Story Art ✧ Bickra, The Island of Kings

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Art by Heide Reynes

Bickra is a dead island in the southernmost part of the kingdom of Daracka. It is within the boundaries of the province of Kimara.

The explosion from the Brilliance during the Sulunese war destroyed the island and turned it into a black floating mass of land at sea with dark waters and an abysmal vortex in the sky. In recent times, it has been called the Black Island.

During the time of the old kings and the old kingdom, the palace of the old kings (powerful beings who use lakar) was situated on this island. It was the guard of Daracka against the kingdoms of the south. Lakar, the black rock that can be converted into explosive energy, was found only on this island. It was known as the Island of Kings until the Brilliance destroyed it.

After the time of the old kingdom, Bickra turned to ruins. And many years into the modern age, it became a military base where soldiers were trained.

Arana and Zahara were trained here for the purpose of infiltrating Suluna.

Master Taoro was situated here for his work on the lakar and the machine. The events on the island during the war caused the machine to destroy Bickra and everything on it.

Locations when the island was an army base:

1. West training ground - First Platoon's, under Tenyente Kumar, training grounds.

2. Barracks Camp 1

3. Outpost

4. Palace ruins

5. Master Taoro's quarters

6. Kapitan Garvan's quarters

7. Armory and arsenal

8. Mess hall and kitchens

9. Outpost

10. Barracks Camp 2

11. East Training Ground - Second Platoon's, under Tenyente Zickaro, training grounds.

12. Outpost

13. Barracks and Storage

Several wooden carvings or statues were found on Bickra while it was a military camp. These statues date back to the time of the old kingdom. Most carvings depict Maharlika. They could either be warriors of the old kingdom or the forgotten gods.

***Inspiration: In Filipino culture and folklore, wooden carvings like this are called Anito. They refer to one's ancestral spirit, nature spirits, evil or good spirits, or indigenous deities.

The ruin of the old king's palace in Bickra was one of the remains of the old kingdom.


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