Extra - Succumbing to Temptation

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Author's note; As for mentioned, this is something irrelevant and for those who enjoy rot!  Therefore if you wish not to read smut scenes between two men, please do not read and wait for tomorrow's update instead.  Hugs for all readers!

The Pirates of The Helixian Galaxy did not just have a few remote outposts and stations they used for 'business' purposes.  In fact one of the best places to hide their usually illegal operations were upon planets with large populations.  Unscrupulous authorities that happily accepted bribes would generally turn blind eyes upon the black markets operating in their midst and likewise the Pirates who had links to them.  It was just that the Sabine had two reasons not to visit these worlds often.

They flew into Carbinite's floating city port and followed instructions to dock, before about half of the crew disembarked for their short leave.  Amongst them were Swab and the kid, who he had adopted almost twelve years ago.  However with Swab's lax and sunny nature, they were more like brothers that father and son.

Zee followed Swab into the bar, where the older man followed the instructions given to him by the Captain.  The owner looked startled as he scanned the chip given to him by the man with blond hair and a bright smile.  He crushed the chip quickly in hand and instructed his workers to serve the two men whatever it was they wished to drink, before hurrying off.  Swab quickly relaxed as he sat at the bar, the offered whiskey held in a casual grip.  Zee frowned, aware that Swab would not stop drinking until he collapsed, so ordered a soda instead.  Who exactly was the father and son again?

There was a sudden giggle off to one side of them and a young woman wearing very revealing clothes sidled up to the older man.  "Excuse me," she said, in dulcet tones.  "My friends and I were wondering if you would like to join us for a drink."

Swab turned lazily around to see a group of young, attractive women staring over at him, whispering amongst themselves.  He raised his glass in agreement, before instructing Zee to wait there for the owner. 

Zee watched as Swab was surrounded by the feminine beauties and sneered.  That man would be pulling girls until he'd fall into his grave in his late two hundreds!  If, as a Pirate, he lived that long.  As he was only fifty now, he had plenty of beds to grace yet.  With a sigh, Zee turned back to his drink.

"Children shouldn't toy with alchohol," the deep voice causing a chill of pleasure to run down his spine. He peeked up through his curly blond bangs, his heart beginning to race the moment he laid eyes on that chiselled face.

He licked his suddenly dry lips. "It's soda," he replied, with a slight squeak, before turning red. Dammit, couldn't even speak properly when faced with that man's glory.

The burning eyes narrowed as he bent over to inspect the drink, before he leant back, satisfied. "I'll let you off, for the drink anyway," he said.

"Heh, I take it then you are wanting to reclaim the earring," Zee flashed him a wide grin. He hadn't once removed it since having his ear pierced to wear it. At first he was because he childishly wished to show off his booty, but later it had become a link to the man he'd become interested in.

"Yes," came the simple reply.

Zee tugged at his lobe, but did not remove the gold ornament. "That's a shame, I've grown quite attached to it."

The man bowed down until his lips were near to that ear and he murmured; "I never said I would reclaim it without the body it adorns."

"And how would you claim said body?" Zee whispered with a shiver.

"Come with me and find out."  Zee shot a surreptitious look at Swab, who was busy drowning in whiskey and the attention of those women, before nodding a nervous agreement. 

Jariden snaked his arm about Zee's slender waist guiding him outside and to his vehicle.  Zee wondered over his own madness as he entered it without argument.  Frequently, his gaze wandered to the man as the driver took them to his hotel, before being given the night off. 

Zee did not shake off the hand that groped his waist and slid over his bony hip in the name of leading him to Jariden's suite.  Even through his thin shirt, he found the touches sent delectable messages screaming over his nerves and raising his pulse.  The two men barely entered the room before they attacked each other.  Zee leapt into his arms and clung to his waist with his lithe legs, before smashing his lips onto the older man's mouth, almost causing him to fall with the impact.  The taste of iron spilled from Jariden's lower lip, but he welcomed the metallic flavour.  He hadn't dreamed that the boy he had lusted for from afar felt the same way, thinking he would need to coax this reaction from him, though he had some hope after the boy followed him willingly.

As their lips and tongues warred, Jariden attempted to regain his balance, knocking over a side table as he did so, it's contents spilling to the ground.  The momentum pushed Zee into the wall, he used it to brace his back and get more comfortable in Jariden's arms.  Jariden felt the rising of the boy's member against his stomach and growled into the boy's throat, before tearing away his lips.

