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A/N: Before we get started I'd like to ask you guys something. If I were to do a Part 2 to this with Y/N's kid would you guys read it? I mean, it wouldn't really have you as the main character, but it could be fun. S/N L/N attempting to be like his father or he could separate to his own path. What do you guys think? Make sure you share your thoughts please!

Jaune POV

I packed my things and clenched my teeth in an attempt to not sob at the current events. "Why did you lie Jaune?" I refused to turn around after hearing Nora's broken and saddened voice "We trusted you! I saw you not only as our fearless leader, but as an older brother and now you do this? Why?" I finished packing and put my hood up "Answer me Jaune!" I turned around and looked down at the floor so I could avoid her flooded eyes. "Please...I..." Her sobs got louder as I exited the room. "I always knew you were a fraud. I could see it from day one!" Why did I ever like Weiss? I didn't want to face her because I didn't want to see that disgusting look on her damn face "Well, aren't you going to say something failure?" Instead of doing what she would expect I just continued walking away "Don't ignore me!" I could her heels hit the ground. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "I said-" At this point I had lost it and have her a clean headbutt which left her staggered. Her face held a look of shock, but I hadn't cared whatsoever.


I looked up towards the ceiling as if it were the only interesting thing which had been set in this room. "Has Ozpin already gone through the reincarnation process? If so, then I must find him and end him quickly! No. No, that wouldn't work seeing as how he would come back. There must be something connected to all of this! There must be a way to break this cycle!"

"I've never seen you think this deeply." My eyes widen and I sat up immediately "JADE!" I turned my head, only to see that nobody had been there. "Has...has this all gotten to me?" I sat up and sighed, but once I did I felt a loving presence wrap their arms around me "It...It can't be." I bite my lip as tears began to well up "This can't be possible."

"Aren't you happy to see me?" I heard Jade giggle as she pulled me closer. "Why don't we share a kiss? You know, like lovers do?" She pulled my head back slightly and gave me an angelic smile. Before our lips could connect however, my eyes opened and I found myself in my room. Alone. Her touch was never here. Her lips were never close to mine. I sat up in bed, waiting for her gentle embrace, but it never came. "Dreams. Such a cruel mistress."

Time Skip

"Neo, Roman." The both of them dropped down from the ceiling and kneeled before me "Yes Master Y/N?" I flipped a page of the book I had been reading "The rogue group of White Fang members are still lead by Adam Taurus, correct?" They both nodded "Good. Bring him to me. I am in need of his group for a...rather important mission."

"Yes Master Y/N!" The both of them then transformed into a swarm of bats and went to look for the bull faunus "Soon I'll be having you in my arms once again Jade. And this time I will make sure nobody takes you from me!"

A/N: Short? I know. But in all seriousness how did you enjoy the chapter? Tell me what you guys thought and let me know where you think the story is gonna go from here.

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