Chapter Sixty Three - Fire Burns, Water Flows

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Within a slightly sheltered corner of the courtyard of the White Orchid Palace, two young boy's lingered away from their strict teachers and the unkind eyes of unhappy concubines.  One boy moved with agitated expression as if he was made of fire, alight with energy, unable to pause less his flame no longer burned.  He danced with random motion, brandishing a bamboo sword and fighting figment spirits only he could see.  The other boy was calm like still water, sitting legs outstretched upon the stone wall that sheltered their small haven.  In his hand he held a book of poetry, though he seemed uninterested in the words it held.

The boys were five years this past season and now as summer brought forth its lazy days and the majority of concubines hid from the rays of the sun less their fair skin colour, they claimed the courtyard as their own. Both boys shared porcelain skin, fresh and youthful, plumb as a ripe peach. Their black eyes were bright and had long black hair, the length braided and tied with silk.  Raised by one mother, though born of two wombs, they spent their days together in company of the other and were as close as brothers could be.

"Stand oh coward!" The fiery boy, spun with exaggerated flair and thrust his sword forward with all force of his small arm.

"What does my brave brother fight today?" the calm boy mocked without intent.

"The savages in the West!" The boy kicked to the height equal to his own waist, before slicing the figment in two. "Or perhaps the heathens in the heartlands.  You should join me, Yu Long."

"Perhaps later, older brother," the other said, lazily, before returning his attention to his book.

"Is the book so interesting?" The First Prince asked, he was not fond of learning script nor practicing calligraphy.  He would rather be outdoors and practice martial arts or learn the sword or bow!  They had not the teachers for the latter yet, but had snuck onto the roofs near the compound of the palace guards to watch them train.  He longed to be amongst them!

"No, the words are simple and verses ill arranged," the Second Prince sighed, but he did not put down the book, continuing to take to eye its words.  He had actually read this book once already and once was enough, his memory was exceptional having developed throughout worlds.  Indeed he was not reading, but thinking of his lost lover.  He had spent these five years not idle, learning about the new world, trying to find the man he seemed to chase endlessly.  After all, he had awoken as a babe in arms, all memories of his past lives still intact, did this not mean his lover was near?  But the only one of his age near was Jie Long and he did not believe this boy was Warren.  His heart did not beat any quicker and he did not feel that sense of wholeness as when Warren was near. And besides he had the vague feeling this boy was something else...

The First Prince paused mid-strike.  "But if it is so dull, surely then playing with me is better!"

"Shoo, shoo," Yu Long waved him away, "Teacher says that reading books need use attention, one word worth one thousand gold!"

Jie Long pouted and poked his younger brother with the tip of the bamboo sword.  "Teacher also said that reading 10,000 books is not as good as walking 10,000 steps."  Yu Long glanced down at his brother, before careful inserting a silk ribbon in between the pages he had read until.  He then placed the book upon the wall and leapt down from the wall, with a grace unknown of one his small years.  He took up the spare bamboo sword and took stance opposite his brother.  His feet were not too wide apart, one in front of the other and his spare hand held behind his back.

Jie Long grinned and poured his energies into his sword, leaping to attack his younger brother.  The other boy did not move from his spot nor made to dodge, instead his grip strong and his wrist loose, he used the bamboo sword to block the far reaching thrust.  Then as if he were holding a brush to write with rather than a sword to battle, he drew in the air before him and guided Jie Long's sword until it slipped from grasp and fell upon the courtyard grounds.  The First Prince looked in disbelief as Yu Long placed his sword next to the wall and leapt up upon it to regain the position he had left before.

"How did you do that, Yu Long!" Little brother never bothered with martial arts before?  How could he surpass him so easily?  It didn't matter to him that they were both just five years old, Wáng Jie Long was invincible in his own head!

"The heart is just a few fingers from the chest," Yu Long mentioned, lazily as he took up his book and began to read once more.  "No need to cut the whole tree when all you need is one branch."  His brother looked at him slightly confused.  "Your movement is too large, did you not see the palace guards? They moved without wasting energy."  Had he been too cruel, he was once a Hunter of another world and his experience with a sword was not little.  His blade play differed greatly to that which masters taught their students in the Empire, but to deal a blow to an inexperienced child was probably too much.

Jie Long thought about his brother's words, as he picked up the bamboo blade.  The set back did not damage his heart.  "But isn't it more interesting my way? Swooping in like a phoenix, taking out the enemy..." with each sentence he performed yet another flamboyant move.

"Saving the princess?" Yu Long asked dryly.

As the only princesses the two boys knew of were the two girls of their father's first wife and the three baby girls born in the years since their own birth, these words did not strike a cord with Jie Long.  "Ew no thank you.  Why rescue the toad when you can save a dragon?"

