Epilogue - Part One

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Kyan looked out onto the golden sands and over the gentle waves of the indigo sea. The sky was still tinted a pale blue-green for the moment, but it would not be long before it broke into an array of autumn colours as the white sun fell below the horizon. And that was the moment that would indicate the start of his wedding.

It had been a few months in the planning, extended thanks to the heartless actions of a desperate and half-crazed woman, but today was finally the day. In the end, much of their plans were scrapped, in favour of something more discreet and simpler and in a way that was also due to Destiny. But on seeing the pebble lined pathway marked upon the sand and the primitive torches yet to be lit around the altar and seating for their few guests, Kyan had decided that it was better this way. They would not have to answer to journalists, who wanted exclusives about their wedding, yet could not help but ask how they felt about Destiny Canterbury's actions. They would not have to answer to the general public, who questioned the speed in which they were to be married and asked openly; did they not think that this was too soon after Dominic's ex-wife's death. And they would no longer suffer the interference of the Monticello Patriarch, who wanted to throw them a ridiculously large and elaborate affair in order to impress his great-grandson's future father-in-law and also to parade in front of others their new relationship. Half of the old man's guest list Kyan had no knowledge of and four-fifths Dominic had claimed were of money, but not related to him either.

Two arms wrapped around his waist and a smooth jawline nestled upon his shoulder. "What are you thinking of?" Dominic asked him, before placing a kiss upon the column of his neck.

"How this wedding plan was for the best," Kyan admitted, then added to make sure Dominic understood his meaning fully; "Everything looks perfect. I think this may even top all of our previous weddings."

"Hmmm," Dominic agreed with a cheeky smile. "Not to mention that our honeymoon also will be on this world. I look forward to claiming you out there on that beach at some point."

Kyan shivered in anticipation and tried to calm the heady reaction of his body. It seemed amazing and yet wondrous that after so many lifetimes of memories, he could still react this way to his lover and husband. Others might argue that the two short years they had spent within the Archive did not produce true memories, that these were false lifetimes, however Kyan simply had to recall the friends and family within those lifetimes to understand that they were as real as this one. Those friends and family were as sentient as those who would click their tongues in disbelief, but who were they to say otherwise when they had not experienced what he had, what Dominic had.

In that same Archive, Kyan had fallen in love over and over with the same man, only to fall all over again once he had returned to his physical body. And each time he fell, the emotion was deeper than the last. He loved this man with every fibre of his being.

The sun drifted below the horizon and Dominic now waited by the makeshift altar in a traditional style, sand coloured suit. The buttons of the jacket were undone revealing a crisp white shirt beneath. Kyan wore one that matched, but tailored for his smaller frame. They had argued over styles for almost a month, Dominic wanting to see his lover in a modern, asymmetrically fastened jacket and narrow cut trousers, but Kyan favoured the more traditional look. He always loved the fact that no matter Dominic's size or shape, he always looked good in them. The older man had given in, so long as he could pick the location that they spoke their vows. Kyan could find nothing wrong in his final choice and easily agreed.

The world was technically speaking a moon, circling the gas giant it was in orbit of at some distant. It made its seasons quite erratic with winters that were either completely dark and bitterly cold or mildly cold and the summers were just as strange, the first summer was scorching with endless sun and unbearable to human life, but the second summer was just beautiful, turning this whole moon into a tourist destination. Right now it was first spring, a mild season, coming off of a mild winter. The moon was abandoned as the sun would soon beam upon this beach for almost endless days, but that day was not today.

Kyan stepped forward along the beach, towards his heart, his two adoptive fathers seated in witness, though they were not alone. Also invited were the close friends who they had come to know, a few who were trapped in the Archive with them, Kyan's closest university friends, Dominic's parents and his older brother, Artem. It was fortunate that they had all exchanged greetings earlier, for Kyan could not see them now. In his eyes, only Dominic existed.

As he stood before his husband to be, that man's eyes began to shine, filled with happy tears and the hope of tomorrow. Their hands reached for each other's as the minister they had transported to the moon-world began to greet guests and begin the ceremony that would bind them legally in this life. Kyan barely heard the words, just as he had failed to hear them in their other weddings. But still at the appropriate time he stated; "I will" and "I do" and smiled when Dominic voiced the same. And at the ultimate moment, he did not wonder why Dominic was leaning down, his lips slightly parted as his handsome face came closer to his own. Tilting his head just a bit, he welcomed Dominic's kiss and felt both lost and satisfied as their mouths parted.

"I am pleased to introduce you all to Mr and Mr Dominic and Kyan Monticello," the minister announced and the guests clapped with enthusiasm.


Kyan graduated with first class honours at the end of the following university year and was considered amongst the top five percent of graduates.  He did not give a speech, he shied away from the honour, leaving his good friend Ryu to do so instead. 

Ryu's speech was typically short and sweet and generally consisted of; "Well done us, let's go and celebrate."

Dominic was inwardly reluctant to let him go and eat out with his friends as 'plus one's' were not invited, but he said nothing and kissed his beloved husband upon his forehead.  "Go, have fun.  I'll see you later."

And a few hours later, Dominic was nursing that husband by the toilet for even in their advanced age, alcohol would be consumed and rejected once the body had had too much of it.


Kyan returned home after an exhausting day of work.  It was not the career he'd imagined having, he'd thought he would be inventing and developing things along side his father, Orion.  Who knew that once the man had a new idea, that all other developments would be ignored, left for a few capable employees or abandoned until he returned from his bubble.  Now each time this occurred it would be Kyan who the men and women of Future Electronics would turn to.  All in all, he was generally stuck dealing with proposals, queries and complaints rather than the technical side of things.  Still, he joined the company to help his father and express his gratitude, so he wasn't entirely unhappy about it.

The scent of freshly cooked produce permeated the air and teased Kyan's tastebuds.  Tonight's meal, he could just make out the mix of spices and roasting chicken, smelled heavenly.  He had to swallow the saliva in his mouth lest it spill.

"Hey," he greeted his husband, who had just removed the chicken portions from the oven to baste and season before tossing them back into the heat.  Dominic's lips curved into a smile that took his breath away and caused his heart to pick up speed.

His husband had left Monticello Finance to focus on his photo-art, the retro media finding a wave of popularity amongst art lovers of late.  His past fame was just a small platform for him to leap from, his talent and skill was what was truly sought after, though old fans could not deny that they were also after his signature.  These days, Dominic had earned himself a following for his pictures rather than his brief foray into the entertainment industry.  Kyan was one of his most loyal fans.

"Hey," Dominic said to him.  "Dinner will be a while longer.  Want to take a shower?"

"Hmm, alright," Kyan agreed, then cast him a wicked glance filled with promise.  "Want to take one with me?"  Dominic did not deny him.

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