Imperial treaties are valid and how our finances are." Many Ministers paled when he spoke these words, but then took a deep breath. Surely this boy was just posturing! "Ah and gentlemen, Zhen trusts that your reports will match mine. Changes with in the government are not unexpected when thrones pass from father to son." Doubts seeded in many minds. "Now is there any urgent matters Zhen must attend to before Zhen retires?"

A few more loyal Ministers offered a few words before they were dismissed. Feng Chun was told to pass on the message that he wished for his army generals to attend him following Court the next day. "Now," he said as he met a trustworthy guard outside his study. "What news do you have in regards to Zhen's brother?"


As the atmosphere about the Living God and his Guardian was becoming less grey and more pink, the mixed group of Temple Guards, soldiers and priests rested a tactful distance apart, instead keeping their attention on the open grassland for spies and thieves.  They noticed a small, slightly rundown house in the near distant, but thought little of it, so ignored it.  One Guard took the horses down river for a drink, a couple of soldiers hunted rabbits suspected to be hiding in the long grasses.  Many of the remaining Temple Guards saw to the comfort of the two priests, who were respected almost as much as their God.

The Temple Guard, Chen Xue Min looked over his shoulder at the two men within the pink bubble.  Was it really possible? Relations between two men?

"Yes," The soldier in charge, Wu Chang advised him, causing him to realise that he had spoken aloud.  His face reddened.

"Ah, haha," he voiced his embarrassment.  "I didn't mean to say that!  It's just that I've never heard of a God and Guardian being of the same sex before so I wondered..."

"It's uncommon for a man to fall for another man," Wu Chang said, extending his knowledge of the Empire.  "But there are men working in the red light district.  And the Emperor has several Male Concubines, I have been told."

"R-really?" Xue Min shifted about uncomfortably.  He still couldn't imagine it.  After all, was his mother not always telling him that he needed to find her a daughter-in-law to care for her in her old age?  And all of the grannies in the village comparing grandchildren and arranging marriages between the boys and girls coming of age... there was never a mention of boy wedding a boy... His innocent curiosity spoke before his mind corrected him; "H-how would it work though?"

Wu Chang thought nothing of not sharing what Wu Tian had taught him, who in turn had learnt from a certain seductive eunuch in charge of the harem.  " I have heard anyway," Wu Chang concluded.  Chen Xue Min turned red then white.

"I never asked," the Temple Guard decided to deny.  "I never asked, so I never heard."  He would find do as his mother instructed, find a wife, wed her and forget this conversation ever happened.  What did it have to do with him anyway what two men do in bed?  A certain God, would he have been listening, might have refuted his claim.  Wu Chang simply shrugged.

The conversation ended with an awkward silence that stretched until Wu Chang's attention was gained by movement coming from the small house.  A woman was approaching with what seemed to be a bowl of food in hand.  She looked startled as she saw the men partially circling the Prince near to where she knew he had been bathing.  She had heard horses, but assumed, when it went quiet, that they had moved past them.  Regathering herself, she continued her approach with the humble breakfast she had made the Prince.  She was still stopped.

"Your Highness!" She called out.  Chen Xue Min noticed her dark skin tone and caught the accent of her voice.  Most Heartlanders spoke two languages, their own and that of the Empire, it was better for trade and wise to understand the voice of an ally that might one day be your enemy.  However, many small villages, like his own, did not teach their children the words of the Empire as if it were nothing to do with them.  Chen Xue Min had been one of the many who had had to learn the language at an acceptable level before he could take on the duties of a Temple Guard.  Fortunately, he had been gifted enough to learn very quickly.  His learning had been so great, that there was no accent, but most of his friends had not been so fortunate.  This woman was amongst them, in fact this woman had been amongst them, he realised and rose to intercept her.

"Hah? Is that not the Temple Maid who tried to poison me?" The Living God called out. The soldiers instantly drew their swords and Wu Chang knocked the bowl from her hands, which made her protest slightly, but on seeing her accuser, she fell to her knees and prostrated.

"Your Holiness!" Her language switched to that of the Heartlanders, causing the deepening mistrust of the Imperial soldiers. Xue Min placed his hand upon Wu Chang's arm and shook his head. The Living God, priests and guardian all approached the woman, the last looking uncomfortable in her presence.

"So this is where you fled to," Xiang Ah Liû spoke, in their own musical language.

"Please understand, Holiness," she begged, not lifting her forehead from the ground. "I had no choice, he threatened to kill my whole family if I did not succeed."

"Did he?" Xiang Ah Liû did not need ask who it was she spoke of, even though there were many it could have been, there was only one who dared so openly.

"Yes," she replied. A slight sob came from her lips. "I failed, you lived, so my family... he then came after me, to ensure I held my tongue, so I fled to the Empire. His reach is not so long, especially as I was able to find work within the Palace."

"His house have always envied the Imperial Family for what they have," the White Priest mused. "The Deity will not be bound to one House, he refuses to respect this."

"He is desperate," the Black Priestess added. "His second child is due to be born and his first is of the age of testing."

"Who do you speak of?" The Second Prince asked flawless in using their speech.

Xiang Ah Liû shook his head. "There is this official, ah it matters not for now," he said, off handedly. "You will help me with him later?" The Prince nodded in agreement.

Wu Chang was party to their conversation, not because he spoke the language, but because the Temple Guard translated for him. He found the language pretty. He wondered, briefly, what words between lovers would sound like in that language; were they as flowery? The conversation was interrupted as several men approached on horseback. They appeared to be Imperial Guards from the Palace. One waved to Wu Chang in distant greeting, but though it was acknowledged to be Wu Tian, Yu Long could not help but tremble as they approached.

"Wu Tian," his brother greeted.

"Ah you were with Second Prince, his majesty will be pleased," Wu Tian smiled. He turned to Yu Long, who had unconsciously stepped one pace behind Xiang Ah Liû. "It's time to return to the Palace, your Highness."

The Prince shook his head. "I can't," he said, miserably. "Not while that man is there." Wu Chang exchanged glances with Chen Xue Min, none of the men who had followed the Living God actually knew why the Prince happened to be located this far from the Imperial Palace. It seemed the reasons were not so simple.

"Ah, I have this message, from your brother," Wu Tian said, as if it were an afterthought. Yu Long took the letter, noting with a slight frown, the seal. Breaking the seal, he read the letter twice as if his eyes could not believe the words at first. A laugh built in his throat and a tear slid down his face before he passed it to his lover and buried his head into the smaller man's hair. Wu Tian looked shocked as he saw this, but wisely remained silent.

"Come," Ah Liû murmured softly, after allowing Yu Long a moment to gather himself. The face he revealed then was that of Second Prince, still and cold like still waters in winter.

"What of the girl?" Wu Chang asked.

The others looked at him and glanced at the woman. Xiang Ah Liû noted the shame within his Guardian's eyes, but timber had already become a boat and raw rice had become cooked rice, so he sighed. "I should have you take the poison you tried to make me take," he told her. "But your sentence is delayed, for reasons." He turned to a few of his men. "Keep watch over her."


timber had already become a boat and raw rice had become cooked rice What is done cannot be undone.

Author's note; I am not sure how much more to write for this arc.  While there are a few things to wrap up, I can do most in a chapter or I can extend it for a bit and deal with those things slowly.  The next arc probably will not be so long, but there are reasons for that.

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