Come Together

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A/N: Don't forget that Y/N still has vampiric powers. If he fights without [The World] he will use his own power. Also, since DIO is DIO we should all know that DIO gets a lot of women...and gold...and money. Where the hell did that all go?!

Third Person POV

Jaune Arc, or rather Father Jaune, walked through the hallway with a face which showed no emotion. He had a book in his left hand and his other hand inside his pocket. His clothes were, without a doubt, similar to that of a priest. He entered a room and at the end of it, was Y/N L/N. Rather than wearing the outfit most have come to know him in, he had been wearing the outfit he had met Jade in. A sign that their time to meet will be coming shortly. Y/N had been gazing upon Vale through his large window, but he wasn't alone. His arm was out and a rather large bird had perched upon it. "Jaune, you've come back earlier than anticipated. Tell me, how was your journey."

"The path to God was a rather... interesting one."
"Oh?" Y/N chuckled as the bird screeched "Pet Shop, inform Sienna, Neo, Ilia, and Roman that we are indeed ready. I shall go to Salem and make sure she provides assistance." As Pet Shop flew away he glared at Jaune slightly, but Arc returned the same gesture.

Y/N turned around and several knives were seen around his waist "Your stand should have manifested already, yes?" Jaune nodded and [The World] appeared "Then it should have no problem catching these knives." [The World] grabbed three knives and threw them towards Jaune, but a white figure appeared, smacking one knife away and grabbing the other two. "Interesting. Very interesting."

Qrow POV

Just by looking at the clouds, I can tell that this won't be a good time or day to drink. Just my luck. Wait a minute... "What do we have here? A drunken dunce thinking to himself." I chuckled and snapped my fingers "Not drunk Ice Queen. Not today anyways." I stood up and cracked my neck "I know you can feel it in the air. Something bad is gonna happen in a little bit." I was tempted to pull out my flask, but I couldn't. I need to be on my guard.


1 hour and 15 minutes exactly. The plan will be executed and soon they will all fall. I stood in front of Salem, holding her chin up while a small blush came to her face "Salem, would you be a dear and help me take down the academies tonight? The relics that you desire shall be easier to obtain with our forces combined." I took my hand from her chin and put it on her cheek "Y-Yes... Master Y/N." I smirked and brought my lips closer to hers as an invitation for a kiss, and she gladly accepted it. As we departed lips she grabbed my hand "Ozpin... He's at Beacon correct?" I nodded and a dark look came to her face "Would you mind if I asked you a favor? Could you bring me the vessel?"

For a moment my face went straight, but then I smirked "It'll be done."

Third Person POV

The time had come and night had fallen. Y/N L/N, former adopted son of Ozpin, stood up from his throne and chuckled "Let the plan...begin." Red eyes lit up from the ceiling and The White Fang members, along with Grimm-like Bats and Moths, flew from the building and towards Beacon. "Jaune, have you gathered the sinners?" Jaune, who was standing beside Y/N's throne, closed his eyes and smirked "Indeed I have. Abusers, murderers, thieves, and rapists. All of them ready to be used for the Heaven Plan."


A/N: Short. By the way, has anyone ever seen the manga page where White Snake is using a pistol. Not a stand pistol. AN ACTUAL FUCKING PISTOL! Mista and Hol Horse have gun stands, but THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE! It's like Frieza coming to get his revenge on Goku, only to pull out a sub machine gun. Also if you're wondering why Atlas is there it's because they heard about Ozpin through Glynda. They also *SPOILER* so yeah. What? You thought I'd say it?

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