Chapter Thirty Seven - Must Be a Dream

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Aidan, who once was Matthew now awoke to being Rush Haven, a renown actor and entertainer, voted the fourth most wanted man in the world. But there was only one person he wanted.

Despite his fame, available information was vague when it came to Rush Haven's childhood.  His birth parents had died in an incident when he was 8 years old.  Very little was known about this incident, as there was a lot of red tape preventing the media or the curious from delving too far into it.  Rush also had no idea as he had no memory of the event nor of his birth parents.  This was because the man who was now known as Rush Haven did not exist then.  The original soul of his body had passed away in hospital not long after the incident, taking his memories with him.

Rush had then been raised by his adoptive parents, Illyana Haven and Taurus Haven.  They had doted, cared and loved the child as if he were their own. They had also encouraged him to follow them into the Entertainment circle. Illyana had been a famous pianist and her husband a consistent, if little known actor, who starred in various small parts in movies and on stage. Their lives had been happy. However, shortly after Rush's nineteenth birthday, Illyana had to be sent to a care home for a degenerative mental illness. Taurus then made the decision to annul their marriage of fourteen years, retired from the industry and remarried, starting a new family. Rush had felt hurt by his decision, straining their relationship. Even now, the pair barely spoke, the last contact being a message to congratulate him on his engagement. He wondered if he didn't put up with Honor so long due to a wish to reconnect with the man he called father, as introducing a new wife and later new child seemed a good way to start a dialogue.

The person he had become as Rush was much like the person he was as Aidan, with his lazy way of speaking, his uncaring, nearly cold attitude to things in general and the love for cooking.  The latter had been awakened in Rush due to his preference for older technologies, though Aidan would have happily allowed a robot to peel and prepare vegetables, so that he didn't have too.  Rush was slightly germaphobic, in so far that he disliked being touched, favoured cleanliness and didn't like others preparing his food.  With his acting skills, he hid these quirks from the general public and after a day of being poked and prodded by makeup artists, costume designers, fashion designers, other actors and directors, he tended to take overly long, leisurely showers.  So much so that the Water Board frequently wrote to him about his water usage being too high.  Not that they ever followed up on their threats of cutting off his supply.  For one thing he was famous and on occasion he had to film abroad so he wasn't at home then anyway.  Rush had not really inherited any of the personality traits from Matthew, unless his ability to stand in the spot light counted.  But regardless of who he was, he still loved the same man as he had for two lifetimes and waited for him in this third.

What did surprise him, though he didn't show it, was that his beloved was now a young girl. Though it didn't really matter, he loved this person no matter what form they took on.

Kez now watched his idol and dream man approach the table where he and Leilei were sitting, he dumbfounded and she a little startled that he was actually coming to talk to them. Her eyes slid over to Kez, who had frozen solid and she relaxed, enjoying his expression. Rush knelt, gentlemanly before them. "Are you Wish?" he asked, softly. Kez found himself nodding, almost against his will, before cursing inwardly that he had revealed himself. "I am a fan of yours." The boy's face reddened, the blush spreading down to his neck and collarbone.

"T-thank you!" he squeaked. Rush chuckled, warmly, melting Kez's heart all over again, just as it had when he'd first seen the trailer of his first movie, when the man before him played the barely mentionable part of construction worker b.

There was suddenly another squeal coming from the table of the suited man; the girl had stood up, knocking her chair back and clicked over on her five inch heels, hurriedly. Leilei's eyes rolled heavenward. Way to spoil the mood, she thought as the supposed Rush fan girl sped over to them. But contrary to her expectations, when the girl reached them, she paused before Leilei, a hopeful grin on her face.

"Can I help you?" Leilei asked the girl, who looked fit to burst.

"Sorry, couldn't help overhearing," the girl said, not sounding sorry at all.  "If she's Wish, does that make you D.J. Shang?"  Leilei's eyes narrowed.  Despite Rush having actually appeared, it didn't mean she could drop her guard and believe one hundred percent that this had been arranged by the man's manager, North Patterson.

"Why do you wish to know?" Leilei asked.

The girl grabbed her hands and squeezed them, before jumping up and down on the spot, slightly.  "Because I am a massive fan! Huge! Much bigger than Rush is of Wish!"

"Are not," Rush retorted, instantly, offering a glare her way. 

"Am so," she said, sticking out her tongue.  Kez and Leilei glanced at each other and cannot help but burst into laughter.  Rush's attention was immediately captured by the heartfelt sound pouring from his lover's lips and he smiled, indulgently.

Seeing the amount of attention these four people were now garnering from the workers and other patrons, North quickly rose and rushed over to them, quietly suggesting they find somewhere else to speak.  Rush nodded in agreement and taking Kez's hand, led the boy away, not allowing him to protest and made sure that Leilei would follow them.  North and Savannah left the cafe with them.  Xavier casually nudged a man sitting nearby, saying "Great impromptu performance, wasn't it?  The way actors practice these days!"  He then finished his soda, before he texted North to ask him where they had gone.  He left once he received their response.


