"Whatever you say.... Hero"

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"It's written in Hylian," Y/N explains to Gorko "It says that only the chosen hero can activate it." she squints at the writing, she straightens up "And apparently they can use it to go back to the sky." Gorko's eyes widen "Wow, thanks! If only I could see it activated though..."

Y/N rolls her eyes, knowing that it's probably Link. Who else could it be? It was cliches like these that annoyed her. Link was the one with the rare loftwing breed, so of course every one wanted him to win the race. Or at least that's what Y/N thought.

Link cleared his throat loudly, Y/N inwardly groaned "I think your 'acquaintance' is calling you." Gorko pointed out. Y/N sighs "I better go," and trudges back to the boy "Yes, your majesty?" Y/n asks him in a sarcastic tone. Link rolls his eyes, Mood, he thinks. He jabs a thumb in the direction of Faron woods and then folds his arms over his chest.

"Well excuse me, Princess!" Y/N snaps "But I was collecting valuable information about those bird statues over the-"

 "Are you here to find Zelda or to read random statues?!" Link growls. Seeing the hurt on Y/N's face, he immediately wished he could take the words back. She opens her mouth, then closes it again, deciding what to say. Her eyes water up, Y/N narrows them in a glare, trying to force the tears away. She looks at him coldly, she hardly recognises him anymore.

"Whatever you say... Hero."

Gorko glances from one to the other, wondering if he should say something or just leave. The tension between these two can be sliced with a knife. Gorko decides to just silently back away for now.

The staring contest between the two is intense. Link breaks it by casting his eyes down in guilt "Let's go," he says, his heart twists inside his chest. Y/N wordlessly nods, seeming to stare beyond him.

Link mentally slaps himself as Y/N shoulders her way to the front, leading the way. Why did he do that? Y/N was under enough pressure without him adding to her problems. He wished things could just go back to the way they used to be. He pushes a branch aside as he makes his way behind Y/N.

From the master sword, Fi wondered about the scene that just played out before her. Why were humans so complex? If they didn't consider feelings, no one would get hurt- and things would be a lot easier! Fi had served many masters, and she'd never found out the answer. And she still doesn't understand.

Link snaps out of his pit of despair when he hears Y/N gasp. Y/N is standing on a ledge, below the ledge is a 2 meter drop that leads the way to a clearing. And in that clearing there are strange red creatures that appear to be tormenting what looks like a small hedgehog.

Fi materializes "Master, those monsters are known as Bokoblins." Y/N almost laughed out loud, but stifled it "These monsters are known to parry and block when fought. Try to hit them in a blind spot, Master." Fi continues "Bokoblins are known for their unique taste in underwear. You have defeated 0 of this enemy. I therefore cannot calculate battle performance." Fi bows her head and disappears back into the goddess sword.

"Link!" Y/N points at the tiny hedgehog "We have to help it!" Link shakes his head "It's too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt." Y/N can feel her blood simmer at this statement. She jabs a finger on his chest "You are not my mother." she glares at him "And that is an innocent person- err- animal in need of help." 

"ZELDA is in need of help." Link says coolly, Y/N looks at him in disgust "I will not just stand by, Link!" she adds under her breath "And since when did you become so... cold?" Y/N says this last part with genuine concern. Link really had changed. To Y/N, it felt that she was more alone now than ever.

"Since Hylia chose me."

"Just because you're a hero you think you've got it hard?!"

"Wait-! That's not-"

"Well! Look around, Rich boy!" Y/N yells her rage out at him "My best friend has gone missing! You went to go find her and I wanted to help. And guess what?! YOU LOCKED ME IN MY OWN ROOM!" She shouts, even the bokoblins turn around to find the source of the yelling.

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry? SORRY?! You think sorry's gonna cut it, wise guy?? And then I discover that you've been chosen for an ancient prophecy- or some crap. And what's more- You could actually DIE. And you're not even letting me help you!"

Link reaches out a hand, as if trying to tame a wild animal "I told you, it's too dangerous." he says in a gentle voice.

"I tried to help you, despite you being a massive idiot! Each time I try to help, you either ignore me or insult me. I don't even recognise you, Link! One second you're sleeping in, the next you lock your best friend in her own room." She turns away from him and looks at the hedgehog "So don't think you're the only one with problems, Link."

Link feels like to kick himself. It just slipped out of his mouth. Whatever he does, seems to make the situation worse. Can't Y/N see? He's already lost Zelda, he can't loose Y/N too. 'But I AM loosing her'. he realises, hanging his head low.

Y/N jumps off the ledge, attracting the attention of the bokoblins. Link immediately runs up to the edge, his eyes widened.

Y/N feels true fear the moment she and the three bokoblins make eyes contact. She can see true bloodlust in those gleaming yellow eyes, a taste for blood and death. She can see in the way they stand, they mean her harm. They mean her death.

Y/N starts to regret her life choices.

The monsters circle her, the hedgehog looks on in fear and Link's heart stops, seeing her down there, facing them alone.

And then they jump upon her.

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