The ceremony

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Y/N hears the cry of a loftwing and light footsteps running towards them. "Link, Y/N! You found it!" Zelda's voice calls out. She stops next to Y/N "Where was it?" Y/N shakes her head "Groose and his 'buddies' had boarded it up in that shallow contour in the rock." she says pointing to the broken planks and ropes of the grass nearby.

"C'mon Link! If you want to do the ritual and become a knight then you'll have to get in a little practice!" Zelda claps her hands and calls out to him.

Link stops petting his Loftwing and looks at Zelda "She said to practice so you can make it to the ritual!" Y/N repeats, amused. Link always had his head in the clouds. Link looks at Zelda "Us? Alone?" he says stupidly.

Y/N bursts out laughing "Easy lover-boy!" she says in between giggles "I'll probably be the one up there with Zelda! No need to get jealous!" Zelda coughs "Link! Focus for once!" she chides. Y/N continues laughing "Yeah- he was focusing! Not on what you were saying but on your-" Link claps his hand on Y/N's mouth and looks at Zelda with red cheeks.

Zelda narrows her eyes "Okay, follow me to the ceremony! You'll be late!" she says finally. Y/N steps on Link's foot and he lets go. Y/N glares "Gross, Link! You just killed monsters with those hands! There could be guts on them!" 

Link rolls his eyes and wipes his hands on Y/N's sleeve, Y/N let's out an exclamation of disgust and runs onto the board and falls, whistling for her loftwing.

Link runs after her, whistling for his own Loftwing who catches him. Link smiles, his loftwing was safe and sound and they could complete the ceremony together! He pats the bird, affectionately one more time before following after Y/N and Zelda.

As he guides his Loftwing, he does indeed have a hard time keeping up with Zelda. And everyone knew Y/N could pull off the best tricks- Link intended to win but he knew Y/N would give him a run for his money. Seeing her pulling off those loop-de-loops and dives made Link a bit nervous about the race.

"This one's in the bag!" Y/N calls out to Link, who's a few meters behind her. Link smiled, Y/N's overconfidence and cockiness would be her downfall.

Link sees headmaster Gaepora and professor Owlan and commands his Loftwing into a clumsy dive, once he lands Y/N is standing tapping her toe "Could you get even slower?" she asks him. Link just salutes her cordially and stands in line. Y/N does the same, swearing to beat Link if it's the last thing she does. 

Cawlin, Stritch and Groose are already there.

Professor Owlan goes through the rules and headmaster Gaepora singles Groose out, telling him not to cheat. Groose glances at Zelda, embarrassed.


Y/N runs over to the edge, as if her life depends on it. She swiftly jumps and whistles for her loftwing. She lands on Pear before any of the others land on their loftwings, giving her a good head start. The aim to win is to catch a bird and grab the statuette in it's grasp.

The bird is a beautiful canary yellow, swift on its wings. "Piece of cake." Y/N says to herself, approaching the bird. Suddenly the bird swoops down and turns sharply. It's a turn too sharp for a loftwing to take.

Y/N curses under her breath and instructs Pear into a dive, planning to catch the bird once they level. Groose follows Y/N and urges his bird forward to overtake her, his grey loftwing scratches at Pear. "Idiot!" Y/N yells and slaps Groose, causing him to loose speed. Y/N speeds ahead using one of her loftwing's power-ups.

The key is to use the power-ups only when you are close to the bird or when trying to overtake someone, loftwings tire easily so use them wisely! 

Y/N sees the bird right below her, now's her chance! She gains a bit of altitude and then dives down, the cool wind slaps her face and her clothes whip behind her. She puts her head lower to stop the drag and her loftwing speeds ahead. And then she uses a power-up, feathers fly everywhere.

her fingers brush up against the statuette and she smiles, so close to knighthood! She reaches out to grab it but, suddenly her loftwing cried out in pain. Stritch and Groose had closed in behind her and had bumped into her bird on purpose. Y/N curses words at them as she falls, words that I shouldn't repeat-.

She falls down, Pear along with her. Y/N reaches out for her Loftwing "Pear?! PEAR!?" she screams, she looks down at the cloud barrier "WE'RE FALLING! WAKE UP!!!" her heart lurches, not in a good way. "PEAR!! PLEASE!!" Y/N yells, shaking her bird desperately, Pear's eyes are shut. There was nothing below those clouds... they'd end up falling forever.... "PLEASE!!!"

Suddenly Crimson feathers fly and Y/N falls onto something. She sits up and sees Link, he had caught her. Link and his loftwing had been soaring calmly close to the cloud barrier, daydreaming as usual.

Then she shook him "Link! What about Pear!" she looks down at her plummeting Loftwing "WHAT ABOUT HIM!" she shouts.

"It's okay," he soothes "Zelda and Professor Owlan will get him." Y/N nods, holding back her tears. He will be fine, she tells herself, Pear will be okay. And then she remembers the cause "GROOSE! YOU SON OF A-" she shrieks and then pushes Link away from his loftwing's reins. Link stares at her in bewilderment "I'm a better rider," Y/N says, not really paying attention to him.

She pulls the Crimson loftwing up so fast, It's all Link can do to hold onto Y/N's waist and hold back his scream. Link sends his prayers to the goddess Hylia and Y/N looks for the golden bird with the statuette. She spies it close to the sun, Groose close after it.

Cawlin and Stritch hurl eggs at them, in an effort to help Groose win. Y/N swiftly dodges each egg but Link isn't so lucky. He exclaims in disgust as a egg hit's him square on the head, Cawlin and Stritch high-five.

Y/N is soon neck and neck with Groose, who once again tries to jostle her. "GROOSE YOU ACTUAL IDIOT!" Groose adjusts his hair "Yes?" his bird bumps them, Link almost falls off. "You're gonna loose you dope!" Groose yells at Link.

"We will..." Y/N nods, completely agreeing.

Groose does a double take "..What-?"

Y/N nods, this time with a small grin "We would- if we didn't have POWER-UPS!" Y/N kicks Link's Loftwing's side, gently and immediately they leave Groose biting their dust. Y/N can't help saying "SO LONG, SUCKER!"

They are so close to the bird, but with all those eggs being thrown at them- Y/N can't reach. "Link, stand up!" she instructs, Link looks at her like she's crazy. "I can't reach it with all these eggs. I will dodge- while you grab it!" she explains, Link nods, understanding.

"You're done with luck!" Groose yells. Y/N looks at Link "Quick! We don't have much time!" she urges. Link stands up, holding his arms out to the sides and taking a few steps forwards. He gulps, Y/N smiles "It's okay. If you fall- I'll catch you!" she reassures him.

Link nods, and with Y/N's help and encouragement, he makes it to the front of the bird. His legs shake and he reaches out for the statuette, extending his arm as far as possible. His fingers brush the wood and Y/N uses the third and final power-up.

Link grabs it.

Everyone watching cheers. Groose cries. Y/N sees her mother among the onlookers and smiles, waving at her. Zelda cheers the loudest. 

Link takes Y/N's hand in his and holds it up in victory.


Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Stay safe!


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