He Was My Brother

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He was my brother
Tears can't bring him back to me
He, he was my brother
And he died so his brother could be free
He died so his brother could be free

Fang gasped, throwing his glass away, wiping the hot tears off his eyes. He can feel sore in his eyes. He stared at the picture again. Kaizo was a legendary space rebel.

A legendary space rebel.

Kaizo hadn't been morally completely good, using force to get what he wants. In the end, his intentions had been good. He's doing what he should to not create possible enemies to the peace of all the worlds. He doesn't always show it, but he had been good.

Fang took one last smoke off the weed joint before hitting it to the ashtray, putting it out. Why did Kaizo die for him? Why? It hadn't been right, it endangers him. Logically, he can do so much more that day. He can kill them all, there were only three guys and he was trained to kill from a young age. They both were.

That's what makes it frustrating, isn't it? He can't find the answers to the puzzle that had been laid out in front of him. He knew what, he knew who, he knew when, he knew how, he knew where, but he doesn't know why.

Why did he die? Why didn't he kill the three guys when he was physically able to? Why didn't he kill the three guys when he's so accustomed to killing? Why didn't he fight back and instead surrendered? Why did he try to find a peaceful way?

Why does Fang stay on this planet, this wretched planet that had killed his brother? Why didn't he leave, when he was unwanted here? Why didn't he leave to his home planet, where everyone is like him? Why didn't he bury his brother there, side-by-side to their parents? Why didn't he bring him home, the same way he had let him stay at his home?

His home.

This is his home. His best friends had been human. His friends had been human. He goes to school on Earth and he enjoys the school here, save homework. He got his second power on Earth. He fought for the safety of Earth. He has a life on Earth.

He never visits his birth planet anymore the moment he left, save for visiting his parents' graves.

How can he even enjoy living somewhere that had drilled him to be a killing machine since he was a baby? Since they were babies? How can he enjoy living in somewhere where he was given expectations after expectations after expectations? That had been one of the main reasons why he ran away in the first place, right? Second to his parents' deaths.

He has a life here.

Genetically, that should be his home, but his heart says otherwise. His heart says 'that's not my home!' and 'this is my home!'. He has a life here, on Earth, and not there, on his birth planet.

Fang snapped his fingers. He has an idea for his new song. He might have to start writing the lyrics first, but he has the beat on his mind. The instrument can come later.

He was my brother

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