Story Art ✧ The Fashion of the Maginoo

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Art by Heide Reynes

The Barong is the formal fashion of male Maginoo in Daracka. It is made of pineapple fabric and designed with intricate patterns. The designs vary depending on what the tailor sees fit, but the patterns are usually inspired by the shapes of leaves and flowers.

Reiji wears it on occasion or in public appearances. He prefers his barong in the shade of green, like the colors of Ozaro and the forests of Daracka.

***In Filipino fashion, the barong (made of pineapple fabric) is also a traditional attire worn by men on occasion.

The Mestiza is the traditional fashion of women in the Maginoo class in Daracka. It is usually made with pineapple fabric but can also be tailored with different materials. Its signature design is the large or bulbous shoulders. The beautiful patterns on the dress vary. It is usually inspired by the shapes of leaves and flowers.

The mestiza is the preferred attire of the Kahani, making her look elegant and powerful.

***In Filipino fashion, the mestiza is a modern traditional dress design.

The Kimona is a traditional blouse for Maginoo or common women in Daracka. It is made of pineapple fabric. It is worn on occasion but can also be a daily attire. It is matched with saya (skirts). The patterns sewn on the fabric vary in design, and it is inspired by the shapes of leaves and flowers.

Gat Kida prefers to wear kimona than mestiza when she is not wearing her karkan.

***In Filipino fashion, the kimona is a traditional blouse for women that is worn on occasion, and it is matched with the saya.

The Saya is the everyday skirt for women in Daracka. Maginoo and common women alike can wear them. It is usually made of pineapple fabric, but other materials can also be used to fabricate it. It is traditionally worn with the Kimona, but some also match it with simple tunics.

***In Filipino fashion, saya means skirt. Traditionally, the matching blouse and skirt are called baro't saya (baro at saya).


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