The Betrayed

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"Damn you all! How dare you betray me?!" I held my bloodied leg as Jordan looked down at me. Nobody looks down on Y/N M/N L/N. "We're just following orders from Ozpin." My own adoptive father would do this to me? I can't believe such trash! "He would never! You lie!" He tilted his hat and said "You're to dangerous to be left alive Y/N. Ozpin explained all of this to us." How could he? "I won't die here!" I went to kick him, but before I did I felt my head slip from my body. How could this happen? I will have my revenge Ozpin! Not only will you feel my wrath, but anyone affiliated with Beacon or any academy!

Jordan POV

I shed some tears as I was ordered to kill the guy I saw as my brother. Even though he would deny that, we were good friends. "I'm sorry Y/N, but you had to be destroyed. If you lived on then you could have been a threat." I began to walk away, but felt that something wrapped around my throat "If you really felt that way then you should have allowed me to kill him! It's a shame that you'll have to die by my hands! Goodbye Jordan, and hello to you my new body!" I could feel myself losing consciousness. "I'm... sorry... Ruby. I've... failed you."


I don't know how I survived my head being severed, but I do know that all huntsmen and huntresses will feel my wrath. I used the knife that was in Jordan's leg and cut his head off. It was a pain getting my head on, but I would accomplish my goal. "That will take a while to heal. I can't believe I'm saying thing this, but I should lay low. Just saying that disgust me." Even though he did try to kill me I picked up Jordan's body and buried him out of respect. "You are the only person who I respected. I would say Ozpin, but that pile of living dog shit doesn't deserve it." The cuts were healing and I could feel it burning "I won't lie about this body. Jordan's aura is quite remarkable and it's healing factor is quite impressive." I also felt that something else was burning into my shoulder. I walked over one of the mirrors and saw that a rose had been marked there. "Ruby. That rose is quite familiar." I turned around, but felt the rose once again "This will be interesting." (Instead of it being a star it will be a rose.)

Ozpin POV

I began to feel uneasy but I didn't know why "Oz? You okay?" I shook my head and sighed "I don't know Qrow. I feel that something terrible may have happened." I looked out the window and began to think of my son, Y/N. I didn't want to do what I did, but it needed to be done. His heart was too far gone. "Look Oz, I know that Y/N was your kid, but what's done is done and we can't change that." Just then Ms. Rose came in "Uncle Qrow! Have you seen Jordan lately?"

"He's on a mission kid. Hey let's say that we get you some cookies huh?"
"Yeah! You're the best Uncle Qrow!" I smiled as Ms. Rose's attitude could lighten up any room.


"What can I do with this body? I don't have the same abilities as before so I need to get to know this power." While I was walking around a car was about to hit me until everything stopped. What happened? I looked around and saw that everything was frozen in place. Birds were still in mid flap while a boy was in mid jump. "It would appear that time itself has stopped." I walked out the way while time resumed. What else can this body do with my potential?

Time Skip

"Get out of my store you fucking animal!" I saw a guy kick out a female faunus while having a katana in hand "I'm sorry!" She ran off while everyone yells out insults. This is why I hate the human race. I walked into the store and the shopkeeper gave me a smile "Hello there. What do you need?" I cracked my neck "I need new clothes. Mine were torn during a battle." I went off somewhere while I thought of a way to end everyone in this village "Huntsmen are said to be heroes and yet they fail to protect the ones who are really being harmed. I make all of them feel the same pain. Damn Ningen." He came back with clothes that seemed pretty decent for this village.

"How about these?"
"Perfect. Oh and one last thing."
"Hm?" That was the last thing he said as I put my hand through his stomach "I hate racist fucks like you." I somehow drained his blood from that area and it made me feel stronger. "If only Jordan could have unlocked this body's potential." I put on the clothes and walked out. I saw the same faunus walk by and she almost fell if it weren't for me catching her. With one look at me she started crying "P-Please don't hurt me! I-I did nothing wrong!" I was about to say something, but then the people started chanting "Kill that animal!"

"One of them killed my Aunt! I want revenge."
"Butcher it!"
"Make it cry out in pain!" I closed my eyes and when I opened them time was frozen "I'll make sure I kill you first." I picked up the faunus and walked away with her. I put her down and walked towards the previous spot I was in. It's time I butcher the real animals. Filthy Ningen.

??? POV

I didn't know what happened. At first I was being held by some guy in gold and the next thing I know I'm out here. "Please! Show mercy!" I heard someone cry out for help, but then I heard nothing after a while. "Come out now. I can feel your presence." I started shaking, but I heard him sigh "I won't hurt you because you're a faunus. I killed these animals to help you out so the least you can do is come out." I walked out of the alley slowly and saw that he was sticking his fingers in a dead body "W-Why did you do that?" He just looked at me as if I said something wrong "I'm sorry!" His cracked his neck and said "Tell me your name."

"Y/N L/N."

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