The Demon Lord

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"I'm just glad that Y/N isn't here," Link whispered, as his sword clashed with that of the Demon Lord, Girahim's. Girahim licked his lips, menacingly, creeping Link out significantly.

"This guy's such a creep." Link said to no one in particular, parrying another blow. Link may have been strong, but Girahim was stronger. Every parry made Link's arm feel like it was being pulled out of its socket. He was getting tired really quickly, but he could tell it was almost over.

Fi twinkled, materialising next to the boy "I sense Y/N's aura nearby." and Link's blood ran cold. Girahim snapped his fingers, licking his lips again, and suddenly Link couldn't move. The Demon's voice was smooth "Y/N, you say?" he smirks "Sounds like a pretty name, for a pretty lady..."

Link gave Fi a side glare, facing the Demon with a scowl "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" he snarled, his eyes narrowing to slits. Girahim laughed, amused "Now, wouldn't it be a shame if she.... went missing?" his voice trailed off. Seeing Link's horrified expression, Girahim's smile only widened.

"I told her to stay in skyloft... I should have just left her there... I'm such an idiot! If she gets kidnapped by this creep- she's good as gone. Why didn't I just take her with me? Maybe then this could all be avoided... I'm such an idiot!" Link murmured to himself, seemingly in a trance, his eyes wide.

Link's heart stopped when he heard familiar, light footsteps.

"Oh Hylia, no..."

Girahim smiled, his eyes glinting "Oh yes...."

The heavy, golden door creaked open and Y/N stepped out, a little kikwi tumbling in after her. She looked at Link, who recoiled from the stinging glare in her eyes. Y/N yelled "WHAT THE HECK, LINK?! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!" her eyes were moist. She stumbled in surprise at the sight of Girahim.

"And uh... who's your new buddy?" She asked, cautiously. Machi hid behind her leg, hiding from the demon. Girahim made his sword disappear with a flare of his cape, he grinned "Allow me to introduce myself, young lady."

"What the hell?" Y/N replied, glancing at Link, still dazed. Link shook his head quickly, signalling her to back away. Of course, Y/N being Y/N, ignored him. She took a step back "I am the Demon Lord, Girahim. Heir to my master, Demise." he sauntered closer.

Link struggled, trying to break free. But it was to no avail. Y/N noticed his struggles, she turned to the Demon "Let him go!" she spat. Girahim chuckled and vanished in a puff of diamonds. Y/N ran to Link, but she still had the nagging feeling that Girahim wasn't finished.

"Link, you actual idiot!" 

Link winced at her tone, as the feeling came back in his limbs. Y/N slapped him across the face, Link recoiled back, surprised, he touched a hand to the red mark on his cheek. The girl gritted her teeth and raised her hand again, before stopping herself with a heavy sigh "Play with my feelings again and you'll get more than a slap." she said instead.

Link had a slight smile "I missed that," he admitted.

Y/N looked at him quizically "You missed being slapped?"

The boy groaned "No! I missed our banter... remember back in skyloft? The stepping stones?" he prompted. Y/N nodded closing her eyes in longing "You'd push me in for fun and laugh at me." Machi looked at the two of them, feeling like he was intruding.

The blonde let out a chuckle "And then you'd yell at me and give me the silent treatment all day." he held her hand in his gloved one, making her open her eyes "Yeah, I couldn't stay mad at you forever! Your eyes looked almost as piteous as Fledge's!" she giggled.

"SEE? You're doing it again!" She pushed him playfully, Link smirked "See? You can't stay mad!" At that, Y/N raised her hand once again, causing Link to grab it "Okay, fine!" he exclaimed "I'll stop teasing..."

Y/N seemed to look beyond him "You know... I wish things could go back to the way they were."


"With me and you racing on our loftwings, getting even with Groosey boy and you simping over Zelda..."

At this, Link scoffed "I am NOT a simp!"

Link looked her in the eye, with an unreadable look. Y/N couldn't read the emotion, nor explain why it made her heartbeat falter. Link spoke lowly "Besides..." he hesitated "I think I'm getting over it." he said, his swirling, cerulean eyes staring her own eyes down.

"..." Y/N searched for something to say, but the words dried up in her throat.

Luckily, Machi interrupted them, tugging at Y/N's trousers "Uh, guys? I think your friend's behind those doors!"

Link's eyes widened as he snapped out of his trance, he tugged at Y/N's wrist and pulled her towards the door. And all Y/N could think of was, why did she feel so... weird? Why was her heartbeat so fast? 

She wasn't paying attention.


"GIRAHIM!" Link screamed.


All she could see was a blur.


She felt a cold hand roughly pull her back by the shoulder.




She struggled, but the grip was too strong.




Then all was gone.

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