Chapter Sixty Five - The Crow is All Black

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With the Emperor resuming his indulgence within his imperial flower garden and the concubine mothers of his sons no longer in residence, only Feng Chun remained as opposition to the will of Huang Lei He, she who had been named Huáng Hòu (Empress).

The eunuch had experienced great shock when close to half of the harem had been forced to leave the Imperial Grounds, more so when the Emperor sent his own offspring with these abandoned women.  That the eunuch had managed to prevent the Emperor from expelling his sons along with his daughters gave the eunuch his only hope for the dynasty.  Feng Chun sighed as he sat at his desk, brush in hand.

Oh where had his naive innocence fled?  He had been so proud to have been assigned to the Crown Prince by his Imperial mother, the beautiful orchid in an empty valley.  But when she had unexpectedly passed onto the spring, the mighty Emperor had become obsessed with death and so Shang An Shu's sons lost both their parents.  Had it been then that the ill winds blown and changed the hand that the Crown Prince was too reveal?  Or was he always so enraptured by jade ornaments but dared not reveal until eyes could no longer touch him?

There came a knock at his door.  "Enter," the eunuch balanced the brush upon the plate, so not to spill the ink.  A timid eunuch entered and bowed low three times.  "You Zhi." This eunuch had come from the Huang household as a gift to the Emperor, perhaps as a spy for them, the timid man's deferential nature made it difficult to suspect him. 

"Feng Chun," the little eunuch greeted.  "I have come with a message from the Emperor."

"Speak," Feng Chun told him.

"The Emperor is distressed that his garden is now so small," You Zhi advised.  "He wishes for his trusted servant to hold a selection that he might fill it with more beautiful flowers."  Feng Chun schooled his face, remaining calm within the coming storm.  But inside, he coughed up blood.  Was it not the Emperor's own doing that turned his garden into a flowerpot?  He could no longer deny that the Emperor was not the wise hope needed by the Empire.  He was just a man.

"I understand, You Zhi," Feng Chun replied, thinking at least this way there might be new children born.  "But might I ask, what of Huáng Hòu?"  Usually it was the duty of the Empress to oversee the harem and the selections.  Granted that Feng Chun still found himself in charge of the harem, but...

"The Emperor believes that the Empress may find such duties taxing now that she has her son to raise," the little eunuch replied, unable to hide a slight frown in disagreement.  Spy indeed or at least in Huáng Hòu's grip.  Still it seemed the Emperor still disliked and did not trust his Empress.  Indeed, the woman would not have been declared such if not for the urging of his ministers, especially Minister Huang. After all, she had born him the son they all had waited for.

"Please let the Emperor know that his servant will of course abide by his will," he bowed his head, but not his back, to the little eunuch.  Dismissed, You Zhi bowed in return and left his office.


How humiliating! First to have to beg to become the Empress as was her right as Tái Zi Fēi, only to have the duties of the Empress stripped from her! No right to control nor discipline the members of the harem and no rights to arrange and control the selection for new concubines!  And to stab the stake deeper into her heart, a few wives of ministers and large houses had brought gifts and hinted that she might choose their daughters to grace the inner palace for the glory of the Emperor. How could she admit that her hands were tied with raw silk that could easily slip to knot about her neck?

She threw a exquisite china cup against the wall, watching it shatter into fragments and the dregs of tea drip down the wall. But this tantrum did little to soothe her anger. "Clean that up immediately!" she screamed at one of her maids, before taking a deep breath of air.  A mountain cannot turn, but a road can... "Fill the bath with water and perfumes."

Later, when she had calmed, she wore a set of beautiful silk robes of soft pale blue and with a pattern of pink peonies. She had the maids oil and arrange her hair upon her head and dress it with a silver and rose jade headpiece. Brushes of powder kissed her face like a flurry of butterflies making her skin whiter, before her eyes were framed with black and her lips touched red. Feeling suitably dressed, she made her way to the Imperial Gardens, or more specifically, the path her husband would use shortly after his meal to visit the pretty girls within his harem.

Surely enough, the man came. The Emperor dressed in robes of yellow and gold, a great deal of silks were used in the making of them. His footfall was heavy, his black silk shoes unable to soften his path as he stomped ungracefully forward.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Huang Lei He knelt elegantly, the fabrics of her own ostentatious dress not hindering her in the slightest.

"You are blocking my path," the Emperor stated. Fortunately, her face was hidden by her arms as she bowed, so he did not see the angry twitching at her temple.

"My apologies gracious husband," she offered, insincerely. "I came because I had heard most concerning rumours and thought it best to discuss with you."

"Oh, such as?" He replied in a bored tone, he had been looking forward to relaxing within a garden of beauties after a trying day with ministers each wanting his attention. What did he care that the farmers in the east were suffering drought and the merchants were complaining of a rise in bandits along the mountain roads? So long as their taxes were paid as was their duty. His armies already kept the savages at bay, protecting their lives, they in turn should pay.

"Feng Chun has many duties, I hear he must also arrange the selection for your new brides," she mentioned, carefully. "And that is not to mention the chaos brought to the Palaces by the First and Second Prince."

The Emperor was not surprised by her words. Let it not be said that he was stupid when it came to the affairs within the Palace, however his attention seldom went beyond that he was interested in and he was not interested in his ministers complaints nor his wife's machinations. "And what is it that you suggest?"

"Allow me to arrange the selection for you," the woman advised. "I will ensure only the brightest and best beauties are brought before you."

"There is no need," The Emperor mentioned. Feng Chun had already advised him of which date his new potential brides would present themselves before him.

Unthwarted, the Empress then said; "Then perhaps it may befall to me the duty of educating your sons. The heavens are high and the Emperor far away.  They require discipline, less they become a thorn in your side."

"They have tutors," the Emperor cared less about the boys than this wife and his ministers. However, this maybe a way to occupy her time for a while. "I'll allow it." Feng Chun had been to concerned over the First Prince and Second Prince, but it would not do to neglect his first duty towards the harem.

The Empress rose from the ground, a warm smile touching her red lips. The Emperor even had to admit that the woman was quite beautiful, when she remained silent. "Will that be all you require of Zhen?" His tone brooked warning.

"The Emperor was more than generous with his time," Huang Lei He bowed her head once more.

The Emperor offered her a slight incline of his head before continuing his journey towards his peach blossoms.


the beautiful orchid in an empty valley noble and gentle personality

A mountain cannot turn, but a road can there is more than one way to skin a cat.  There is more than one way to get what she wants.

The heavens are high and the Emperor far away when the cat is away, the mice will play.  Without adequate supervision, they will be naughty.

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