The Surface?

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Y/N had stayed in Karane's room the whole day and into the night. Karane was constantly serving her tea from the tea set in her room and talking about her obvious crush on Pipit. Y/N listened, reluctantly.

The two were currently sitting at Karane's tea table. Her room was surrounded by soft, pastel stuffed animals, mainly loftwings and remlits, and vases of flowers cluttered every nook and cranny. Flower print pillows were scattered all over the floor and ribons strung up on the walls.

Karane offered Y/N a biscuit "Sooo... What do you think of Pipit?" she asked, trying and failing to appear nonchalant. Y/N rolls her eyes "He's... nice?" she answered, not knowing how else to answer. Karane eagerly nodded, almost spilling her tea "Isn't he? He's also the most handsome, greatest and kindest-" 

Karane cut off abruptly and turned a shade of red, she sipped her tea quickly. Y/N smiled Pipit was indeed nice! He had helped them find Link's loftwing! Karane indeed had her future laid out. Everyone did, except for her.

It was quite obvious that Karane and Pipit would end up together. Link and Zelda too! Groose would probably settle for one of the village girls- not that she wanted to be with him. She gagged at the thought. But then who would she, Y/N, end up with?

The thought of spending her future alone, while her two friends became a thing was enough to make her head spin. But what would she do when she became a knight? Y/N thought that she'd go off on her loftwing and settle alone on a remote island.

It was a lonely future, indeed.

Y/N glanced at the clock, it was past 2:00 am. Link and Zelda should've met up with her by now. But it was too late- they were probably sleeping, tired from the ceremonial ritual. Her two friends really were making their way in the world...

"Where are they?" Karane asked, Y/N nodded in agreement. Y/N stood up and stretched "Well... we should be going to sleep now..." Karane yawns "Yeah, we should..." she said reluctantly. The girls were already in their night clothes. Karane had spread a mattress next to her bed for Y/N.

As Karane reached out to close the lamp, the door burst open and Link ran inside, almost tripping over a stray pillow. 

"Link!" Karane shrieks "What do you think you're doing in a girl's room in the middle of the night?!" Link rubs the back of his head in embarrassment. Y/N piped up "Has no one taught you to knock?! Honestly, Link!"

Link reaches out and knocks on the already open door Karane rolls her eyes "Come in..." but then Y/N notices his clothes.

Instead of his usual cream tunic, red sash, green trousers, boots and leather belt- he's wearing a strange get-up and an even stranger hat. A knight's outfit, Link is wearing a green knight's uniform. Though it looks different, he strangely looks good in it.

Y/N walks closer to him. If that isn't enough, instead of a training sword in his hand- he has a gleaming sword with a navy blue hilt, with the three triforces written on it. He's got a belt complete with pouches and potions- even a wooden shield.

And then realisation strikes.

"Link?" Y/N asks "Where is Zelda?" she looks behind Link, as if expecting to see Zelda hiding behind him. Link shakes his head "She-" he begins hoarsely, Link clears his throat "She's... gone." Y/N's face grows weary "B-...but where?"

Link hesitates and Y/N takes his hand in hers "You can tell us. We can help." Link doesn't nod, but he begins his tale.

"Zelda and I... we went for a flight on our loftwings after the ceremony. But then... a tornado.. took her down below the cloud barrier. I tried to save her but I fell and then woke up in my bed. Headmaster Gaepora told me to stay in bed... but I heard a voice."

"A voice? Tornado???" Karane interrupts, Y/N shuts her up with a nudge.

Link turns to Y/N and gestures to the door. Y/N nods, understanding and then says to Karane "I'll be back- Link wants to speak with me in... private." Karane nods, looking at Link as if he was crazy.

Link holds the door open for Y/N and the two step outside. Y/N stops but Link drags her downstairs, they pass Cawlin who was loitering outside, but Link doesn't stop. "Where are we going?!" Y/N asks, Link just keeps on going. "Ah! You want to go somewhere where we won't be heard!" Y/N realises.

Link opens the doors and he leads her into the garden, where at last, he stops. Y/N sits down on a rock and looks at him "Well?" she asks, looking at the bats soaring overhead, warily.

"I saw a... blue and purple lady..." Link says carefully, Y/N stared at him dumbfounded. Link continues "She had no..arms...." Y/N looks at him weirdly but doesn't say anything. "She... err, told me that her name was Fi and that I was part of a big plan along with...Zelda."

Y/N almost broke. Her two best friends? Part of an earth shaking plan? They really had left her behind...

"And ... I'm the hero chosen... by uh, Hylia... to command the... master sword...?" he said hesitantly "Do you...?" he started to ask, but then cut off. Y/N reluctantly nods "Yes, I believe you." Luckily for her, Link doesn't notice her hurt.

"Can you... show her to me?" Y/N asks. Link nods and takes out his sword "...Fi..!" he says quietly, feeling slightly embarrassed. And suddenly, Y/N hears a strange voice saying, "Yes? You called for me, Master?"

Master? Y/N almost laughs out loud.

"Uh, this is... Y/N..." Link stutters. Out of the sword comes Fi, who is exactly as Link said- she looks beautiful. "Y/N. She is your best friend and she goes to the academy with you, Master. She is known for constantly teasing and tormenting you. You have known each other for a long time" Fi recites, looking at Y/N blankly.

Y/N stares at Fi in wonder and then turns to Link "Best friend?" she teases, Link just sighs and mutters a prayer to the goddess. 

"Master. It is time to leave." Fi's voice says. 

Y/N stares at Link "Where?" Link shuffles his feet "To... save Zelda." he says uncomfortably. Y/N nods "Can I come?" she asks. Link looks at her "No." he says.



"Why not, Link?!"

"It's too dangerous."

Y/N shakes her head "It's dangerous for you too! I will not let you go on your own! Who will help you?" she protests. Link just crosses his arms and glares at her defiantly "It's not safe." he says.

Y/N rolls her eyes "Just because I'm a girl, Link?!" Link widens his eyes "Wait-! No-" Y/N doesn't let him speak "You know what?! I don't trust you to take care of yourself! Zelda is my friend too- you have to let me help you! What if something happens to you?" her eyes turn misty.

Link's gaze doesn't soften, it gets even steelier. "Alright... you can come." He says in a strange voice. "Really? Thank you!" Y/N smiles, standing up.

The two of them head inside to Y/N's room, strangely Link stays behind her and doesn't open the door for her like he always did. Fortunately, Y/N didn't notice his strange behaviour.

"You should change..." Link says in the same strange voice.

Y/N goes inside and closes the door, rummaging in her closet.

Link quickly takes a wooden plank from the wood pile next to the bathroom and jams one into Y/N's door- locking it. He looks at the door sorrowfully.

"Link!" Y/N calls out "I'm ready! Wait... Link? The door is locked...?" her voice falters. Link looks away, what had he done? But deep down he knew it was for her own good. He then left, Y/N banged on the door.

She knew what Link had done. And she hated him with every fibre of her being. She shoved the door with all the might, to no avail. She had trusted him, and this is what he had done. For the second time that day, Y/N cried.

But this time she did not fall on her bed. This time there was no Zelda to help.

A draft from the window gave her a stroke of inspiration. She opened her window further and smiled, wickedly.

She would indeed go to the surface. But not to save Link, no.

It was to save the one true friend she had, Zelda.

End of chapter

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