Looking at the boy's mouth stained with his blood, he hurried them into the bedroom and threw them both into the plush bed that sank beneath their combined weight.  He reclaimed those lips, sucking the blood off of them before sinking his tongue into the depths of the warm mouth.  Zee whimpered as his breath was cut off in the intense kiss, his manhood tightening painfully in his jeans.  Who thought skinny jeans were a good invention anyway?

As if reading his thoughts, Jariden's hand slid down to unbutton and unzip said jeans and free his member from his underwear.  He looked at the hard object and hummed in approval before capturing it in his calloused palm.  Zee bucked beneath him, the pleasure too new and exciting.  Sure he had fapped off by himself on occasion, what teen boy didn't, but having someone else's hand wrapped around him was amazing.  Jariden's thumb slid over the sensitive head and he moaned loudly, causing the older man to smile.

Since his own erection was bothering him, why not join in the fun? He thought as he released the boy, who mewed softly his complaints having not yet cum.  Jariden pulled down the boy's jeans before unbuckling his own trousers, which fell to the floor in a heap.  He slowly unbuttoned his shirt as the boy panted, staring at him expectantly, before removing his jacket and top. It enticed Jariden so much that he tore off the last couple of buttons, which pinged against the wall in flight. He crawled back on top of the boy and pressed their hard members together and slid against him.  This new and teasing pleasure had Zee grabbing his arms, his fingers marking the strong flesh, and lifting his hips to increase the friction.

They rocked together this way for several minutes before Zee's throbbing member suddenly spilled over his chest and he fell boneless into the soft mattress.  But Jariden was not yet satisfied.  His fingers smeared the seed against Zee's chest until coated, before creeping between the boy's legs and pressing against the tight ring beneath his balls.  Zee cried out as a finger entered him, gripping Jariden's arms once more and writhing to get away, but the older man was bigger and stronger and easily suppressed him.  Still, he was not without sympathy and nuzzled into the boy's neck marking it before sinking down onto the two soft nubs in his chest.

Zee, inhaled sharpishly, his mind torn between mixed signals of pleasure and pain.  Eventually, the pleasure won out and had him moaning once more, his penis beginning to harden from renewed arousal.  A second finger was added and a third, widening him the stinging again softened by the teasing tongue and distracting pinches.  And then he was flipped about to be placed on all fours.

"Stay still," Jariden told him as he began to press his member into the tight hole.  Zee instinctively pulled away, but the man had him by his hips and dragged him back, impaling him as he did.  Tears leaked down the boy's face, scrunched up in pain.  Jariden hushed him softly and pressed light kisses upon his neck.  He kneeded the boy's nipples for a moment and waited for the moment he began to relax before slowly moving.

It still hurt, Zee could not claim otherwise, but somehow it felt right for Jariden to do this to him, as if he had been waiting a lifetime to join with the man this way.  It took a while for the pain to recede, but Jariden's machinations were skilful and he began to bring the boy to a new height of pleasure.  His thrusts continued to be long and slow, he swayed into Zee and was satisfied when he noticed the boy's hips beginning to move with him. 

He pushed harder and deeper, teasing the boy's inner walls with his thick penis until each thrust caused a moan to slip from Zee's lips.  Feeling his climax nearing, his hand once again claimed the boy's member and rubbed it in time with his thrusts.  The boy's cries began to build, longer, louder and with more heat.  Jariden could hardly keep control of his body as he hardened even more inside the boy. 

Without warning, Zee climaxed, his essence covering the sheets and his hole suddenly tightening around Jariden.  With a grunt, he quickly slammed into the boy a few more times before releasing in the warm depths.  The two men collapsed upon the bed.

"Consider yourself claimed," Jariden murmured into the boy's ear, who instantly blushed in response.  That roused Jariden's ardour and he quickly arranged the boy about him for a second round.

Sometime much later the following day, Zee wobbled out of the suite on tender legs.  It was by sheer willpower that he could walk at all.  He did not glance back, nor leave a note.  Jariden did not stop him, instead looking at the gold earring in hand wondering how long it would be before Zee realised he was actually wearing a replacement... a replacement that had a small crystal tracker embedded.  He would let the boy rest for a while, before he hunted him again.

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