"And if the dragon doesn't wish to be saved?" Yu Long asked.

"Hmmm," Jie Long couldn't answer this question easily, so he said; "then we shall rescue Mother!"

Yu Long smiled, his small face blossoming like the first flowers of spring.  "Mmm," he agreed, whole heartedly.


"Feng Chun," Crown Prince Yi Jun glanced at the report his eunuch has placed before him.  "Did I not give you charge of the White Orchid Palace five years past?  Are you not competent enough to see to the flowers in my garden?  If there are weeds amongst the flower beds, simply toss them out."  He brushed aside the papers upon the writing desk with a flick of his wrist, scattering them about the floor. 

Wáng Yi Jun held three palaces upon the Imperial Grounds.  Along with the White Orchid Palace, in which he had placed his currently modest harem of flowers, his father had also gifted him the Water Lotus Palace, which housed his legal wife and her daughters and the Red Autumn Palace, where he had chosen to reside.  Wáng Yi Jun was a man who preferred still winds within his small world, disturbances could not be tolerated.  As children were born and jealousies grew, petty conflicts had begun to rise within the two Palaces of his wives and as such, he had placed his personal eunuch Feng Chun in charge to maintain peace.

Five years had indeed passed since this honour was placed before him.  Wáng Yi Jun had grown rounder, his flesh softer and features even less distinguished.  Feng Chun has grown leaner, his hair thinner and lines had begun to mark his face.  However, Feng Chun thought it his duty to keep his master abreast of situations within the harem and was used to the tantrums his master threw when he offered his reports.  The eunuch bent down and gathered the scattered papers without comment.  "Actually, your royal highness, there is no winter within the White Orchid Palace.  In fact, the latest to blossom tells me that she feels she is carrying you a new son. It is unfortunate that Tài Zi Fēi had the news told to her and sought ways to abort the foetus.  Fortunately, the eunuch she bribed with gold is loyal only to your Royal Highness."  Actually the eunuch was one of his men, but it was all the same in the end.

Wáng Yi Jun rubbed his thick fingers over his flesh filled cheeks with a heavy sigh.  "Huang Lei He seeks to be a phoenix before a flock of geese, dare she think she has rights to place herself above my wives without my permission."

"Law places the first wife before later brides," Feng Chun reminded him.

"Law also states that a man may divorce his wife for jealousy and bearing no children," came the retort.  Pity she had born two, but daughters lacked worth.

"Your Royal Highness, it would be unwise to proceed with that law," Feng Chun said, carefully.

The Crown Prince gave him a withering look, or attempted to at least for as he narrowed his eyes, they began to become lost in folds of flesh, not really intimidating. "Were she not the first daughter of the Empire's most honoured minister, her fate would have long since been sealed.  Her duty is to bear me a son, not indulge in misdeeds and try my patience."

"Speaking of sons," Feng Chun thought to place his master into a better mood.  "The teachers assigned to First Prince Wáng Jie Long and Second Prince Wáng Yu Long have offered promising words and much praise of towards the wits of both boys.  Wáng Jie Long shows much interest in the Empire's history and Wáng Yu Long shows early signs of being gifted in both calligraphy and poetry."

"I am not interested in the abilities of those boys," the Crown Prince told him.

Feng Chun was startled, almost sounding his confusion, but was quick to understand unsaid truths.  Both sons came from low born concubines, all of their status came from their father.  Should the Prince show interest, one or the other would be target of families with greater influence.  With no great backing beyond their talents, they could be considered weak, too weak to inherit the dragon throne.  That was at least what Feng Chun believed.

The truth was much colder.  His children dared mar the flowers in his garden as they swelled within their once perfect bodies.  Were it not for the Emperor and state observing closely as potential dragons were brought into the world, those weeds would have been removed upon seeding!


reading books need use attention, one word worth one thousand gold! Concentrate, words are important

reading 10,000 books is not as good as walking 10,000 steps Experience beats theory

(The above are sayings I found online, the boys use them to make points that sound well, even if they might not be entirely correct for the situation!)

No need to cut the whole tree when all you need is one branch Don't use so much effort when a little in enough (in this case, don't use the whole sword to stab a person through the heart when only a few inches are enough!)

seeks to be a phoenix before a flock of geese the Prince is saying that she seeks to be the most important woman in the harem.

(The sayings above are not from ancient China, but from this author's head hoping to emulate era and realm!)

Weeds the Prince claims anything that makes his garden imperfect is a weed. That includes his concubines children and concubines who are not perfect display items, indulging in tricks or even harmed by others tricks! He would put his legal wife into this category if he could! (Thought I should clarify this point.)

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