Extra - When a Mummy Bot and a Daddy Bot...

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His father rose from his seat to grab a drink from the fridge and his mother asked him to grab some vegetables while he was there so she could start dinner.  Kez felt lighter than he had in a while, but he supposed it was time for his own confessions... perhaps not about Wish and the video's, no matter how it was looked at, his performances were strictly illegal.  But..

"Mum, dad, I have something I should tell you," Kez murmured and they returned their attention to him, looking slightly worried.  "It's kind of linked to the whole Rush Haven engagement break up thing as well.. no it is linked.  Um... the mystery person.. the one that he said he wanted over Honor Harlow... well..." he looked up at his parents confused expressions.  "That person is me."

There were many questions that sped through the mind of Mrs Manning following her son's claim. Was Kez joking? How was this possible? When did they meet? But what slipped from her lips was; "Rush Haven is gay??"

Both her husband and son had looked at her for several moments before the elder had frowned and the younger had burst into laughter, dissipating any nervousness that may have lingered in his body after his confession. She blushed, furiously, unable to form anymore words in her embarrassed state.

Mr Manning placed his hand upon his son's shoulder once he had calmed and said; "Care to explain?"

"Not sure where to start," Kez admitted.

"Do you want to be his partner also?" the man asked, seriously. "He's not forcing you into anything is he?" Kez felt a bubble of warmth rising in his stomach. It had been a few years since he had felt that his father truly cared about him. His mother too. He'd felt that they had been too wrapped up in their own problems to be concerned about him. In his heart, he forgave them then.

"He's not forcing me," Kez replied, smiling softly. "I.. actually.. I've never been interested in girls.  I like men.  And I've had a huge crush on Rush ever since his very early movie roles, before he was even that famous.  My best friend has always teased me for drooling over his articles. I never imagined though that I might marry him some day." A pink flush crept over his skin.

"Aw," his mother crooned, hands clasped together over a dreamy smile. "It's like a fairytale from one of those stories I used to read to you as a child! You know, the girl from the low levels, treated like a cleaning bot by her father's second family, mistaken as a different girl, who happened to be an elite man's match made partner, but he chose her in the end and they lived happily ever after in the heights..."

His father laughed. "Accept the cleaning bot is a boy who avoids housework and the man is a celebrity and there was no matchmaker!"

"So unromantic!" The woman pouted at her husband, who kissed her softly upon her plumped lips. "So, when do we get to meet him? We do get to meet him right?"

"Um, I guess, but I need to speak with him first," Kez replied as he watched his mother uncharacteristically bounce agitatedly on the spot.

"Fan girl," his father muttered. "You know, you should be a little more serious about this. We need to discuss certain things before this situation goes further."

"Like?" She paused and asked.

"Like a talk about intimacy between partners..."

Kez leapt from his chair, turning red. "Stop right there please!" He squeaked. "I do not need another talk about what happens when two bots who married each other want to produce a baby bot!" Mrs Manning sniggered. She had told that little story to her son some years ago to introduce the idea of sex. He had completely bewildered her, at the time, when he had burst into tears. She supposed it made more sense now she knew his inclinations.

Her husband also began to redden and cleared his throat with a rough cough, before lowering his voice and saying; "Actually, I was talking about the legal age for intimacy."

"Oh," Kez settled back into his chair and relaxed somewhat. "That's eighteen, right?"

"Yes, but you probably should wait until you are married," his mother sat beside him and patted his hand.

"Gees, you guys are so last decade," he muttered, as if he was going to wait a total of four years (two until he was of age and two for the engagement) to explore that sort of thing. Just kissing Rush had stirred many feelings within his body and he probably would not have stopped the man if he hadn't been such a gentleman and not taken Kez's age into consideration. "Lots of people do it during their engagement periods these days."

"Kez Manning!" His mother scolded. "Just because Rush is in the public eye and seems honourable enough, does not mean he is not the sort of person to take what he wants and then leave you behind! In fact it is especially because he is a celebrity that you need to make sure he keeps his word and marries you. No one would blame him for changing his mind half way into the engagement, you know, especially if his eye is caught by a young female elite!"

Kez's face fell and he swiftly became interested in the view of own legs. He knew what they were trying to say to him, but he trusted Rush. With that one long stare when their eyes had met for the first time, he felt that Rush would always be with him and would never hurt him, that Kez could trust him with his body and his soul. Still, he told his parents what they wanted to hear; "I understand."

His mother leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Good," she told him. "Now go clean up while I make you something to eat. Oh and when Rush next contacts you, tell him that we wish to meet him and discuss his intentions."

Kez nodded and rose from the table. As he was leaving the kitchen, his father murmured; "You know, in my grandfather's day, it was not unheard of for engagements to be formed at the age of sixteen..."

Kez smiled to himself and said softly; "thanks dad."

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