Chapter Twenty Five - Letter of Departure

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Dear Father and Mother, Amadeus and Nellie...

Matthew wasted near to no time in whisking his beloved away from his family home. He didn't wish for doubt to set in and for the man to change his mind, not realising that such a thing was unlikely to occur. Under the cover of night, Cornelius slipped out of the house, small luggage in hand. He mourned for the loss of his precious trinkets and gadgets, taking with him just a few tools and a couple change of outfits for his journey. He had left behind in clear sight the music box for Nellie, which would play her favourite lullaby and the pocket watch for Amadeus, which was a sturdy piece, not ostentatious as that did not suit his brother. He hoped both gifts did not meet their end due to the anger their father was sure to feel when he realised Cornelius had fled home in order not to be wed and might jeopardise his business deal.

I deeply regret that I was unable to fulfil the expectations father had for me. I could not be the son he required to succeed him and I was too interested in what I could create with my own hands than supplying items of interest to others. This marked me as a failure from the beginning.

Matthew guided Cornelius to his rented property, where he intended for them to rest until the sun peered above the horizon. Then he would send Cornelius out of town to an inn located not far south of the town with a confidant. He would join him in the afternoon, after he received the expected visitation from his neighbour.

I thought I might at least remain of some use to father and brother with my head for numbers and through my marriage. But I continue to bring disappointment; I cannot bring myself to wed for as cold a reason as for the sake of business. Neither I nor my intended are mere transactions and I fear I would come to resent her and this family in the future. And so I will choose a selfish wish...

The red-faced Mr Lincoln-Kay pounded upon his door less than twenty minutes after breakfast. His butler answered the door, but he could hear the man's roar, soon before the servant came to him to calmly advise that a Mr Lincoln-Kay was here to speak with him. He would not be guided into the drawing room, so he could only meet with him in the hallway, where he stood with the slightly grave Amadeus and the weeping Miss Nellie.

"Where is he!?" Mr Lincoln-Kay yelled even as Nellie wove past him to grasp upon Matthew's sleeve and cry into her handkerchief;

"Oh it is awful, Mr Westcott, simply awful!"

He extracted his arm from the ever opportunistic girl, patted lightly her shoulder and asked "whatever has happened?"

"It's our brother!" She began to sobbing loudly once more leading Matthew to ask if they would not be more comfortable discussing this in the drawing room.

"We do not plan to stay for long," Mr Lincoln-Kay said, shortly. "We are here to collect my son, then we will leave."

"Your son?" Matthew queried, with faux concern. "I have not seen Cornelius since last evening. We made no plans to meet for today. I assume for you all to come calling that something regarding him is amiss?"

"My brother has left home," Amadeus stated, gloomily.

It took time to convince the Lincoln-Kay father that Cornelius could not be found within his house. He even invited the man to explore the property, if he still doubted his words. The slight warning tone within his voice brought the man to his senses and he recalled that he was dealing with the favourite son of a noble family and his actions were already beyond rude. He apologised for taking up the young master's time before leaving, though Matthew could clearly hear him state how Cornelius had severely caused disruption to his plans with his foolishness. Amadeus looked darkly at the man, clearly he was the only one who was actually concerned about Cornelius. Nellie even looked loathe to leave as wasn't this the point in time Matthew ought comfort her as upset as she was?

... and seek my fortune within the city.

As it happened, Matthew was unable to take Cornelius to the city that day, he needed to quickly return to his brother-in-law's estate and rescue young Katy from an old outbuilding, as a pile of firewood had collapsed before the door effectively trapping the little girl. Tearful from fright, she took comfort in the arms of her mother and uncle, even her father attempted a few soft words, before the nanny took her back to the nursery to nap.

Please do not come to find me...

The townhouse was in an area that was becoming fashionable amongst the younger generation, seeking to spread their wings from beneath their parents shadows, though not enough so to detach themselves from the sphere of influence said parents possessed.  This made it an ideal location to meet new acquaintances and temper new relationships designed for developing their own reputations and bettering that of their families.  Seeing as the majority of these houses were home to newly wed couples and bachelors no longer wishing to live under their parents roofs, when two men moved into one property, there were naturally some speculation.  However, it was soon found that the men were cousins and one was even the favoured youngest son of the Westcotts, whom happened to venturing into the business of tea.  The man had ventured upon a series of new, intriguing blends, which happened to be both delicious and refreshing.  With capital assistance from his second brother and the aid of the cousin, who happened to be from a poor branch family but also a genius with numbers, had moved to the city to promote the teas.  The gentry women and wives of wealthy business men did enjoy when such new and exciting novelties appeared upon the market and were quickly swept into the flurry created by these blends.

..I have chosen to save you the embarrassment of my continued existence and therefore shall not use the family name...

The Lancaster's held a soirée in the spring, as the warmer days finally followed the long bleak winter that cut many estates, especially those based in the deep countryside, off from one another.  Thomas Lancaster revealed another stunning masterpiece, which he had longed for for many years, but only recently acquired.  His wife also wished to share a little something she had acquired, but it was not the fourth child now developing in her womb, though this tidbit of news did lay to rest many rumours for which Lord still took to his bed a woman he could not trust to bear and raise his children?  The women, who sought gossip and the maidens who sought marriage, instead were enchanted by a lovely music box decorated by stunning carved roses and playing a simplified version of a piano concerto.  They soon demanded their husbands and father's gift them a music box made by this craftsman, but all those men had to go by were the initial's C. E. W.

I thank you for the love and care provided all these years.  Though it seems from my current actions otherwise, I am truly grateful for everything. 

Yours sincerely, Cornelius.

His absence was felt in the Lincoln-Kay household, but his disappearance did not entirely cause the disruption he suspected, or rather, it was felt in other ways.  The marriage arrangements naturally did not proceed as planned.  Mr Charlton caused much fuss in regards to this and Mr Lincoln-Kay was quite grand in his efforts of placate the man, until his son turned around and declared that Mr Charlton had far more to lose should the families no longer do business than the Lincoln-Kay's.  Amadeus then quietly proposed to a Miss Tracy Fernbank, whom he greatly admired and whom his father disapproved of.  Amadeus would not bow to his will, thanking his brother for this courage.

As Cornelius was no longer residing in the house, Master Westcott's visits ceased and he also left town, much to the distress of Miss Nellie.  She even thought to write to Lady Lancaster enquiring about the health and whereabouts of her brother, that she might pursue him.  Fortunately, this was stopped by her mother, who decided her daughter's wilful ways needed to be curbed and the woman took the girl in hand in order to mould her into a respectable wife ready for the following season.

The System, who naturally also existed in this world discovered that Kyan had once more slipped from it's grasp and due to the connection that had been lost in the previous world and the primitive ways information was obtainable, was unable to locate him.  It's mood was grim, but there was still time to ensure the conclusion of the plots came to fruition, so it decided to continue to bide it's time.

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