The odd group, consisting of a world famous actor holding hands with a small Grounder girl, a petite doll-like woman clinging to the arm of a tall Grounder girl and a man in a suit moved quickly through the stations and bridges and up through elevators until they reached a large apartment on a respectable floor, though it was not as high as the condominium that Rush owned nor the maisonette the Cross family lived in. North reluctantly allowed the ragtag group into his home, his array of little housecleaning robots scattered as they entered.

The apartment was fairly standard as far as decor went, muted colours and simple paintings decorated the walls.  Adornments were sparse and there was a understated feel to it over all.  The exception to all this was the two plush faux leather sofas in the living room, which were oversized, large enough for a tall man to stretch out on, comfy enough to sink into and laze about.

Rush guided Wish into the living room and sat her down beside him, watching as she blushed. He saw Savannah do much the same with Shang, who warily looked at the petite woman starring at her.

"Does anyone want anything to drink?" North offered.

"What is your real name?" Rush asked Wish, ignoring his manager.

"I'll have coffee!" Savannah said, then turned to Shang and asked; "Do you want anything?"

"Um, Kez," Wish said, as she glanced between North and Rush before deciding who best to answer first. "May I have a glass of water?"

"I'm good," Shang said, and made an attempt to detach Savannah from her arm, but failed. North passed Kez her drink, who thanked him sincerely and took a sip just as the doorbell rang. North moved to answer it.

Rush rolled the name over in his head and decided he liked it. "How old are you?" he asked.

"Ooo a soda, if you have one," Xavier said to North, who had asked him what he wished to drink as he had let him in to the apartment.  He offered quick greetings to the four seated, before carefully deciding where to sit.  He chose to sit on the same sofa as the two girls, just a little way apart.

"Sixteen," Kez advised him, before taking a deeper drink from the glass of water she held.  Xavier looked surprised.  He thought the girl was younger.

A slight frown appeared on Rush's face.  "Have to wait two more years," he muttered beneath his breath.  Kez spat out her mouthful of water and everyone turned to stare at Rush, wide eyed over his implication.

Kez had been using a slightly higher pitched voice as he had quickly come to realise that they all thought he was female.  He hadn't been sure how best to disillusion them, after all, Rush was his all time crush and just happened to liked the videos he performed as Wish.  But if he was really suggesting... After starring at Rush for a moment, Kez realised how rude he'd just been.  Looking pitifully at North, he apologised.  "I'm really sorry!  I didn't mean...!"

"Don't be," North smiled, gently at him, before glaring at Rush.  "It's not your fault."  He quickly grabbed a dry towel to mop up, dismissing Kez's offers to help.

"I.. er.." Kez returned his attention to Rush, trying really hard not to get lost in his warm eyes, before turning helplessly to Leilei.

"Mr Haven," Leilei called to him.  "We have to tell you something.  Although Kez looks like this, um Kez is actually a boy."  All eyes fell upon the boy in surprise.  Kez blushed, immediately finding the floor of interest, but Rush didn't allow him to look away for long.  A strong digit curved beneath his chin, gently raising his face until he looked upward in reflex.

"I don't mind," Rush's smiled widened, Kez gulped as his heartbeat quickened.

"Wait," Leilei felt there needed to be some clarification.  "Before we all get the wrong end of the handle, what are you implying?  Why do you need to wait two years?"

"To marry, of course."  Kez went numb.  This was a dream right?  This sort of thing doesn't happen in real life, your idol and crush saying they wanted to marry you despite having not long met you... although admittedly most marriage meetings were like that.. but this wasn't meant to be a marriage meeting, this was just meant to be Leilei taking him out to cheer him up 'cos... what the hell is my mum going to think?!

"You, Rush Haven, want to marry my boy, Kez Manning..?" 

Rush frowned over Leilei's possessive term but said; "Yes."

"But are you not already engaged?" Leilei asked.

The man shook his head.  "Broke off the engagement earlier today."

"You did?" North, Savannah and Xavier said in unison.  Rush nodded.

"Well I didn't like her," Savannah said, openly.  "Kez would make a much better match for you.  I approve." Xavier nodded after a brief moment in agreement.  It's not like he could claim dibs and intervene, just simply because he had seen Wish's video's first.  And besides, Rush truly looked infatuated and Kez clearly had feelings for him, even if it was just idol worship.

"Woe, woe, woe, hold on. Time out!" North said, suddenly, waving his arms about dramatically.  "So you broke off your engagement to Honor Harlow?"  Rush nodded again and North whipped out his handheld to find numerous emails waiting for him, telling him to arrange a press conference, telling him to arrange it soon, telling him to hurry up and email back the details and one from Honor demanding he ignore her father's emails as she does not agree to this.  He groaned.  "Why do you always insist on doing this to me?!"

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