Chapter Thirty Four - Their Respective Dates

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Author's note; Seeing as it was requested, here is a second chapter for the day. I'll also issue another one in the wee hours of tomorrow morning. Hope to fulfil future requests when I am able! Enjoy the Chapter x.

Leilei was clearly in a foul mood and the music she produced clearly proved that.  Kez was sitting to one side dressed in a white neck high shift dress, white stocking socks and white sun hat.  The wig was a bob cut in style and an electric blue in colour.  Kez glanced over at Leilei after listening for a while.  "Um, how exactly do you want me to dance to that?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," Leilei's face crumbled.  "I know it sucks!"

"I didn't say it sucked," Kez mentioned.  "It's a bit different to your usual stuff, like night is to day, but it might be a blast to create a little Dark Wish.  But if you want that, I'd need to go shopping first for a new outfit, in the lower sector."

Leilei wrapped her arms around him.  "Aw, you always know what to say!"

"So what's the actual problem?"

"I have a date," she grumbled. 

"You can't turn it down?" Kez asked surprised.

"Social Services are insisting.  Something about the fact that I'm practically a N.E.E.T. doesn't sit well with them." 

"So when is it?"

"In about two hours."  Kez's eyebrows raised, eyes widening and he glanced over Leilei, who was wearing torn baggy jeans and a flannel shirt over a crop top.  Her navel was exposed, but contained a small round smiley face marble.

"Shouldn't you think about getting ready?"

"Eh?  Why?"


A certain manager was also sulking in an apartment that was not his own, as he was in a similar predicament.  "Take my place!"  He begged Xavier, who as a gracious host was placing small bowls of nibbles on the coffee table in front of his guests.

"No," Xavier replied.  "Suck it up, you are a big boy now."

"She might be nice," Rush said, amicably.

"My mother insisted on her," North advised.  "Doesn't that give you any clue."

"Her profile was still matches to yours," Xavier reminded him, "no matter who picked who at the end of the day.  At least she agreed to meet you."

"But she's not my type!" North insisted.

"What is your type?" Xavier asked.

"Someone low maintenance, who I don't need to take care of, for one," North snorted, grabbing a handful of snacks, before munching away at them.

"Eh, why's that?"  Rush, the man who North had to take care of, asked.  Xavier and North just looked at him, eyes rolling heavenward.


North arrived at the restaurant located a few floors above the central monorail station with plenty of time to spare.  He glanced at the digital display on his wrist several times, this would be his third first date with a selected partner and his nerves had not improved over the time.  About five minutes prior to their predetermined meeting time, a woman matching the profile image appeared.

She had long, dark hair and large blue eyes framed by a small cute face.  She was smiling and seemed calm, all positive points.  There was just one thing that he, a man standing at over six feet could not help but notice; even in high heels, she was really short.

The petite woman strained her neck as she took a good long look at her date, before offering in a clear tone; "shall we?"  North nodded and opened the door to the restaurant and held it for her to enter.  She gave a brief nod of acknowledgement, before walking in.

After an hour, the couple were laughing in a friendly way, after establishing that neither was really interested in the other, but they were already here and food was delicious, so why not enjoy it.  "I'll be honest," she said, cheerfully, "my mother picked out my dates.  They all appear to be big, strong men, like yourself.  I think she believes I need someone to take care of me!"

"My mother chose you too!" He admitted.  "But I was just avoiding choosing anyone.  My last two dates were failures."

"Is this the third failure then?" She asked, sipping at her red wine.

"But not a bad one," he replied.  "So are you interested in any of your other dates?"

"No," she said honestly.  "When the three profiles presented to you are pretty much the same, if one doesn't interest me, the others won't either, right?" She placed the glass down upon the table.  "But I do have a little proposition, if you are interested..."


Leilei was not interested in the man sitting opposite her.  Sure the food was nice, if not dead expensive for portions that Grounders would laugh at if an eatery in the lower levels were to serve, but the man before her? Not so much.  She leant her chin upon her hands, her elbows uncouthly leaning upon the table.

"I have been widowed four years," the middle aged man advised her.  "But we were unable to have children, which is my greatest regret."  No the greatest regret you should have was to let yourself go, Leilei thought unkindly as she glanced at his pot belly and thinning hair.  "I have a good position in my company and recently managed to move to the upper mid levels.  I'm sure a woman in your position would be glad to live on those floors."

Leilei tilted her head to one side.  "Not really, no."

"Surely you don't like being a Grounder!" He laughed out loud, causing several glances in their direction.

"I don't see the problem with it," she replied.

"Well, you'll understand when the children are born," he said, before stuffing a sizeable portion in his mouth.  A dangerous glint appeared in Leilei's eye and she reached over to grab her glass of orange juice, but knocked it over 'accidentally'. The juice flowed in the man's direction, causing him to jump backwards as it began to drip over the edge of the table.

"Oh, I am so, so sorry!"


"I'm sorry?" North looked surprised over her proposal.

"I said we should consider a temporary engagement," the woman, Savannah, suggested.  There was a devilish twinkle in her eye, as if she was enjoying his reaction.  "To get our mothers off our backs."

"But.. er.. well for how long?" North asked.  He admittedly wasn't opposed to the idea, but he just liked details and struggled with the unexpected.

Savannah shrugged, noncommittally.  "Until we find someone who does interest us!"  North found himself laughing helplessly.  "Oh, by the way, you managed celebrities right?"

"I'm sorry, I can't introduce you to Rush Haven or Lyon Moores..." he began

"Huh?" She looked taken aback for a brief moment before shaking her head in denial.  "Oh no no no.  If I wanted a celeb like them, I could just get engaged with Dante Night.  He was one of my profiles, you know.  Probably mum's favourite.  No, you see there is this music producer I am curious about.  D.J. Shang.  His music is just amazing!  I was wondering if you knew him!"

North stared at her for a moment.  Were all the people around him fans of underground web videos?


"Stop being mean to my big sister!" a small, but firm voice cried out as the middle aged man yelled angrily at his young date.  Leilei and the man turned to see a cute girl with black hair in pigtails and a pale blue lace dress, pointing accusingly their way.  Her hand was on her hip and she was putting on the face of a child trying to be brave, when clearly she is scared silly.  Leilei turned, hiding her muffled laughter behind her hands.

"Your profile said nothing about having a sister," The man stated.

"Ah you see," Leilei offered, "Grounders profiles tend to not be entirely accurate.  I mean which high and might official actually wants to come to our levels to check silly things like facts?"

Unable to completely dispute her, he turned back to the young girl.  "Excuse me, girl," the red faced man said.  "I was not being mean, I was teaching your sister on how to be respectful to her betters."

"You were being mean!" The girl insisted.  "You were telling her off.  Only daddy is allowed to do that!  I'm telling him, when we get back!  He'll fix you right off!"  The man tossed his napkin onto the table and angrily left the restaurant. 

"Aw, baby girl," Leilei snickered, quickly thinking about her father, who couldn't harm a fly.  "You could have let him pay first!"

Kez shrugged.  "Just give the bill to Social Services!  Talk about bad profiling!  What were they thinking trying to marry you off to that old man?!"  He said this loudly and clearly for the whole restaurant to hear.  A few of the patrons actually nodded in sympathy. 

Leilei threw her arms about her friend.  "Come on, let's get out of here!"

"After you buy me desert."

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